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  • Essay advantages and disadvantages ( Children )

    Posted by Falak on November 24, 2021 at 8:38 AM

    Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life.

    Discuss both advantages and disadvantages

    Do you think advantages of this outweigh disadvantages

    Falak replied 2 years, 11 months ago 7 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    November 24, 2021 at 5:36 PM

    The following essay will demonstrate having children too early or too late will have its own challenge and the best ti,e to have them is in the middle of it.

    If we have children very early on, this can affect higher education, when a person has kids the priorities gets shifted and we have to care for them this can affect their ability to advance their studies. It can also affect the career, as it can become difficult to switch the career for the growth. Economical impact will also be more this case as the earnings will be less, due to the experience factor. But in this case people are more energetic and can spend more time with them.

    On the other hand, if a person tries to conceive at a later age, the success rate of ever conceiving will be greatly reduced. If the plan of having kids did not succeed there will be a greater stress and a sense of regret to the parents. There is also difficulty of raising kids in this case, as a persons health will deteriorate with age. There is also possibility of loosing out time with kids due to advanced age. but there will be larger financial stability when the kids are conceived later on.

    If kids are born not so early on or too late, the probability of conceiving is also high and there will be a better financial stability for them. So i think a middle ground is the better time to have kids.

    • Falak

      November 25, 2021 at 11:04 PM

      Feedback :

      Write essay as per the structure recommended for IELTS (as discussed in class).

      Introduction should have paraphrasing sentence and outlining statement .

      Try to avoid the use of pronouns like (I, you, we , your, our) until your opinion has been asked. Keep it general and formal style of writing .

      advantages and disadvantages should be presented in distinct paragraphs , avoid overlapping of ideas.

      I would advise to reattempt the essay .

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    November 25, 2021 at 8:06 AM

    In the last two decades, most of the younger generations and newly wedded couples are not willing to have kids and are delaying the kid’s planning. This accompanies both merits and drawbacks by having the kids at the elderly age. The below essay provides supportive information on both sides of the view.

    Most importantly, for any individual, before they plan the children they need to be financially, emotionally, physically, and mentally be ready for it. In particular, if a person is not financially independent and doesn’t have enough savings then they would be struggling to provide all the necessities to the newly born kid and has to go through so much mental pressure to provide them. Furthermore, there would be a lot of expenses when a baby is born, to support the child in all the ways an individual needs to think about the financial settlement before planning kids. Along with that, even before having kids, a newly married couple has to spend some time for themselves to understand each other and develop the connection between them. This would allow them to learn, explore and accomplish the goals that both of them would like to achieve before taking up the responsibilities. Because once they have the kids, it would be difficult to travel for a longer time and also to perform any adventurous sports.

    Despite the advantages, some drawbacks are associated with the delay of having children. As a woman gets older there would be more fertility issues and in the development of the egg. To explain, fertility in women is high at the age of 18 to 24 and if a couple is planning later than that, then they need to prepare themselves for the incurred complications. In fact, in recent times the abortion rates in every country have increased at least by 30% when compared to 10 years ago and also, 20% of the babies are born with health issues. Not only the fertilization problems but only this increases the generation gaps between family members. In the early days, parents have to have children in their early 20’s so by the time the children are yet their age of marriage they would be in their 50’s, and they can support them in all the ways. But now, when a couple is having their kids in their late 30’s by the time their kids are getting married, they are in their late 60’s where parents would not be physically and mentally fit to support their children in any way.

    To conclude, even though there are some pros and cons in having kids in later life. I think the advantages overweigh the cons, every individual needs to be completely prepared in all the ways before planning children because that is when they could take proper care of children both emotionally and financially.

    • Falak

      November 25, 2021 at 11:18 PM

      if a person is not financially independent and doesn’t have enough savings then they (he) would

      This would allow them to learn, explore and accomplish the goals that both of them would like to achieve before taking up the responsibilities. Because (To illustrate) once they have the kids, it would be difficult to travel for a longer time and also to perform any adventurous sports. (the explanation could be more impressionable if presented as an example)

      parents have to (used to) have children in their early 20’s

      No example found in B.P 1

      Rest is fine , although proof reading will save you from silly errors.

