IELTS Essay Writing -9 (Advertising)
Posted by Abhinav on June 8, 2021 at 10:45 PMWrite about the following topic.
Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives.
Which viewpoint do you agree with?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Use Cohesive Devices:
• In addition, moreover
• Further / furthermore
• In conclusion
• To summarise
• As a result
• As a consequence (of)
• Therefore
• Thus
• Consequently
• Hence
• Due to
• Undoubtedly
• Indeed
• Obviously
• On the other hand
• On the contrary • Generally
• Admittedly
• In fact
• Particularly / in particular
• Especially
• Clearly
• Importantly
• However
• Nevertheless
• Nonetheless
• Still
• Although / even though
• Though
• In contrast (to) / in comparison
• While
• WhereasUseful Vocabulary:
Insatiable: that can not be satisfied (insatiable greed)
Cut Corners: be cheap (Companies are cutting corners)
Entice/lure: to attract (Advertisements lure the consumers)
Procure: to buy (They want t o procure the products)
Disruptive: disturbing
Contentious: controversial
Project: to present
Gripping: interesting
Deceptive: fraudulent/deceitful
Meticulous: very careful
Off-limits: beyond reach
Barrage: a large number of something (a barrage of requests)
Unconventional: non-traditional
Wilfred replied 2 years, 11 months ago 60 Members · 78 Replies -
78 Replies
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 8, 2021 at 10:52 PMAdvertising is an old concept that companies used to promote their products and services to the public, but nowadays, due to IT revolutions, we see so many ads, banners on social media, and televisions where companies are advertising their products and services. Emerging social media apps like Facebook, YouTube, twitters, Instagram’s cutting the huge cost of the companies. Usually, companies advertise those products that enforce the public to procure like beauty products, clothes, food and beverages, and luxuries items, etc. sometimes, these products are insatiable and consumer lose their money and trust in these kinds of companies but sometimes it really fulfilled the need of the customers and they refer these products to other families members and friends
Nowadays, there is very tough competition among the companies which sometimes becomes very disruptive especially for entities that want to launch new products and services in the market. The companies should be meticulous when they are launching campaigns for new products and services, their offer should not be deceptive and should be gripping and entice that customer will drive to procure. The companies before launching the campaign should make sure that products should not be off-limits and make them easy for the customers to procure.
According to my views, I am agreed with both statements because advertising is playing a very important role to boost the sales of companies for the products that are not customer needs but they procure because of knowledge that gains from advertisement and also advertising support a lot to those companies to create the awareness of new products among the people that will definitely add value to their lives by saving money and reducing procurement cost
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 14, 2021 at 9:01 PMWell attempted yet not precise. Grammar needs to be corrected. Reduce the use of repetitive words.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 8, 2021 at 11:03 PMAdvertising undoubtedly is a double-edged sword where it can be sometimes necessary to update people with new products that may improve lives otherwise lures them to buy things which actually serves no beneficial purpose. Clearly both these aspects should be taken into meticulous consideration before acquiring a conclusion.
Advertising through all sorts of media including social networking platforms, television, radio, newspapers try to project a barrage of vast variety of products to the public. Therefore, increase the reach of facilities to a larger sector of our society. Advertising not only aim at facilitating the common people but also helps growing businesses hire more customers. Apart from that advertising brings in competition among the sellers leading to innovations or improvements in their products. These competitions indeed lead sellers to cut corners aiming at enticing more customers. Thus products which remained off-reach for many people are now available at affordable prices. Advertising utilises its power to reach millions of people also to spread general awareness in important issues of public importance. At the present scenario health facilities, health care and precautions to be followed during the global pandemic is reached out to people through advertising through various communication medium.
However, advertising do have its own shortcomings. It spreads the notion of unrealistic desires which are insatiable in the real world. For instance, The beauty standards set in advertising cosmetic products is beyond the reality.Certain advertisement creates an illusion among people to think that their products are actually vital for survival. And everyday we could see incidents of people trapped in deceptive offers of advertisements .At times, people find advertisements disruptive and invasive usually, when it pops up during an important being done .This obviously leads people to grab on to ad-free subscriptions to save themselves from untimely advertisements.
