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    Posted by Anureet on August 16, 2021 at 1:27 PM

    You have just read an article in an international travel magazine which contained some information about your town that is incorrect.

    Write a letter to the editor of the magazine. In your letter:

    1) correct the information in the article

    2) explain why it is important for the magazine to give correct information

    3) suggest what the magazine should do about this situation

    Begin your letter as follows:

    Dear Sir or Madam

    Sheeba replied 2 years, 11 months ago 10 Members · 16 Replies
  • 16 Replies
  • Madhumitha

    August 16, 2021 at 3:36 PM

    Dear Sir,

    I am writing to you regarding a wrong information about my hometown, Chennai, in one of the articles of your popular magazine “The Reader’s Digest”, published on 1st August 2021, that needs your immediate attention.

    The article mentions that the airport in Chennai has only domestic travel facilities, however, it was refurbished about 3 months ago and has been extended to accommodate international travel as well, which probably you are not aware of.

    Correcting this information in your magazine is crucial since this is an international magazine, potential visitors may not consider travelling to Chennai for vacation, thinking that the place does not have room for international travel, by reading your article. This may not only affect the livelihood of many people who rely on income from tourists, but also reduce the overall revenue of our country.

    A possible way of handling this would be to correct this article with the right information and issue it in your next publication, so that visitors may read it and consider visiting my town.

    Thank you for your consideration in advance.

    Yours faithfully,

    Madhumitha Murali

    • Anureet

      August 17, 2021 at 8:59 AM

      OPENING STATEMENT: a wrong- the wrong or incorrect

      travel- tourists- you accommodate tourists not travel

      BP1: by reading- after reading

      BAND SCORE: 2/3 Keep Writing!

  • Monika

    August 16, 2021 at 4:10 PM

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am Kelly Jonas residing at 41 Mill Road, London. I am a regular reader of your international travel magazine “Travel City”. I am writing this letter to express my concern over one of the incorrect articles published last week in your magazine about Kite Festival in Selly Oak, London.

    Let me explain you the issue in detail. Your magazine states that the Kite Festival in Selly Oak is from 15th to 20th September which is incorrect, as it is from 14th to 19th September. Also it says that on last day of festival people can try various cuisines available on different food stalls absolutely free, however the food is not 100% free, but yes, there will be some discounts available. Request you to correct this information at the earliest as this kite festival attracts many tourists from all over the world. And this incorrect information would not only impact the reputation of the festival organizers but would also hamper people travel plans.

    Would you kindly consider releasing one more edition of this magazine with correct information, so that people can accordingly do their bookings and also add a foot note mentioning that the details shared in previous edition are incorrect and should be ignored.

    Looking forward to your immediate action on this problem.

    Yours faithfully,

    Kelly Jonas

    • Anureet

      August 17, 2021 at 8:55 AM

      OPENING STATEMENT: Don’t write your name or address as that comes after signing off

      BP1: of festival- of the festival

      discounts- discount

      Request you- I request you

      And this- this is the explanation or effect of your previous statement so don’t start it with a new sentence

      people travel- travel plans of people or people’s

      BP 2: Would you kindly: I would request you to kindly consider

      Make separate paragraphs on each prompt and add relevant details

      BAND SCORE: 1.5/3 Keep Writing!

  • jaidheesh

    August 17, 2021 at 2:50 PM

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing this letter to bring to your notice the incorrect information in July issue of your magazine about my city.

    The article you wrote about my city Abu Dhabi was well detailed and elaborated beautifully but there are some inaccuracies in its origin story. In your magazine, it was written that the city’s main source of income was by trade. This information is wrong as the city got its name and fame from the oil discovery in the 1970s.

    Such inaccuracies should be avoided as they can change the perspective of the readers when they interpret the matter wrongly. Since your magazine has a far reach internationally, such articles will additionally jeopardize your magazine’s authenticity and bring down the reputation that you had built over the years.

    As a remedy, I would suggest you amend the mistakes and correct the information about my city. You could make a special mention of it in the editorial section on the next issue to catch the eye of your readers. Also, ensure that you recheck any articles in the future and avoid publishing wrong information.

    Please take the necessary action and looking forward to seeing the amendments in the next issue.

    Yours faithfully,

    Paul Hinder

    • Anureet

      August 18, 2021 at 9:57 AM

      BP 1: it was written- it is written

      BP 2: matter wrongly- matter incorrectly

      BP 3: remedy- solution

      BAND SCORE: 2.5/3 Well written. Keep Writing!

  • Suraj

    August 17, 2021 at 6:39 PM

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing to inform you of an error in an article describing Hyderabad in the 184th weekly edition of Global Times which came out last Sunday.

