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  • Discuss any past experiences that you may have had which you still remember.

    Posted by NIL Admin on August 5, 2021 at 11:58 PM

    Talk about a previous experience that you have had in your life with details of the incident and the lesson learnt from that particular experience.

    hari replied 2 years, 9 months ago 7 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Neha

    August 6, 2021 at 12:41 AM

    There is this one incident that gets me flummoxed is the one when my family was travelling to Goa. I remember I was swamped at work, I thought I would be quashed by my HR for granting me leave but yet I could convince and take a week leave just to spend some time with my family. Everything was going great during the travel that suddenly there was a tenuous moment where the driver was perplexed by the route because the board on the way had a specious direction described on it. While taking up that route we had to go ahead sluggishly. There was a point that we all were in a fix when the driver just put a sudden break and what we saw was atrocious and I was so obtuse to get out of the car to watch that incident. That incident was where a deadly accident had taken place. I call myself stupid because I get dizzy when I see blood and knowing it I got out to see it and as I said it left me still, I felt dizzy and almost fell off the road. My parents rushed towards me and helped me settle.

    Therefore, what I have learnt from this one incident that has forsaken me is that; I have to think twice before I travel especially on the highways and be aware about my weakness. However the unpalatable fact is that I have and I am still trying hard to absolve myself from this atrocious incident.

  • Aishwarya

    August 6, 2021 at 8:31 PM

    My sister and I had been pestering our parents to take us to a picnic on the weekend, but this request was quashed by my father as he was swamped with work.Not only was our cribbing tenuous against my father’s cancelled picnic decision, but also he was very stern about the decision from the beginning. I believe if we have given up , we would not have been able to persuade him for the Sunday picnic .Although being so busy the decision to take us to picnic was unpalatable to him still he forsook his work to take us there. Normally people have the propensity to have picnicked by a popular garden, but we wanted a calm beautiful place, so we agreed to visit the rose garden. I could not sleep the whole night because I was very excited about the picnic and kept recalling if I had packed everything for tomorrow.

    We all woke up in the morning to enjoy a scrumptious meal by my mother, after which I felt very sluggish and wanted to take a nap. Our driver was 15 minutes late,so we all hurriedly loaded our bags into the car and embarked on our journey to the Rose garden. The car started making weird noises insinuating that something was wrong, thus 15 minutes into the journey our car came to a halt. Our driver cursed atrociously ,that we we were in a fix. My father flummoxed about what to do consequently decided to push the car, luckily it started. In the end, we finally made it to our destination and had a great time there.

  • Praveen

    August 6, 2021 at 11:12 PM

    It was a real incident that took place at my office location. We heard that an employee from the next block threatened his manager and tried to commit suicide due to the hectic workload from the last few months. Luckily, his colleagues realized quickly and informed the location manager about the incident. One of their team members informed their leaders about the incident through email communication and their leaders formed a committee to know the reasons and bringing out the truth behind this incident. We were communicated that employee health was fine after a day.

    On the next day, the committee talked to every associate in their team and collected complete information about the work style, behavior, and conduct of the employee and his manager. Immediately, their leaders and business HR asked to present in front of the committee both employee and his manager, and arguments started between both of them. After hearing the arguments from both ends, committee members, leaders, and business HR quashed the conviction of the manager as he was specious with his arguments and he was well-known for his natural prospenity and rude behaviour with his team members. And also manager promises to the committee was unpalatable, So, they decided and asked manager to leave the company premises by forsaking his possessions and belongings with immediate effect. They had also understood that, associate was a exemplar at his work and asset to the company. So, associate was insisted to not take those kind of actions and offered associate the help required to settle him down to normal life.

    With this, I realised the fact that treat every human being with amicable behaviour and few people may be very sensitive who needs to be handled with atmost care and behave in a professional manner and do not hurt anyone and their feelings as well.

  • Mithusha

    October 4, 2021 at 12:15 AM

    Well, this question reminds me of an event that I could never rub out from my memory. My friends and I had planned a trip on a weekend to a famous temple which lies in the southern part of India, and we scheduled our drive after work which was around 12am, although it was late all of us were excited about the tour, while our medical director had asked 3 of my friends to extend their shift and work since there was an accident nearby and were short of staff to cover. So, we all canceled and postponed the trip for another week and volunteered in the hospital.

    As it is recited, calm before the storm, one minute the emergency unit was calm, and then the next minute it was chaos. since I was a first-year general medicine postgraduate student, I was assigned with a patient in his mid-30s who was admitted with 60 percentage of burns from the accident, until then I was never exposed to the burn management unit, however, I knew the treatment plan theoretically for certain degree injuries. I instantly started to treat the patient with first aid care and paged both the primary general medic and the plastic surgeon for a review. The patient was unconscious when arrived and was allergic to multiple analgesics, it was perilous to put him on any pain killers, and I was guided by the senior medic to apply local anesthesia which I did and after 30 minutes the patient was stabilized with electrolytes and end of the day he was back to consciousness with terrible pain, he roared with loud noise and started wailing, it was thundering in the emergency room with all his sound.

    He was shifted to a cubicle to keep an eye on, the stress from this and his past anomalies triggered a cardiac arrest, and his pulse was dropping extremely, being his consultant, I was held responsible to start Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the crew from the cardiac perfusion unit has arrived within a few minutes, as a result from the weight I put on his chest, the man’s ribs starting cracking and I started feeling dubious but continued to resuscitate, the whole team got worked up after 27 minutes and that’s when a heartbeat was seen and he held my hand quickly which startled me (it was like displayed in the movies). He was equipped and transferred to the Burn – Intensive Care Unit very soon. I was drained and horrified, it took me a few hours to pull myself together and come out of the trauma. From there the patient was taken care of by the doctors in the ICU, and I only made a few visits to check the infusions and the healing of burns, he always welcomed us enthusiastically with a witty personality. After being treated for few months, he recovered with sequelae and was approved for discharge, he seemed grateful and conveyed his gratitude by throwing a small tea party for saving his life and advised me to live life without regrets and spend time for oneself which he failed to do.

    I learned 2 lessons from it, I understood even though I panicked, I acted spontaneously which made me feel proud for being a compassionate doctor and the second lesson was to live life and not just survive, since I watched a man at death’s door, it hit me hard. To be honest, I was pretty devastated for having a petrifying adventure as well as happy for delaying our trip, since we all had a new experience that day, which laid a solid foundation for our career and to treat our patients with empathy. It was indeed a rollercoaster ride but later appreciated as it was one of the most valuable experiences I had in my life and I’m sure that I will remember this even in my last days.

    • Abhinav

      October 4, 2021 at 8:23 PM

      Excellent effort Mithusha. Good creative work.

  • hari

    October 13, 2021 at 7:09 PM

    There have been a plethora of memorable incidents in my life, If I could cherry-pick one amongst them, it would certainly be the day when I first took on-stage for public speaking. It happened two years ago when I had wanted to go for public speaking and as a result, desperately surfed for various platforms. Fortunately, I bumped onto a great platform called “Toastmasters International”. Although I wanted to speak during the meetings, my introverted nature had always hindered me from going onto the stage and express myself. However, I made up my mind, mustered all my courage, and spoke for a period of 1 minute. That day, I went through a roller-coaster ride of emotions. I could feel my heart pounding. Nevertheless, as soon as I completed my speech, I felt as if I was on cloud nine. By and large, I learnt one lesson through that experience “the only way to go out, is to go through” we need to believe ourselves and take a step even if we are not sure about it. At the end of the day, we may either win or learn a lesson, we are always in a win-win situation!

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