So, as discussed through the various aspects of advertisements its complicated to come to a conclusion saying that advertisements are beneficial or not. But as far as I could see ,their benefits outweigh the negatives.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 8, 2021 at 11:04 PMIn general, most companies advertise their products through different mediums like the internet(websites), text messages, customer care calls, ads in movies, etc. they invest a huge amount for creating and promoting ads. If we observe some of the advertisements aren’t realistic they do just to lure the customers. Some are made disruptive calls every weekend without knowledge of the customer whether they’re gripping or not. I agree with companies are encouraging us to buy products that we do not require.
For example, if you register on any traveling website they do post emails, text messages to you with some discounts that are exclusive only for you to entice. Sometimes you don’t need to register if you visit any shopping website the new technology recommended system analyze your search queries and suggest you to buy the product on their website. Sometimes these ads embarrassing us. If you’re watching youtube videos suddenly irrelevant ads are appearing on screen that are unconventional.
Another example, Buying clothes online and shopping malls. When we purchasing clothes online the manufacturing date etc are hidden to the customer. We get messages from shopping mall huge discounts on apparels grab quickly if you go there the discount is on limited and old stock. Yes, the new products make our lives better, but not all. For example, the apple watch is showing oxygen and heart rate on it helps old people to check their health minute to minute.
To summarize, when we are procuring any product check the quality, if you’re using an e-commerce website read the reviews after using the product don’t forget your review, it helps others.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 8, 2021 at 11:07 PMToday in this fast track world, where people have a very limited attention span, people can forget to do their most important tasks of the day but they won’t forget the tune of the advertisement jingle playing all day long on various digital mediums. Such is the effect of advertising world on our daily lives, these advertising companies can make us buy their product even if we don’t have the need for it. While, it may seem to the advertising companies that they are doing us a favor by introducing their new updated products I admit that they are not truly wrong. We do need to know about the recent trends and developments in this world and that is why advertising on various platforms is the best way to learn about this.
Advertisements are the best way to put up your word among the public, as it is for the public, by the public and to the public. Sales of your product can simply increase within a few hours with the put up of your product advertisement on the public sharing booths. These advertisements are not only just used for multinational companies but is also used by the government to promote their running party or to make the public aware about certain changes in the laws. For instance, the Indian government promoted the Swatch Bharat Abhiyan with their famous jingle. So, advertising companies have a very string impact on the public with their advertisement works.
With the immense advertising power, any product, any message, any scheme, or it may be any important information, the public gets to be aware through promotion on various platforms whether it be on national television, social media platforms, radio stations or even on your mobiles. The simple power of advertising companies can be experienced. There may be cases of unnecessary promotions, but this is the whole point of advertisement.
In conclusion I believe advertising is the best way to expand the ongoing technological advancements in the world and also to add value to public lifestyle.
GuestJune 8, 2021 at 11:12 PMtest
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 8, 2021 at 11:20 PMAdvertisements can help us gain knowledge of a number of new things that we would require in our day to day life but can also lead us to buy products that would have no significant value. According to my opinion , both these viewpoints are correct at some level and we would be discussing these in the paragraphs given below.
Undoubtedly , advertisements have become a vital aspect of our life as there are many new products in market which we come to know after seeing a banner or promotion of that thing on TV. For example , when I was buying a new straightener ,I was unaware that a new category known as brush straightener would press hair within a time span of 5 minutes. Hence would save our time and energy to a great extend. I came to know about this new straightener while I was scrolling my social media account.
On the other hand there are various examples of how these advertisements can be disruptive as they would lure costumer to buy products that are fake. There are numerous companies in market available that would project their products are genuine. One of my friend was attracted towards a sunscreen lotion , claimed by the company as a star product but that cream resulted my friend with various skin allergies.
To summarise , I would like to say that I agree with both statements that advertisements can help consumers to be aware about many new products but can also result in breaking trust of consumers as they would buy things that are not upto their expectation.
Advertisements can help us gain knowledge of number of new things that we would require in our day to day life but can also lead us to buy products that would have no significant value. According to my opinion (In my opinion) , both these viewpoints are correct at some level and we would be discussing these in the paragraphs given below.
