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  • Double Question Essay

    Posted by Isha Singha on May 30, 2023 at 9:00 AM

    Some parents buy their children whatever they ask for, and allow their children to do whatever they want.

    Is this a good way to raise children?

    What consequences could this style of parenting have for children as they get older?

    gladwin replied 1 year, 2 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Khyathi

    May 30, 2023 at 5:43 PM

    These days, parents are not backing off from fulfilling their young one’s desires and also not restricting any of their doings. They are allowing the kids to do whatever they want in the name of freedom. I don’t think this is the right way of parenting and this leads to the inability of the child to be independent. This essay talks about the right way of upbringing children and the outcome of pampering in the near future.

    Firstly, rising children doesn’t mean to accept their every wish. Saying no, is very crucial in letting the kid realize what is good and what is not and also correcting them will teach them how to behave. For instance, if the young one is stealing a pen or a toy from his mate, correcting him there and then will stop him from repeating it and also becoming a thief in the coming days.

    If, parents say yes, to each and every request he/she makes and puts a blind eye in their wrong doings/behavior will surely cause intense effects in his/her adult age. When they become adults, they might lack the sense of right and wrong, struggles in making decisions not only this but also to stand as an independent individual in the society. Petting them might look like loving them but it actually spoils the young ones.

    Finally, I conclude that pampering way of upbringing may look good to the society, but it will have a huge negative impact on the children in facing the cruel world. To rise a responsible and autonomous person, the type of upbringing which has denying and rectifying is important.

    • Isha Singha

      May 30, 2023 at 10:06 PM

      These days, parents are not backing off from fulfilling their young one’s desires or restricting any of their activities. They are allowing the kids to do whatever they want in the name of freedom. I don’t think this is the right way of parenting, and this leads to the child’s inability to be independent. This essay talks about the right way to raise children and the outcome of pampering in the near future.

      Firstly, raising children doesn’t mean to accept their every wish. Saying no is crucial in letting the kid realize what is good and what is not, and correcting them will also teach them how to behave. For instance, if the young one is stealing a pen or a toy from his mate, correcting him there and then will stop him from repeating it and also becoming a thief in the coming days.

      If parents say yes, to each and every request he/she makes and turn a blind eye to their wrongdoing or behaviour, it will surely cause intense effects in his/her adult age. When they reach adulthood, they may lack a sense of right and wrong, struggle to make decisions, and struggle to stand as an independent individual in society. Petting them might look like loving them, but it actually spoils the young ones.

      Finally, I conclude that a pampering way of upbringing may look good to society, but it will have a huge negative impact on the children as they face a cruel world. To become a responsible and autonomous person, the type of upbringing that involves denying and rectifying is important.


      Check the words in bold for grammar errors.

      Well tried!

      Intro: I don’t think this is the right way of parenting, and this leads to the child’s inability to be independent. This essay talks about the right way to raise children and the outcome of pampering in the near future. You can say – However, I do not believe that this is the right approach to parenting as it can hinder a child’s ability to become independent. This essay will discuss the appropriate way to raise children and the potential consequences of excessive pampering in the future.

      First BP: Mention clearly if this is the right way to raise kids or not,then give reasons for that particular side.

      Grammatical errors.

      Bands – 3/6

  • Shree

    May 30, 2023 at 6:09 PM
    • Isha Singha

      May 30, 2023 at 10:48 PM

      2) Some parents buy their children whatever they ask for, and allow their children to do whatever they want.

      Is this a good way to raise children?

      What consequences could this style of parenting have for children as they get older?

      Nowadays, some parents give their offspring anything they wish for and grant them permission to do what they desire.
      Such parenting methods may have catastrophic effects on their child’s behaviour, and the child may view life as leisurely.
      This essay will throw some light on the negative implications of such parenting and how it hinders a child’s future.

      Permissive parenting is a poor way of raising a child, and parents need to understand the horrendous effects it has on youngsters, especially in today’s generation.Moreover, strict parenting is not the way to go, but a parent must learn to say no to their child. A child’s custodian must be firm, yet loving, as children do require affection.

      Guardians who allow their offspring to wander about without supervision are laying up troubles for their children when they get older.
      Due to such parenting, children are misguided when they are young and pick up ill-mannered behaviours that may stay with them, even in their adolescence. Another consequence of permissive parenting is that youngsters do not take their parents seriously and pay very little respect to them. Also, pampering them at a younger age may result in them being livid, even at the smallest disallowance.However, being lenient and showing affection to your offspring may cause them to propel in their lives, but permissiveness should be shown once they are mature enough to understand what is important for them.

      To summarise, being overly kind is not really beneficial to your juvenile, and being firm with them in their youth will go a long way.
      At the same time, showing affection to them and understanding your child’s thought process is pivotal for their growth.


