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  • Essay advantages and disadvantages ( Uniform)

    Posted by Falak on December 7, 2021 at 11:42 AM

    Many organizations and companies ask their staff to wear a uniform.

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?

    Falak replied 2 years, 2 months ago 15 Members · 25 Replies
  • 25 Replies
  • Annie

    December 10, 2021 at 10:50 AM
    • Falak

      December 11, 2021 at 11:25 AM

      easily recognizing (recognize)

      As a result(,)

      such as promote (promoting) the brand

      Feedback : Great improvement , make use of punctuation marks .Keep writing!!

      Band: 4/6


    February 14, 2022 at 10:12 AM

    Today we will be discussing about professional outfits benefits and drawback in companies.

    Wearing clothes according to your job description is dependent on the nature of your job. For instance, if you are Doctor or Government employees etc., uniform is part of your employment, and you feel pride for the same. Likewise, a policeman/women wear their uniform on the job and wherever they go people around that feel safe and moreover, they know police are them to help. It is an honor to wear uniform on daily bases which you earned after lot of hard work and persistence. There are many occupations that need to wear uniforms but those in law enforcement professions are highly required. Having a uniformed law enforcement on the premises promotes peace of mind to the public.

    On the other hand, we have few disadvantages as well on this, Example, health issues ,discomfort. In the airways industry air hostesses need to wear high heels. It is not an easy job to work on a high hill no matter in which situation you are. Flight attendant jobs demand this unhealthy format although it looks presentable. Similarly, workers that wear coveralls (Jumpsuits) have to deal with troubles during restroom breaks. When responding to a call of nature, they need to completely remove the garments.

    In summary, implementing a uniform in workplaces has its fair share of advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, uniforms can promote a sense of belonging to an organization and can evoke perceptions of trust to law enforcers.

    • Falak

      February 15, 2022 at 8:56 AM

      Today we will be discussing about professional outfits benefits and drawback in companies. ( There is some definite pattern to write introduction which includes paraphrasing, outline and thesis statement, kindly follow that)

      them (there) to help.

      question was “many organizations and companies ask their staff to wear uniform”, though essay seems to go tangential with approach , its completely highlighting the personal benefits of wearing uniform. I would appreciate if you align he reasons with company perspective too, that will add coherence to essay.

      Band: 2/6


    February 14, 2022 at 12:33 PM

    Many contractors and industries demand to wear uniform from their respective staff. This essay will go through advantages like for safety purpose, equality of the workers and disadvantages would be the discomfort of staff and monotonous natures in the industries.

    There are some good points to wear uniform in the companies. Firstly, uniform plays major role towards safety of the employee as safety shoes, gloves, apron are some of the important things when there is on-field work in the industry. For example, there are various accident videos on internet due to unaware of safety measurement and this could lead to serious injury to any working individual. Secondly, if everyone from companies or organizations wear uniform on daily basis, then there will be no high tier or low tier employee and every individual will work in friendly nature. This will eventually leads to great success of companies. For illustrates, there are many industries who noted growth in their company environment after applying uniform rules to all employee.

    However, there are some disadvantages of wearing uniform like staff of the companies can feel discomfort due to safety shoes as the weight of this particular shoes is much more as compared to our regular shoes or uniform will be provided by companies so there can be quality issues and this leads to more discomfort and distract worker from their work. For example, when I joined my first company, I really struggle for many days due to weight of the safety shoes. Moreover, there will be lack of motivation due to monotonous nature in companies. As we all know outfit plays major role in our day to day life to keep ourselves active or fresh whole day.

    To summarize, there are some positive points if companies ask for uniform like employees safety, equality in the workers and there are some drawbacks namely discomfort of worker and monotonous nature in the company.

    • Falak

      February 15, 2022 at 9:33 AM

      For illustrates, (To illustrate)

      applying uniform rules to all employee. (employees)

      I really struggle (struggled)

      there are some disadvantages of wearing uniform like staff of the companies can feel discomfort due to safety shoes as the weight of this particular shoes is much more as compared to our regular shoes

      Moreover, there will be lack of motivation (owing to the fact , wearing uniform at workplace leads to) to monotonous nature in companies.

      employees (employees’) safety

      Task achievement, CC has been observed. Lexical resources need bit of attention , may use less common words . Sentence structure had limited range.