      Band : 4/6

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    November 25, 2021 at 3:59 PM

    Nowadays, many couples prefer to delay starting their families until they are mentally and financially settled. While having children later in life do create some issues such as generation gap, there are more benefits than drawbacks to such a trend including providing them with a better life.

    First of all, the advantages are, such children who are born later in a couple’s life apparently experience more love and affection alongside growing up in a more financially stabilised environment. As their parents have attained a sufficient level in their career, they can take breaks adequately for raising their children, therefore, such kids are more lucky to spend time with family than others. For instance, a survey conducted among female IT engineers in India showed that most of them delayed having children in order to pursue great careers and for better financial stability. Moreover, parents can make their financial environment sound enough to provide their children with all facilities by the time they plan their family.

    On the other hand, there are some drawbacks also for such a trend which include difficulty in conception as fertility decreases with age also, the problems caused by generation gap. Naturally, as women ages, their ability to conceive also decreases. Hence, its risky to delay pregnancy to one’s thirties as many health issues can occur during and after pregnancy. Another issue being the occurrence of generation gap which can impact the bonding within the family as parents can sometimes fail to keep the pace with their children. But both of these issues can be limited with appropriate behavior along with opting for assisted reproduction.

    To conclude, even though there are some drawbacks in delaying children, they can be solved with assisted technology and behavioral changes. Hence, my opinion is that, it is always advisable to start family later in life once couples are mentally and financially prepared.

    • Falak

      November 29, 2021 at 12:32 PM

      Feedback : There is no question on the efficacy of the answer however, I would appreciate the usage of cohesive devices while providing supporting details or adding explanation as sometimes the cohesion among the sentences seems compromised.

      Band : 3.5/6

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    November 26, 2021 at 12:28 AM

    Since the last few years, most people don’t want kids in their early years. This has its own advantages and disadvantages. This essay will discuss the merits and demerits of having children in later life along with some examples and provide a logical conclusion.

    There are many advantages for people who plan a baby in their 30’s. First and foremost, they get ample time to settle in their career and to reach a desired level. As a result they are financially stable to fulfil the basic needs that are required for growing up a child. Additionally, those couples are mature enough to handle the responsibilities of their babies and react according to their needs. For example, is has been seen that parents who are in their 30’s have lots of patience and they can easily understand the problem of a child and handle that situation very well.

    On the other hand, having a baby in later life also has some disadvantages as well. Some couples face problems related to fertility because as the age of a woman increases, the rate of her fertilisation decreases. So, some of them have difficulty in conceiving. Moreover, people suffer not only from physical illnesses , but also from mental health issues. Age gap is also considered one of the negative factors because parents and children cannot share anything with each other. For example, according to a research when parents and kids have a considerable age gap then youngsters might hide their problems from their parents and reluctant to share anything. However, some fitness programs and a friendly environment at home can overcome these problems.

    In conclusion, although planning for a baby at a later age has some drawbacks like problems related to conceiving a baby and some communication gap between both generations, it has many benefits for the overall growth of kids and for their bright future. I believe these benefits of planning a baby after settling down in their career outweigh its disadvantages.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    November 27, 2021 at 6:42 PM

    Since the last few years, most people do not want kids in their early years and it has its own advantages and disadvantages. This essay will discuss the merits and demerits of this along with some examples and provide a logical conclusion. Whilst acknowledging that there are drawbacks, the essay will argue that the advantages of having children in later life outweigh the disadvantages.

    There are many advantages for people who plan a baby in their 30’s. First and foremost, they get ample time to settle in their career and to reach a desired level. As a result, they are financially stable to fulfil the basic needs that are required for growing up a child. Additionally, those couples are mature enough to handle the responsibilities of their babies and react according to their needs. For example, is has been seen that parents who are in their 30’s have lots of patience and they can easily understand the problem of a child and handle that situation very well.

