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  • e02dfbcc04dea6f6626cd6adfe750172?s=80&r=g&d=wavatar


    July 27, 2024 at 6:00 PM in reply to: Essay on Festivals

    It is always argued that the countries spend a huge part of funds in celebrating national holidays and festivals. It is agreed that the governments should plan investing the same money in education and sports. This will help a country in growth and development.

    The money spent during the festivals is misused by the people in many ways. They utilise this money to create chaos at public places. It doesn’t add value to that celebration in terms of understanding the purpose of that particular festival. Also, people just enjoy the event in

    Definitely it is a waste of money as there are many others ways to invest the money collected as funds, taxes etc. Like that can be utilised in organising workshops for people to teach them about hygiene, traffic rules to teenagers, art shows where people of any age come and display their work. This will help overall development of a country and motivate the whole community to be together.

    Lastly, I must say that it is in hands of high authorities of a country to spend funds/money wisely that add to support people in their education, growth and health sector rather than celebrating occasions by just distributing something that give relief and happiness for a short while but has no impact on the society in longterm.

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