Undoubtedly , advertisements have become a vital aspect of our life as there are many new products in market which we come to know after seeing a banner or promotion of that thing on TV. For example , when I was buying a new straightener ,I was unaware that a new category known as brush straightener would press hair within a time span of 5 minutes. (,) Hence (hence) would save our time and energy to a great extend. I came to know about this new straightener while I was scrolling my social media account.
On the other hand (,)there are various examples of how these advertisements can be disruptive as they would lure costumer to buy products that are fake (unnecessary/nonessential). There are numerous companies in market available that would project their products are genuine. One of my friend (friends)was attracted towards a sunscreen lotion , claimed by the company as a star product but that cream resulted my friend with various skin allergies.
To summarise , I would like to say that I agree with both statements that advertisements can help consumers to be aware about many new products but can also result in breaking trust of consumers as they would buy things that are not upto their expectation.
Feedback : Answer could be more focused on the argument (advertisement leads to buy unnecessary products) rather than products are fake or not genuine. Need to work more on Lexical resources
Band: 2/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 9, 2021 at 9:30 AMDoes the advertisements are the reason which is encouraging us to buy the goods that we never wanted or will never add value to our life ? This is one major topic of debate on the internet today as some people thinks advertisement inform them about the new product whereas other think it tricks consumer to fall into their trap and make them buy unnecessary products
It true that companies use advertisement as their primary tool for marketing strategy to lure the customer . They project their product as life changing and no less than miracle to the customer . companies even lies and make false claim in the advertisement about their product to meet their insatiable greed for revenues . They spent huge money in advertisement and cut corners in investing on product qualities . Multi-Million market of fairness cream is an example of these advertisement trap that companies are using from decades to earn money by selling a product which merely have made anyone’s skins looks fair.
On the contrary the fact cannot be denied that advertisement are primary source of information of any product which is being newly launched and can have solve any of our problem . Also makes us inform about the number of options of one products from different manufacturers and drives a competition in the companies and preventing monopolies . Also advertisement are used to spread awareness among the masses and even used by government to make their citizen aware about their policies and welfare schemes
To summaries sole purpose of advertisement is not that bad but some companies uses this medium to meet their greed and profits . As consumer we should be Meticulous about the advertisement which are been showed and us and make our decision wisely
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 9, 2021 at 9:58 AMWhile certain people claim that promotion of commodities lures one to purchase unnecessarily, whereas others talk about how beneficial it can be in improving lives and I can’t deny to agree with both viewpoints.
Advertisers are aware of the insatiable traits humans posses and they entice consumers using renowned actors and sportsmen who are undoubtedly followed by most people.Eventually, people procure such items to try out the brand promoted by their idol without contemplating the necessity of it.People do not care how contentious the product is as the mob mentality trick is being played very meticulously by the advertisers these days.To cite an example, during IPL the KIA cars were promoted avidly by a bunch of cricketers and the statistics showed how it was purchased in a barrage although a 7 seater car was the requirement of a two member nuclear family.
On the contrary, new products being projected by advertisers these days help people to adapt quickly from the unconventional ways of using items.It spreads awareness regarding traditional disruptive items and encourages people to shift to modern use of items.Changing over from plastic food boxes to to microwave safe glass containers has spread the awareness about the hazardous of cancer using plastics.
Therefore, I think that advertisements have both negative and positive impacts on the way people purchase and it is important they question themselves before purchasing any product.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 9, 2021 at 5:52 PMThis is a contentious topic whether the commercials encourage us to procure products with accurate information or it just mislead the information to attract customers. But as per my opinion most of the time advertisement influence us to procure the product which is not needed in our routine life.
To commence with the need of advertisement in our lives is that it tells us about the features, usage as well as side effects of the product based on which buyer can decide whether to buy it or not. But in today scenario companies are using it as a source to increase its sales as they provide the false information/benefits about the product and customer rely on it before buying the product. Now advertisement is just a way to entice customer and that is the only reason companies engage big celebrities to promote their product in You tube, TV serial or Instagram as they know people can easily trust on this and buy the product.
Despite of this there are also some other companies which share the correct specification of the product so that consumer is fully informed but to differentiate who is providing accurate or inaccurate detail of the product is very difficult to understand.