      Keep writing!!

      Band: 3.5/6

  • Nancy

    February 14, 2022 at 1:36 PM

    Customers are more inclined to do business with employees who wear the companies’ uniform. This essay will provide the advantages and disadvantages of uniform,the staff has to wear and at the end, it wii provide a logical conclusion.

    There are many advantages of uniform. Firstly, if workers wear the same uniform, they feel that they are the members of team and it will create the positive attitude towards the company and same way, it will generate the feeling of cooperation, coordination and team spirit. On the other hand, uniform provides recognition to particular brand by promoting it. For example, uniform promotes the brand name and make the company widely known amongst the general public.

    Secondly, safety is the foremost concern of all the organisations. In the fireworks department, mechanical and electrical departments, organisations provide uniform safety kits which include helmets, shield dress etc. which not only help the workers to do work safely but also helps the company in avoiding damage on the infrastructure as well as saving the expenses. On the other hand, it helps the employees to save time as wearing the same uniform on daily basis prevents employees from thinking what they have to wear today and the next day.

    Moreover,uniform creates an environment of hardwork , on the other hand,uniform becomes an obstacle in the growth of the company as well as the employees. The disadvantages of uniform are such as-

    Firstly, it prevents uniqueness of the employees. For example, employees at the workplace want to look differently on daily basis but because of the same uniform, they can’t wear the branded clothes. On the other hand, it becomes monotonous for the employees to wear the same uniform. For example- by seeing everyone is wearing the same uniform, the workplace looks dull and drab. Employees fell lethargic as they can not wear the dress of their choice.

    Additionally, the uniform provided by the company becomes the cause of discomfort as the uniform may not suit the comfort level of the employees.

    Thirdly, the uniform puts an additional cost on the company balance sheet as it has increased the operational cost.

    In conclusion, uniform creates positive as well as negative attitudes towards the company. While on one hand, it creates teamwork, equality , on the other hand, it doesn’t suit need and comfort of the employees.

    • Falak

      February 16, 2022 at 11:19 PM

      Customers are more inclined to do business with employees who wear the companies’ uniform (paraphrasing has not been done right)

      On the other hand,(moreover,) uniform provides recognition to particular brand by promoting it.

      Moreover,uniform creates an environment of hardwork , on the other hand,uniform becomes an obstacle in the growth of the company as well as the employees. (didn’t get the purpose of the sentence as statement seems to contradict itself)

      Employees fell (feel) lethargic as

      Feedback : Essay is not following the structure as discussed in the class , two body paragraphs are required (advantages and disadvantages) , rather than constructing 3-4 shorter ones.

  • Tina

    February 14, 2022 at 2:32 PM

    Requiring individuals to wear uniforms when at work in many companies and organizations has become a controversial issue in this generation. In this essay, both the advantages and disadvantages of wearing uniforms are discussed.

    There are myriads of advantages to wearing the uniform. First and foremost, standardized uniform creates a sense of belonging among workers. Some might be proud to flaunt their uniform in front of the public as if it is a symbol of pride. For instance, policemen are proud to wear their uniforms as it makes them feel respected. Secondly, uniforms are a necessary and basic etiquette that provides professionalism in the sector in which a person is working and when workers are professionally dressed, they feel more confident and behave in a user-friendly manner.

    However, there are some disadvantages to wearing uniforms. From the company’s point of view, it tends to increase the companies’ operational cost. But from the employee’s perspective, they tend to feel uncomfortable and left with no choice of their own for example, workers that wear coveralls have to deal with troubles during restroom breaks like when responding to a call of nature, they have to completely remove the garments. Oftentimes, uniforms cannot please the religious sentiments of all individuals. For instance, people who follow a certain religion might have to wear headgear all the time as a part of their belief may not be able to do so, which can negatively impact the employee- and the company relationship.

    To conclude, in light of the aforementioned advantages and disadvantages, I feel the company policy that makes uniforms mandatory is beneficial for all the stakeholders.

    • Falak

      February 16, 2022 at 11:25 PM

      well-written , exactly captured the feedback. Keep writing!!

