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    Posted by Anureet on August 5, 2021 at 2:22 PM

    You have just spent a week with a friend on holiday. When you got home, you realised you had left your wallet there.

    Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

    1) thank your friend for the holiday

    2) explain that you left your wallet in their house

    3) give them instructions on how to send it back to you

    Sheeba replied 2 years, 9 months ago 10 Members · 17 Replies
  • 17 Replies
  • jaidheesh

    August 5, 2021 at 4:30 PM

    Hi Dave,

    Hope this letter finds you in good health and the best of spirits. I just want to let you know once again that we all had an amazing time at your place for the holidays and we can’t thank you enough for the wonderful moments we had.

    We all thoroughly enjoyed the stay, the lovely treatment, and the hospitality that you put up for us. It was truly a refresh from our jobs and a much-needed vacation. I know just thanking you would not be sufficient so I would like to invite you to our homes for the next holidays.

    However just as we got back, I noticed something peculiar. I couldn’t find my wallet and spend quite some time searching for it. I looked throughout our house and was very worried ever since. It was just until yesterday that my son said that he last saw it placed on the side table in your guest room.

    Could you please check in that location for my wallet? If you do find it, please keep it safe as it contains many valuable items. I am anyways traveling to your town next week and could stop by to pick it up.

    Hope you find it and looking forward to seeing you soon.

    Yours truly,


    • Anureet

      August 6, 2021 at 10:49 AM

      Opening Statement- for the holidays- during the holidays

      BP1- refresh- refreshing experience

      homes- home

      BP2- spend- spent

      was very- I am very

      Yours truly- In informal letter write Regards

      Band Score: 2.5/3 Keep writing!

  • Akshay Kumar

    August 5, 2021 at 9:33 PM
  • Jasmeet

    August 5, 2021 at 9:55 PM

    Hi Neha,

    I hope this letter finds you and your family in healthy conditions. I reached safely at my place. I really enjoyed the vacation with you guys. I am writing to thank for the holiday and to request you for the wallet I left at your home.

    I would really appreciate your idea of vacation at Goa, and I believe it was the best time of ours since we got busy in our professional lives just after college. At first, it seems merely a dream but after coming home is such a rejuvenating experience. Although it’s an arduous task to get time for holiday from our hectic schedule, I would prefer to more such kind of vacations.

    I would like to tell you that I forgot my wallet in your wardrobe I kept for safety purposes as I thought I may lose it if kept here and there. When I reached my home, I just realized that I forget to carry wallet in hurry as I was packing my stuff.

    I would request you to send the wallet through courier service as it contains some important documents, and I may need them soon. You can send it on my home address I mostly have to travel in the city for my office work.

    Hoping to hear from you soon. Take care and stay safe.

    With love,


    • Anureet

      August 6, 2021 at 10:57 AM

      Opening Statement- healthy conditions- good health and the best of spirits

      thank- thank you

      BP1: would really appreciate- really appreciate

      home is- home it was

      more such kind of vacations- more vacations of such kind

      BP 2: wardrobe I kept for safety purposes- wardrobe where I kept it for safety purpose

      if kept- if I keep

      forget- forgot

      BP3: I mostly- as I have to mostly travel

      Remarks: Add more details

      Band Score: 2/3 Keep writing!

  • Unknown Member

    August 6, 2021 at 12:09 PM

    Dear ABC,

    I hope you are doing extremely great . I have landed in India yesterday night and doing pretty good. It was a delightful time to spend some time with you in Thailand , such a awesome trip. I’m writing this letter to thank you for being a great planner and also regarding my wallet that I left at your place.

    I would like to express my gratitude towards you, for making an elated holiday experience to Thailand. I was awestruck with the serene nature , islands, food and most importantly the aqua sports section such as deep sea diving over there. Also I felt we got some good time to spend with each other after such a long time. I totally enjoyed the trip and the entire credit goes to you.

    When I reached back, to my bad I found that my wallet is missing but I realized that I left it at your place. I remember it was in the cupboard and I forgot to pack it while coming back in a hurry.

    There are some important stuff like my bank cards, college ID etc. So, I would like to request you to send me the wallet through fast track courier service to my home address at the earliest.

    Hope to meet you soon again.

    Best wishes,


    • Anureet

      August 10, 2021 at 10:51 AM

      Opening Statement- a awesome- an awesome

      BP1: for making an elated holiday experience to Thailand- rephrase

      BP2: to my bad- not required

      Add more details in all your body paragraphs

      Band Score: 1.5/3 Keep Writing!

  • Sumita

    August 8, 2021 at 6:55 PM

    Dear Christina,

    Hope you are doing fine! Thank you so much for asking me to visit you, I had a wonderful one week holiday at your place and enjoyed a lot, kudos to you for planning such an amazing holiday for me, I will remember this trip forever. Anyways, I am writing this letter to inform you that I forgot my wallet at your place.