      Coherence and cohesion: The flow of ideas in your essay could be improved by using transitional phrases or linking words to connect your sentences and paragraphs more effectively. This would enhance the readability and clarity of your essay.

      – Grammatical errors.

      – Paragraphing should be right.

      – Instead of using juvenile, use child or kid.

      Bands -3/6

  • tsering

    May 30, 2023 at 8:02 PM

    Parents do anything for their children happiness. Children’s get everything easily they asked from their parents. But, sometimes too much of anything can have negative consequences.

    Some parents are so blind that they buy everything from gadgets to branded clothes for their kids. These relying habits on their family members can have bad impact. The children developed habits of dependency on their parents for every problem instead of solving by themselves. These dependency routine carry on when they are older and this affect their work by taking their job roles for granted by not giving their 100% performance in whatever they do. . Every work they do or every product they purchase can be taken granted without knowing the value so these can cause major financial loss or sometimes these habits can cause high chance of unemployment.

    Also some parents give their children lots of money, these can cause teenage getting involved in drugs purchasing, drinking alcohol which can ruin their health, mental health and education. Most of cases like drugs trafficking, drinking while riding superbikes can be seen children born with silver spoon family since the children think that their parents will always be there for everything. This has ruined many children innocence, their future career. In these adolescence age they are unaware of what is good or bad for them so they tend to do it repeatedly even in their older times.

    Parents can buy their children anything in these World however, duty of parents is to check on their children from time to time on their behaviors, should teach importance/value of the products they are gifting to their children. Family should differentiate which product should be bought for children in different age.

    • Isha Singha

      May 31, 2023 at 7:30 PM

      Parents will do anything for their children’s happiness. Children get everything easily they ask for from their parents. But sometimes too much of anything can have negative consequences. Make your introduction clear.

      Parents choose to fulfill every desire of their children and grant them unrestricted freedom. While this approach may stem from a place of love and the desire for their children’s happiness, it can have detrimental consequences as children grow older. My writing will discuss how this type of parenting approach can make them dependent and careless.

      Some parents are so blind that they buy everything from gadgets to branded clothes for their kids. These habits of relying on family members can have a bad impact. The children developed habits of dependency on their parents for every problem instead of solving them themselves. These routines of dependency carry on when they are older, and this affects their work by taking their job roles for granted and not giving 100% performance in whatever they do. Every work they do or every product they purchase can be taken for granted without knowing the value, so these can cause major financial loss, or sometimes these habits can cause a high chance of unemployment.

      BP1 – Indulgent parenting can foster dependency in children, inhibiting their ability to solve problems independently. – Topic sentence should be clear like this.

      Also, some parents give their children lots of money, which can cause teenagers to get involved in drug purchases and drinking alcohol, which can ruin their health, mental health, and education. Most cases, like drug trafficking, drinking while riding superbikes, involve children born into a “silver spoon family since the children think that their parents will always be there for everything. This has ruined many children’s innocence, their future careers. In this adolescent age, they are unaware of what is good or bad for them, so they tend to do it repeatedly, even in their older years.

      Parents can buy their children anything in this world; however, the duty of parents is to check on their children from time to time on their behaviours, should teach the importance/value of the products they are gifting to their children. Families should differentiate which products should be bought for children of different ages.

      Grammatical errors.

      -Use connectors and use clear topic sentences.

      – Essay should be balanced and structured well.

      Bands -3/6

  • gladwin

    November 30, 2023 at 7:04 PM

    In this current scenario parenting system of humans are completely changed. They are allowing the children to do their desire consequently, they fancying the children to get their wanted one though, it’s look like a dream life for children on another hand it has a great negative impact to children at their old age.

    Most often children under eighteen doesn’t know to utilize the freedom which are given by their parents thus many parents are indulgent towards their children, however in this modern society young parents are not following the old school laws they are permitting the children to spend money in a absurd way. As a rule of thumb vehicle without brake will face an accident. In this case children are vulnerable subjects so they don’t know the real ups and downs of life. If they see life in this view they will face a problem when they fails in life so its not a good way to raise the children.

    If the children have this kind of life. At certain point of their life they don’t fell the sense of achievement. After marriage they will definitely face a lot of real life problem. The success is a fuel for humans it makes the person to be ecstatic but, for children who doesn’t face any problems in their childhood it is difficult to sense the effect of dopamine. During the middle age their life may not as like beds of roses as that they had during childhood as a result of that they will face a lot of tragedy in their real time it may result them to do negative things.

    Based on these results upcoming generations parents should change their way of raising their children it will definitely help the children life when the get older. And help them to avoid the aftereffect.

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