Academic/ General writing part 2 Ipshita 8pm8
Posted by Ipshita on August 3, 2021 at 8:15 PMFor a long time, art has been considered an essential part of all cultures in the world. However, nowadays people’s values have changed, and we tend to consider science, technology and business more important than arts.
What do you think are the causes of this?
What can be done to draw people’s attention to art?
Write at least 250 words.
Ipshita replied 3 years, 1 month ago 6 Members · 11 Replies -
11 Replies
Arts are vanishing from academics and society, we need to take measures to preserve it in the society.
Firstly, Arts are linked to culture. To protect the culture, we need to encourage youngsters to study arts. Many arts like traditional singing and dancing are vanishing fast in the competitive world. arts are still part of academic in India but a smaller number of students. Though arts are part of Indian culture smaller number of students choose it as those subjects doesn’t provide many employment opportunities. Even some people in the society has started judging students who take arts which is pulling them back from choosing those streams
Secondly, Schools and Collages should make some of the art subjects mandatory for science students. This way they can preserve extinction of arts to a point. However large-scale measure like conducting interstate and inter-collage competition every year will also help students to grab the attention of science students. For example, In andhra pradesh every year there are cultural festivals held across the collages and in government offices and a day is celebrated as a cultural day.
Thirdly, Government should make it mandatory for employers in private sector to reserve some quota for art students by this way it can attract the students for choosing the art streams. Not only that, government should allocate special budget and advertise in a mass scale targeting youth about the culture and its importance.
In conclusion, it is a collective responsibility of the society to revive the arts and bring it to the old form.
Arts are vanishing from academics and society. We need to take measures to preserve them in modern society.
Firstly, arts are linked to culture. To protect the culture, we need to encourage youngsters to study arts. Many arts like traditional singing and dancing are vanishing fast in the competitive world. Arts are still part of academics in India, but a smaller number of students. Though arts are part of Indian culture smaller number of students choose them as those subjects don’t provide many employment opportunities. Even some people in society have started judging students who take arts which is pulling them back from choosing those streams
Secondly, schools and colleges should make some of the art subjects mandatory for science students. This way younger generation can preserve the extinction of arts to a point. However, large-scale measures like conducting interstate and inter-college competitions every year will also help students to grab the attention of science students. For example, In Andhra Pradesh every year there are cultural festivals held across the colleges and in government offices and a day is celebrated as a cultural day.
Thirdly, the government should make it mandatory for employers in the private sector to reserve some quota for art students by this way it can attract the students for choosing the art streams. Not only that, the government should allocate a special budget and advertise on a mass scale targeting youth about the culture and its importance.
In conclusion, it is a collective responsibility of society to revive the arts and bring them to their old form.
5.5band score
The importance of art has been waning in recent times.A few reasons for it are:
Nowadays, a career in science or technology is considered secure and well paid. The same cannot be said for arts,where only a fraction of people make it to the top. The rest not only miss out,but find it difficult to establish themselves in other fields.Basically,arts can be described as a niche field where you need to be incredibly talented, hardworking and lucky to achieve success. Therefore ,it’s not a surprise that many don’t even try as societies actively or passively discourage people from venturing into this field.
Another important factor is the lack of funding. In ancient and medieval times, many artists had the patronage of their respective Kings. They were rewarded handsomely for their works and lived lavish lives. To be a musician in the King’s court was considered a big honour.Times have changed. Governments don’t allocate enough funds to this sector for several reasons. Their primary concern is to provide for the basic needs of the people.Sadly, arts don’t fall into that category .
In today’s fast paced world, people in general don’t have time to appreciate arts. Their jobs have consumed them so much, that they don’t have spare time to watch a movie or visit a art gallery. So, it’s no surprise that movie viewership among others has fallen.An industry that can barely support itself is not one that appeals to talented artists.
It all sounds grim, but there are certain measures that if adopted can turn things around.First thing’s first, children at a young age need to be encouraged and supported if they are interested and talented in arts. Governments around the world need to allocate more funds and recognize the importance of this field. Public perception towards arts can be changed through various campaigns.
The importance of art has been waning in recent times. A few reasons for it are as follows.
Nowadays, a career in science or technology is considered secure and well paid. The same cannot be said for arts, where only a fraction of people make it to the top. The rest not only miss out but find it difficult to establish themselves in other fields. Arts can be described as a niche field where you need to be incredibly talented, hardworking and lucky to be successful. Therefore, it’s not surprising that many don’t even try as societies actively or passively discourage people from venturing into this field.