    While I would like to thank you for introducing my lovely city to the global audience, I am concerned tourists might struggle because of the error made in the article. The article headed “The Great Monuments of Hyderabad” in the cultural heritage section of the magazine mentions that the distance between Golkonda fort and Charminar is 20 miles, but the real distance is 20 kilometers which would be about 12 miles when converted.

    I believe it is crucial for a magazine as acclaimed as yours to provide factual information without any errors because many people around the world refer to your magazines for the information they need. Readers might end up confused when they visit this city because they have a wrong impression of the distances.

    I would like to suggest that you apologize to your readers and correct this mistake in the next edition of your magazine. While this might not totally cover up the mistake made, it would help to mitigate the negative consequences.

    I look forward to a positive response.

    Yours faithfully,
    Suraj Parsi

  • Shweta

    August 18, 2021 at 10:39 PM


    – Delhi, city and UT not a state
    – it is our capital, and people must have correct information for everyone around the globe

    – make changes in next edition with a special column

    Dear Sir,

    I am writing this letter to inform you about the wrong information published in the July month’s edition of your magazine The Ultimate Travel, about my city Delhi.

    I was delighted to read about Delhi in your prestigious international magazine. Everything was described in an amazing manner. However, I would like to bring to your notice that it is mentioned in the article that Delhi is a state, rather it is not a state but the capital city and one of the Union Territories of India.

    I believe, it is important to mention it in the correct manner, as Delhi being the capital of India, must be recognised in it’s true sense globally. Your magazine has a reach of readers globally, therefore, it is of utmost importance to write correct information about our capital city. Delhi is known for it’s reputed history and one of the highly advancing metropolitan city, and it attracts a large number of tourists from different parts of the world.

    I would appreciate if you will correct this information, and will publish an article in your next months’s edition stating Delhi as the capital city of India and one of the Union Territories.

    Looking forward for a positive response.

    Your faithfully


  • Sri

    August 23, 2021 at 8:04 PM
  • Tanya

    August 24, 2021 at 5:59 PM

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am writing this letter regarding the wrong information present in the “Kashmir Travel and Tourism” article of the international travel magazine July edition.

    In the article, it was mentioned that all parts of the Kashmir are accessible to the tourist in the month of December and January by car, which is actually incorrect. Rather, places like Gulmarg can’t be approached by car because of the heavy snowfall and one has to hire a horse to reach there.

    Thousands of tourists visit Kashmir during the winter season. Therefore, misleading them with the wrong information will not only spoil their trip and plans but also can have a negative effect on your brand reputation. Hence, it is advisable to give the correct information.

    Since your travel articles are almost being read by half of the population, I would suggest you to apologize in your next edition and reprint the article with the correct information so that the tourists can have the right information before visiting my town.

    Thank you in advance.

    Yours faithfully,

    Tanya Gupta

    • Anureet

      August 26, 2021 at 12:57 PM

      BP 3: the correct information: correct information

      the right information- accurate information

      BAND SCORE: 2/3 Keep Writing!


    September 15, 2021 at 2:17 PM

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing this letter to you to bring it to your notice about a wrong information published in an article on Sydney’s lifestyle and culture in your reputed magazine “Life style study” November edition.

    In this article you have mentioned that sydney’s underground film festival will be held on 9 september until 26 september however this information seems to be incorrect because the underground festival has been canceled by the concerned authorities owing to the ongoing pandemic and the news was made public through national news conference.

    Since i work with a national news agency so i know this information is correct hence this year there is no underground film festival. I would like to request you to please correct this information immediately as your magazine is one of the best seller and been trusted by many for relevant information related to traveling.

    Many people may plan to travel because of the article in your magazine, so it will be great if you can immediately do the changes in your e-magazine and also republish the correct information in the next edition which will help people to plan accordingly.

    I hope the corrective actions will be taken and we will see the amendments in the next edition.

    Yours faithfully,

    Riyana john

    • Anureet

      September 20, 2021 at 12:29 PM

      BP 1: sydney’s- Sydney’s

      however- However,

      BAND SCORE: 2.5/3 Keep Writing!

  • Sheeba

    September 27, 2021 at 5:15 PM

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing this letter to intimate you that there was an an incorrect information published in your Paradise travel magazine about our town on 23rd of this month. First of all, I would like to thank you and your team for creating a documentary on our town and made our fame to spread all over the world.

    In the 7th page of the magazine you have documented about Palliakarnai town. In that article you have mentioned the palace was build by the British government. But the palace was build by the kings during seventh century.

    Inside the palace there are lots of monuments are present. The palace holds many archaeological proof. People from all over the world reads your magazine in a daily manner. Your reputation should not get spoiled by providing wrong information so it’s your responsibility to provide the official information.

    In the next publish please provide the changes and highlight it in a box. So that it will grab the attention of the reader to realize the correct information provided by you. In future I hope you will not repeat such mistakes. I request you to provide the changes and looking forward move from you.

    Yours faithfully,

    Sheeba Jebin.

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