      Band: 4/6

  • Puneet

    February 14, 2022 at 8:47 PM

    In many organizations, the uniform is a part of compulsory dress code whereas in some organizations it is not compulsory. In this paragraph, we are going to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of wearing a uniform at workplace.

    There are many advantages of wearing uniform at workplace. Firstly, uniform represents equality and wearing same uniform represents that every employee is equal in the eyes of company. For instance, in amazon warehouses, there is a uniform for every worker and it leads to more satisfaction among them. Secondly, in some cases uniform acts as a part of safety gear for employees. For example, Firefighters need to wear a particular safety gear including jackets and shoes which provides safety to them. In addition to that, there is a need of uniform in case of promotion of the company or its products like in case of salesman or saleswomen wearing the dress with the company name on it.

    Like advantages it has many disadvantages also. Primarily, sometimes uniform leads to the low esteem among the employees. For instance, when employees from top to middle level of management wears the same uniform, so it leads to the low esteem or dissatisfaction among the top level management employees. Secondly, from company’s point of view uniform increases the operational cost of the company. Sometimes uniform also hurts the religious sentiments of the people and then it creates a bad reputation of the company in the market.

    In the end, I want to conclude that uniforms should not be compulsory at workplace cause sometimes it leads to create many issues and then it leads to dissatisfaction among employees. Employees should have the right to wear whatever they want in a prescribed dress code.

    270 words

    • Falak

      February 16, 2022 at 11:47 PM

      . In addition to that, there is a need of uniform in case (in order to promote the company) of promotion of the company

      I want to conclude that uniforms should not be compulsory at workplace (advised not to give opinion , as question is not asking about it)

      Keep writing!!

      Band: 4/6

  • Sudhakar

    February 15, 2022 at 7:37 AM

    Some companies insist their employees to wear the uniform, even though it has certain advantages, it has disadvantages too. In this essay I’m going to examine the advantages and disadvantages in wearing the uniform.

    Firstly, wearing a uniform will show the unity among all employees, which brings the integrity between them. It also designates the brand of the organization or profession. For instance, doctors have attire to represent their profession. Secondly, as it separates the staff and customers, it eases the customers to approach the staff without hesitation. For example, having an uniform in shopping stores make the customers approach staff straightforward for any queries, similarly security organizations will enforce the uniform to clearly identify them.

    However, uniform has certain disadvantages like maintenance, difficult to wear during some seasons, no proper differentiation between different designations among staff. It is effortful to maintain the uniform daily. Moreover, it is painful to wear certain uniforms in some specific seasons. In addition, in some organizations there will be no separation among staff even though there are different designations. There will be no proper distinction between higher and lower designated staff, which ultimately makes them feel not respected as per their designation. For example, in technology companies like (software, electronic companies) there will be staff with different designations to represent the hierarchy, insisting all of them to wear uniform makes no difference among them, which makes them to feel dishonorable.

    To conclude, uniform fits well for some organizations, and does not suit for some other organizations, based on their services and profession.

    • Falak

      February 16, 2022 at 11:52 PM

      which brings the integrity between (among) them.

      Conclusion is not as effective as I was expecting after reading the entire essay , conclusion is actually the paraphrasing of the introduction. Question is not asking whether companies should keep the dress code or not , rather advantages and disadvantages , better to reflect this thing in conclusion.

      Band: 4/6

      Keep writing!!

  • Hemangi

    February 15, 2022 at 9:48 AM
  • Vimy

    February 15, 2022 at 9:53 PM

    Nowadays, as the globalisation is increasing most of the companies and organisations are coming up with an idea of wearing uniform for their employees or staff members to attract more customers. Thus, introducing the idea of wearing a uniform which may have its advantages as well as disadvantages. We are going to discuss about this in our essay.

    To begin with, there are several advantages of wearing uniform at workplace. Firstly, it would help in creating uniformity and equality among staff members as it won’t promote any discrimination, create a sense of togetherness towards one another and that leads to team building, strengthen unity, which is beneficial for the companies in the long run. Secondly, wearing a uniform helps an organisation promotes its brand through advertisements. As advertising in today’s era plays a crucial role in developing any business and professional work, so, wearing of uniform helps in advertising its name, brand, logo, products, professionalism. For instance, wearing formal clothes in the combination of blue and black for all the employees would inevitably create a good impression on customers and shows professionalism. Consequently, it promotes company’s name and create a goodwill. Thus, wearing a uniform helps in growth of an organisations.