    <font face=”inherit”>I had brought my wallet along when I visited you on last weekend. It was black in </font>color<font face=”inherit”> with a zara logo on top right hand side and contains my debit, credit, pan and adhaar cards. It doesn’t contain any cash, but it has a photo of me with my parents in it. I had it in my purse, but on my last day after making card payment to that corner grocery store I left it in your handbag.</font>

    I am facing grave inconvenience here without my debit and identity cards, so I was wondering if you could send it back to me via fast good delivery courier service. They have the fastest service and will deliver it to me in next 2 days. Thanks in advance.

    Lots of love,


    • Anureet

      August 10, 2021 at 10:48 AM

      BP1: on last- last

      Add more details in all your body paragraphs.

      Band Score: 1.5/3 Keep Writing!

  • Vaibhav

    August 9, 2021 at 12:58 PM

    Dear John,

    Hope this letter finds you well!!

    I am writing this to thank you for hosting us this season for the vacations, not to mention, the warmth with which you and your family have received us was ineffable. You did not leave any stone unturned to make our stay comfortable, and your affection is being admired by my family perpetually, furthermore, despite suffering from toothache, you drove us to many stupendous landscapes.

    This shall be one last thing I am bothering you, I had accidentally left my wallet in your yellow coloured closet, just above the antique almirahs in the master bedroom. I remember while rushing to catch the flight, I was about to miss, I completely overlooked collecting my wallet from the usual place I used to keep it. If I had planned my travel to the airport well ahead of time, I would not have missed my wallet.

    I will really appreciate it if you can send me my wallet back as it contains essential documents and cards, I require on a daily basis. You may courier it to me at the address mentioned in the enclosed envelope via express courier company, which caters most reliable transport service especially for the documents.

    Thanking you for your assistance in advance, I hope to meet you at my place on next vacation.

    Best wishes,


  • deepti

    August 9, 2021 at 3:29 PM

    Hi Dear,

    Hope you are doing good. How is everyone in family? I have reached home safely and want to let you know that I had an amazing time and cannot thank you enough for this trip.

    I have thoroughly enjoyed the trip especially the underwater diving which you booked on such short notice. I have never experienced something like this and the underwater life was truly mesmerizing. This trip has really added as a stress buster and rejuvenated me. I can now focus better in office.

    However, just I got down from cab which I took from airport, I realized that my wallet was missing as I had to make payment to the cab driver. I panicked as it had few important documents as well. After thinking hard , I remembered that I kept it in the almirah in guest room and missed to pick it up while packing.

    I would appreciate if you could courier it back to me as those documents are required on priority. Once you courier it please share the waybill number so that I can track the packet.

    Once again I want to thank you for the trip. I think we should do this more often and may be next time in my city.

    Looking forward to see you again.

    Take Care,


    • Anureet

      August 10, 2021 at 10:40 AM

      Write name of the person after Hi

      BP 1: such short- such a short

      Underwater- aquatic

      BP2: just I- I just

      Note: Letter is well written. Just take care of the number of words incase it is under word count.

      Band Score:2.5/3 Keep Writing!

  • Suraj

    August 16, 2021 at 2:03 PM

    Hi Aire,

    Hope this letter finds you and your family in good health and the best of spirits. I have safely reached home and will have to start working but my heart wishes to come back and extend my holiday.

    I can’t thank you enough for inviting me to your place and the wonderful time I had there. This has been one of the best recent holidays as the natural greenery all around accompanied by masterful dishes you cooked rejuvenated me and brought me out from my monotonous schedule.

    I’m not sure if you have already found it, but I just realised that in my hurry to catch the flight, I left my wallet there. If you haven’t found it yet, it should be somewhere in the guest bedroom and you’ll most probably find it in the first drawer of the cupboard to the northeast corner.

    Send it to me via post as soon as possible as there are some important cards inside it. Do remember to remove the spare cash inside the wallet as there might be chances of it being lost on the way if someone finds out that there is cash inside.

    Looking forward to our next holiday in which I want to show you around my hometown.

    See you,

    • Anureet

      August 16, 2021 at 2:21 PM

      OPENING STATEMENT: Hope- I hope

      BP 1: my heart wishes- rephrase it

      masterful- substitute a word related to dishes- you can use mouthwatering

      BP 2: in my hurry- in a hurry

      in which- rephrase it

      BAND SCORE: 2/3 Keep Writing!

  • Sheeba

    October 7, 2021 at 10:31 AM

    Dear Tena,

    Hope you are doing good. I am writing this letter regarding the wallet which I missed at your home.

    It was an awesome week and the vacation which I spent with you was memorable. Thanks a ton for inviting me to your home during holiday. I enjoyed the quality time spent with you. In the hectic work our visit relaxed my mind. Thank you for taking me to Disney Land which was my dream place to visit from my childhood. Also, I had a delicious Italian cuisine.

    During the visit, I left my wallet at your home. When the taxi came I was in a rush to fill my water bottle. At that time I kept my wallet on the dining table and forgot to take from there. In that wallet I have my driving license so I could not drive anywhere.

    I suggest you to send my wallet as a parcel through the DC International Courier Service. While writing the address please mention my contact number. After sending parcel please send the tracking number so that I can track the parcel in their website.

    Take care see you soon.



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