    On the other hand, having a baby in later life also has some disadvantages as well. Some couples face problems related to fertility because, as the age of a woman increases, the rate of her fertilisation decreases. So, some of them have difficulty in conceiving. Moreover, people suffer not only from physical illnesses , but also from mental health issues. Age gap is also considered one of the negative factors because parents and children cannot share anything with each other. For example, according to a research when parents and kids have a considerable age gap then youngsters might start hiding their problems from their parents and reluctant to share anything. However, some fitness programs and a friendly environment at home can overcome these problems.

    In conclusion, although deciding for a baby not early age has some drawbacks like problems related to conceiving along with some communication gap between both generations. However, it has many benefits for the overall growth of kids and for their bright future. I believe these benefits of planning a baby after settling down in their career outweigh its disadvantages.

    • Falak

      November 29, 2021 at 12:19 PM

      provide a logical conclusion (not required here, doesn’t fit in the context)

      who plan a baby in their 30’s (In topic sentence , I would advise not to twist language that can create confusion or ambiguity; rather than 30’s , use some other expression/phrase)

      reach a (at) desired level

      Age gap is also considered (as) one of the negative factors when couples decide to be parents at later stages; because (resulting) parents and children cannot (not) share anything with each other.

      communication gap between both generations (at the later stage of life)

      Well-developed . Apt representation of your stand on the argument. Take above mentioned points into consideration. However, Vocabulary has room for the improvement.

      Band : 4/6

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    November 29, 2021 at 3:22 AM
    • Falak

      December 7, 2021 at 11:36 AM

      Feedback : Verbosity has been observed, repetitive usage of words and sentence structure is also the concern.

      Lexical resources need to be improved, cohesion is another area which requires attention as discussed in class.

      I would suggest to make required changes as discussed.

      Band : 3/6


    March 9, 2022 at 1:01 PM

    During this modern era, abundantly couples prefer to give birth to their descendants in the later stage of their married life. This essay highlights both positive and negative aspects of having children usually afterwards. I feel requirements enforces pairs to delay origin of their respective newborns.

    Recently, trends suggests, the option of having children at a stable career period is more viable than possessing them while career development phase. The key agenda is to achieve self targeted goals as an individual and thereafter, completely shifting focus and all necessary attention towards both physical and mental development of the toddler. Although, it would proper planning and synchronization between both of husband and wife yet it really serves well for safer and healthier upbringing of their sibling. Moreover, the increased availability of time before child’s birth allows parents to prepare themselves from financial point of view. My uncle , who comes from medical field, planned birth of our cousin in such a way that it allowed him to complete post graduation and now he is able to look after the baby, holding an honorable position and necessary financial backing to afford a convenient lifestyle for the kid.

    There are certain biological factors that prohibits delayed family planning among the couples. As observed, the life expectancy has been coming down significantly, it is suggested that partners should consult doctor in order to decide on family planning. Raising up a kid requires tremendous amount of physical and mental attentiveness. During infantry state, the toddlers are completely dependent upon their parents. It is more convenient for a youngers parents to serve their child as compared to the older one’s. My uncle tends to get terrified upon serving essential physical requirements while looking after his kid as he suggests, it would have been easier had he been young.

    In conclusion, modern demands expects parents t be versatile enough to manage upbringing of their alike as having children during the later stage does provide them enough space and time to accommodate all the essential resources for the sibling. However, care must to taken to avoid further delay in order to evade biological complications.

    • Falak

      March 20, 2022 at 5:04 PM

      In introduction, thesis statement is not highlighting your viewpoint ( as question demands; do you think merits outweigh the demerits)

      Recently, trends suggests (suggest), the option

      , it would (require) proper planning and synchronization

      well for safer and healthier upbringing of their sibling (child).

      it is more convenient for youngers (younger) parents to serve their child as compared to the older one’s (ones)

      modern demands expects (expect) parents t (to) be versatile

      sibling. – this word has been used inappropriately ; sibling means brother or sister.

      . However, care must to(be) taken

      Feedback : an effort to use different sentence structure and lexical resources is appreciated. There has been clear overall progression throughout , but there were places where use of lexical resources could establish even better cohesion ( for instance, for example etc.). Be cautious with subject – verb agreement.

      Keep writing!!

      Band: 4/6

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