Another important factor behind the reduction in the significance of arts is the lack of funding. In ancient and medieval times, many artists had the patronage of their respective Kings. They were rewarded handsomely for their works and lived lavish lives. To be a musician in the King’s court was considered a big honour. Times have changed. Governments don’t allocate enough funds to this sector for several reasons. Their primary concern is to provide for the basic needs of the people. Sadly, arts don’t fall into that category.
In today’s fast-paced world, people don’t have time to appreciate the arts. Their jobs have consumed so much of their time, that they don’t have spare time to watch a movie or visit an art gallery. So, it’s no surprise that movie viewership among others has fallen. An industry that can barely support itself does not appeal to talented artists.
It all sounds grim, but there are certain measures that if adopted can turn things around. First thing’s first, children at a young age need to be encouraged and supported if they are interested and talented in arts. Governments around the world need to allocate more funds and recognize the importance of this field. Public perception of the arts can be changed through various campaigns.
7.5 band score
Nowadays, The importance of Arts is considered not as much it used to be appreciated back in the days. Because of Mobile phones, Information technology and financial litracy among public makes people less vulnerable towards arts. And I also believe, the dependence of the Modern Technology in day to day life is the cause of lower interest in Arts. Digitalizing Arts is the only solution.
There are many reasons behind the loss of interest in Arts by Human race. Because of digitalization and the reliance of technology by humans is the major reason behind the neglection of Arts from human beings. In present days, almost every person uses technology such as smartphones and computers. Because of this people tend to have low interest in arts. Secondly the Financial studies attract people to become rich and the same people who are attracted by Technology and Finance show less interest in arts. Because they think there is no scope in arts and studying it is not valuable. Therefore most of the people neglect Arts in present times
In conclusion, even if the importance of arts has been decreased there are many more ways to increase the awareness of general public towards arts. Which can be done by digitalizing Arts and generating awareness about physical forms of arts, through thechnology this can be the most effective way to recover Arts.
Nowadays, the importance of arts is considered not as much it used to be appreciated back in the days. Mobile phones, Information technology and financial literacy among the public makes people less vulnerable towards arts. I also believe that the dependence on modern technology in day to day life is the cause of lower interest in arts. Digitalizing Arts are the only solution.
There are many reasons behind the loss of interest in Arts by the human race. Digitalization and the reliance on technology by humans are the major reasons behind the neglect of arts from human beings. In present days, almost every person uses electronic devices such as smartphones and computers. Due to the overuse of gadgets, these people tend to have a low interest in the arts. Secondly, financial studies attract people to become rich. These people who are further attracted by technology and finance show less interest in the arts. Because they think there is no scope in arts and studying it is not valuable. Therefore most of the people neglect Arts in present times
Although the importance of arts has decreased, we can adopt ways to increase the awareness of the general public towards arts. This can be done by digitalizing arts and generating awareness about physical forms of arts, through technology this can be the most effective way to recover arts.
5.5 band score
In old time, Fine art was considered valued in the world, and we still can see lot of monuments and artifacts from different cultures which amaze people of our generation to think how someone had built this. For example, Pyramids from Egypt, Taj Mahal from India, Monalisa Painting etc. However, considering today’s need, people perspective has been changed and mostly are leaning towards modern technology, science, and business. There are several reasons of gradual decline in fine art.
First, Art has become a difficult carrier choice for most of the students, as on average it does not pay desired income, one has to face lot of struggles to make a good earning. In recent time, advancement in technologies such as computer, space, etc. have inspired youth to pursue their carrier in these fields as they get better paycheck and a great lifestyle.
Secondly, to become a great artist for a decent income, it requires great expertise. This needs a lot of focus, time from the students. They also have to face fierce competition in order to get good projects or jobs. I think this is much easier for students to do a degree in technology, science and start their carrier in this field as there are huge demands now a days for engineers and scientists. So, more and more students are making their choices in these fields.
In my view, despite there is regular drop in art’s popularity, we should promote art cultures, one way is to maintain some museums about our art history that should focus how the world class painting or structure was made despite no advancement in technology. Government should also need to give more focus in school’s curriculums for art subjects such as painting and sculpture. Parents also need to see the child’s ability, if he/she is creative and fascinated about painting then they should motivate him/her rather than discouraging.
In the past, fine art was considered valued in the world. We still can see several monuments and artefacts from different cultures which amaze people of our generation to think how someone had built this. For example, pyramids from Egypt, Taj Mahal from India, Monalisa painting etc. However, considering today’s need, people perspective has changed and, most are leaning towards modern technology, science, and business. There are several reasons for a gradual decline in fine arts.