    However, there are several drawbacks also, the two most prominent reasons are boredom and uneasiness. Employees wearing the same clothes everyday will be boring, which will create an environment of the boredom whereas some companies or organisation provides uniform at cheaper rates to minimise it expense on the costing of uniform which impacts the employees comfortableness and they won’t like wearing it and that affects the efficiency of employees.

    By concluding it, we can say there are some advantages of wearing of uniform on the grounds of equality and advertisement while there are some disadvantages which includes boredom and uneasiness.

    • Falak

      February 17, 2022 at 12:01 AM

      Thus, introducing the idea of wearing a uniform (which- not required) may have its advantages as well as disadvantages.

      create (creates) a goodwill

      wearing a uniform helps in growth of an organisations. (organisation)

      No example found in B.P 2

      Task achievement , coherence and cohesion with effort of varied sentence structure , appreciated. Keep up the good work!!

      Band : 4.5/6

  • Bhargav

    February 17, 2022 at 8:00 AM

    groups and organisations are enforcing their employees to put on a uniform. is this beneficial for the organisation or worker is a debating topic, however right here, i will describe a number of my views concerning this subject matter either they’re in favour or in opposite opinion of this view.

    one of the many Advantages is that carrying a uniform can distinguish personnel from unique companies and organizations, so we are able to know which company or agency the worker uniform represents . every other precise issue approximately sporting a uniform is that it could decorate the branding of agencies and the names of groups that are known to most people. In addition, wearing a uniform at work will reduce distractions and increase productivity. Often, people do not feel interested in looking at clothes like theirs, so they do not interfere with their work and may work hard. Last but not least, that wearing a uniform will help those people who are not able to choose what clothes to wear in their workplace.

    Despite the advantages mentioned above, there are disadvantages. First, it is very difficult for an employee to wear the same outfit over and over again, each getting bored and trying to avoid being uniform. This affects their performance at work. Second, a man wearing a uniform if he has a problem with certain clothes like cotton, is always upset and tries to avoid it. For one thing, he is constantly worried about their valuables stored in their clothes and eventually partially works out the damage that results in reduced productivity.

    In conclusion, it is true that many companies and organisations make their employees wear uniforms. It has some advantages and disadvantages for both companies and employees, but in my opinion, it has more positive points than negative ones, and I would encourage more companies to give their employees uniforms.

    • Falak

      February 22, 2022 at 11:53 PM

      groups (Groups)

      , i (I) will describe (discuss merits and demerits) a number of my views

      one (One) of the many Advantages (advantages)

      sporting (supporting)

      Often, people do not feel interested in looking at clothes like theirs, so they do not interfere with their work (sentence seems to contradict the context, just because of grammatical error , it is questioning the cohesion)

      trying to avoid being (wearing) uniform.

      arguments stated in body paragraphs have not been developed fully. Sentences are incomplete and certainly disturbing the overall progression throughout. Sentence structure, lexical resources and grammar accuracy should be considered.

      Band: 2.5/6


    March 21, 2022 at 6:57 PM

    Employees of multi-national companies (MNC) and organizations are now told to wear a uniform for office. there are many benefits of uniform like equality and positive development of work environment. this essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of uniform in workplace and provide a logical conclusion.

    The two main advantages of wearing a uniform is equality among employees and promotion of work environment. uniform develops a sense of equality among employees in office. In addition, it helps to motivate employees of various designations to work without differences. the most influential factor of a workplace is the environment that the employees experience. especially, it contributes to the productivity of the team. uniform instills employees with a bonding to the company or organization. thus, developing a positive and approachable work environment.

    However, uniform also has quite a few disadvantages when considering the view point of employees like loss of individuality and lack of comfort. generally, people dress up to look special and stand out among others. indeed, most people love to dress according to the occasion. uniform may demotivate employees as everyone looks the same. comfort is a major problem associated with uniform in workplace. people tend to have different clothing preferences and may not be comfortable wearing a uniform for long hours of work and it also triggers irritation. As a consequence, it may hinder the productivity of an individual in office.