First, art has become a difficult career choice for most students, as it does not pay desired income. One has to face a lot of struggles to make a good earning. In recent times, advancements in technologies such as computers, space, etc. have inspired youth to pursue their carrier in these fields as they get a better paycheck and a sustainable lifestyle.
Secondly, to become a great artist for a decent income requires great expertise. This needs a lot of focus, time from the students. They also have to face fierce competition to get good projects or jobs. I think this is much easier for students to do a degree in technology, science and start their carrier in this field as there are huge demands nowadays for engineers and scientists. So, more and more students are making their choices in these fields.
In my view, despite there is of a regular drop-in art’s popularity. We should promote art cultures. One of the ways to preserve arts is to maintain some museums about our art history that should focus on how the world-class painting or structure was made despite no advancement in technology. Government should focus on school’s curriculums for art subjects such as painting and sculpture. Parents also need to see the child’s ability, if he/she is creative and fascinated about painting then they should motivate him/her rather than discouraging.
6 band score
Nowadays, The importance of Arts is considered not as much it used to be appreciated back in the days. Because of Mobile phones, Information technology and financial litracy among public makes people less vulnerable towards arts. And I also believe, the dependence of the Modern Technology in day to day life is the cause of lower interest in Arts. Digitalizing Arts is the only solution.
There are many reasons behind the loss of interest in Arts by Human race. Because of digitalization and the reliance of technology by humans is the major reason behind the neglection of Arts from human beings. In present days, almost every person uses technology such as smartphones and computers. Because of this people tend to have low interest in arts. Secondly the Financial studies attract people to become rich and the same people who are attracted by Technology and Finance show less interest in arts. Because they think there is no scope in arts and studying it is not valuable. Therefore most of the people neglect Arts in present times
In conclusion, even if the importance of arts has been decreased there are many more ways to increase the awareness of general public towards arts. Which can be done by digitalizing Arts and generating awareness about physical forms of arts, through thechnology this can be most effective way to recover Arts.
Art education means different things to different people, but for me art is still the essential part of my life. Nowadays, people like to prefer the technical jobs because they feel they can make more money and secured their future, however, they are not aware of it that being good at technology or business is also an art. People tend to consider science, business, and technology more important than arts, the main cause of it is less knowledge about the professions. In our country most of the people map out the career for their kids and pressurized them to purse that and they don’t think about their kids interest, additionally we feel that if we want success and long term benefits then we should be an entrepreneur.
We need to take some initiative to spread the awareness about arts, people should know that art education encourages creativity, thinking out of the box, problem solving skills, and teamwork. We should take the interview of those who are successful in music, dance, theater and visual arts and post it in social media. Art education should be the part of curriculum where children can learn the teamwork and change the mindset. If all the academic and professional institutes develop the fundamental of art education, so everybody will understand the importance of it. Folks who are the part of arts they are living their life happily because they know how to solve the conflicts and enjoy all the small moments of their life.
In conclusion, we shouldn’t be biased for choosing the profession, instead of getting influenced by somebody’s profession we need to research and talk to the people who are already in the profession and to draw people’s attention, we must take the help of social media and post the interview of the successful artist.
rt education means different things to different people, but for me, art is still an essential part of my life. Nowadays, people like to prefer technical jobs because they feel they can make more money and secure their future, however, they are not aware that being good at technology or business is also an art. People tend to consider science, business, and technology more important than arts, the main cause of it is less knowledge about the professions. In our country, most of the people map out the career for their kids and pressurized them to pursue that and they don’t think about their kids‘ interests, additionally, we feel that if we want success and long term benefits then we should be an entrepreneur.
We need to take some initiative to spread the awareness about arts, people should know that art education encourages creativity, thinking out of the box, problem-solving skills, and teamwork. We should take the interview of those who are successful in music, dance, theatre and visual arts and post it on social media. Art education should be the part of the curriculum where children can learn teamwork and change their mindset. If all the academic and professional institutes develop the fundamental of art education, everybody would understand the importance of arts. Folks who are the part of arts they are living their life happily because they know how to solve the conflicts and enjoy all the small moments of their life.
In conclusion, we shouldn’t be biased while choosing our professional careers. Instead of getting influenced by societal prejudices, we need to research and talk to professionals. To draw people’s attention, we must take the help of social media and post the interview of the successful artist
6 band score
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