    To conclude, although there are disadvatages like loss of
    individuality and lack of comfort, the benefits of uniform prove to be neccesary
    for better productivity of workplace. i believe that specific alterations to the uniform like change
    of material and size will eliminate the disadvantages

  • prashanth

    April 8, 2022 at 1:18 PM

    Most organizations and firms request their employees to wear a uniform, while it may be tedious to wear a single uniform. In this essay I will discuss both the positives and negatives of this.

    On the one hand, there will be sense of unity and all of them represent one company which boosts moral values of employees to work in harmony. However, there will less competition between workers to show case their style and most expensive outfits which can distract from work instead, they can focus on productivity which will benefit organization besides, they can reap bonuses from profits of companies.

    On the other hand, employees can feel monotonous which can affect their work efficiency. Although companies provide uniform, they deduct the amount from salary which is a turndown in my opinion. Unfortunately, they deliver 2 uniforms per year, but an employee working in a plant dress code is must and should as it is associated with safety so, it is quite difficult to maintain them. Additionally, there will be quality and size related issues as they stitch from universal dimensions. To illustrate, in Covid times companies issued cloth masks and forced employees to wear those face masks to offices which are unable to hinder entering of viruses.

    To conclude, there are fair share of advantages and disadvantages, I feel company policy with uniform is optimal for employees as it increases productivity.

  • Abhay

    May 4, 2022 at 7:53 AM

    Nowadays, as the corporations are expanding, an unvarying dress code is being promoted for their employees. This comes with some merits and demerits associated with it, which will be discussed further in the essay.

    To start with, one of the major advantages of introducing a uniform amongst the staff members is to create equality and a sense of inclusion, thus reducing discrimination based on the dressing choices. Because of the sense of belongingness, the interaction among the staff members increases, thereby increasing productivity. Secondly, a worker wearing a uniform appears to be professional at first look. Some people are hesitant at asking for help from someone who is not an employee and a uniform makes them identifiable and easy to approach. Lastly, Uniforms help in promoting the brand name. In this competing world where a lot of companies are stepping into different sectors, advertisements are becoming of utmost importance and a professional dress code with a company logo on it is a free advertisement for the brands.

    However, there are some demerits associated with it. First and foremost, with the increasing cost of living due to inflation, it can be a financial burden on the employee. Because multiple pairs will have to be purchased, some may consider it an expensive affair, therefore they may look down upon it. The second con is that if the material of the uniform is cheap and low quality, it can cause discomfort to the employee, therefore, preventing them from performing to their full potential.

    To conclude, there are a lot of advantages of uniforms like brand promotion, sense of inclusion, and professionalism but, there are some disadvantages also, such as additional expense and cheap quality, which cannot be ignored.

    • Falak

      May 5, 2022 at 8:24 AM

      Feedback : Both merits and demerits should be developed equally. No example found.

      Keep writing!!

      Band: 4/6

  • Manveen

    May 5, 2022 at 9:17 AM

    For ages, Uniform has been an irreplaceable part for all and sundry, starting from the school uniform to workplace dress. Although a group of employees might feel bored wearing it every day and the dress might be worn out, the sense of professionalism and equality is much more essential.

    On one hand, the same clothing worn by all the employees shows a professional attitude as well as non-discrimination on any basis. To put it in other words, an institution gives a well-organized lookout when all wear the same. Along with it, there is no space for segregating the workers as per any social criteria. For an instance, employees in particular dress-up are easy to approach by the customers too. Hence it is proved that uniformity in attire is a must.

    On the other hand, some people feel that wearing the same clothing every day gives them a sense of boredom and the apparel too turns faded and wearied. To add on, a few jobholders feel that the change in dress might give them more willingness to go to work. Also, putting up the same clothes every day might frazzle the fabric. For example, at numerous places, the employees are getting two different dresses to be used on alternate days. Therefore, wearing identical clothes is disliked by a few.

    To conclude, after agglomerating the aforementioned writing it is right to state that every coin has two sides like some individuals consider a uniform dressing as a burden and disapprove of it whereas the others feel that not varying outfit adds to their professional ethics also gives equivalence to the workforce.

    • Falak

      May 24, 2022 at 12:36 PM

      Good. Keep writing!!

      Band: 4/6

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