Even to protect consumer from such type of Deceptive practice there is a Consumer Protection Act in the law which give full right to the consumer to file case against the company if any misleading information is shared in the advertisement. But consumer should also be meticulous before purchase as their hard money has been incurred on it.
To summaries, I must say that we should not blindly trust all the advertisements and be cautious while buying any item. As we cannot stop the companies from the deceptive practices but as a consumer we can take all the precautions to save us from the fraudulent activities.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 9, 2021 at 8:46 PMIn today’s world, advertisement has become a significant tool for marketing all products. While some argue that advertisement increases awareness about products that may improve our life style, others are of the opinion that advertisement encourages people to buy unnecessary things. I strongly believe that the latter is more correct, as will be explained.
To begin with, human wants are insatiable and to fulfill these demands we usually wonder , and got easily trap in companies cutting corner policies of sale and buy one get one free policies. To promote any product, companies generally propagate on Newspapers, magazines, internet and billboards only the brighter side of newly launched good, thus providing an incomplete picture of the product. undoubtedly,we inclined to buy those things easily thus, end up in purchasing something which completely unessential. For example, beauty and herbal product weight loss supplements . Recently a survey conducted by the Health and Beauty magazine revealed that the use of these products has significant increase by 65% in last decade. Although everybody knowns weight can only be controlled through proper diet and exercise. Many of my friends too used such herbal medications have later repented of their choice.
Moreover, children are easily attracted by advertisements, young kids in particular are influenced by adverts showing the latest toys, clothing or latest electronics gadgets and this can exert enormous pressure on the parents to buy these products whether their pockets gives permission or not. In addition, the advertising of tobacco, alcohol and cigarette has always been a controversial issue, It is quite possible that these adds can attract young underage minds towards its popularity.
<i class=””>In conclusion, I believe that an <em style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;”>adverts has multidimensional effect on society<em style=””><i class=”” style=””><font face=”inherit”> especially on young </font>generation<font face=”inherit”>. therefore, it is the responsibility of buyers to know complete advantages and disadvantages of any product before buying. One shouldn’t blindly buy any goods exhibitioned.</font>
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 10, 2021 at 2:42 PMAdvertising encourages consumers to buy things that they really do not need. To understand this better one need to contemplate the consumers mind.
Companies have been using ads as a method to promote their products for many years. Earlier it was limited to newspapers and pamphlets but with the invention of TV, Radio and internet it has reached to general masses and people of all kind of income groups. During 1980’s , purchasing was limited to TV and cars and were considered as a luxury item in a household, however, with the increase of standard of living of people, these items are no longer a luxury but has become a necessity. The competition to stay ahead and having good lifestyle with one another is another reason along with the peer pressure to procure products even if it is off limits for a person.
Advertisers entice consumers by fancy packaging, heavy discounts during festivals and by featuring celebrities in their advertisements to highlight only the good features or to make a product look attractive for which they spend huge amount of money. Sometimes, these ads turn out contentious and receive backlash from the masses which creates negative publicity for them. In advertising any publicity is considered as good publicity.
On the contrary, ads are also source of creating awareness among people. For eg. during pandemic, government has initiated many ads on TV, Caller tunes on phone to create awareness about using masks and sanitizing hands.
To summarize, i cannot deny to the fact that ads have both negative and positive sides attached to it. Consumer should be cautious while spending their money and should focus only what they need. They should buy products depending upon their purchasing power and not just for the sake for staying ahead in game.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 10, 2021 at 3:01 PMThere are people in favor of advertising and on the other hand, there are some who have opposite opinion. Many people say that due to advertisements you end up procuring things which at times you really do not need.
I do agree that advertisements play a major role in the sales of the product. A lot of research, thinking goes into how to project the product as it should catch the attention of the buyer. Companies have found multiple ways to advertise the product and to reach most of the people through Social platforms on the internet, TV, Newspaper, signboards on the roads & highways. We cannot deny that most of the advertisements are very gripping.
Why we end up buying things which we do not need, this can be experienced at a Superstore. They aim on to entice more and more customers and always target the insatiable customers. Research and science are involved in how to place the product in order to leave the impression on customer’s mind. Discount offers, sale such strategies entice people to go off limits at times, people should be meticulous and should look for what they need rather than what they want.
I have experienced this personally that advertisements do encourages. I had gone to a supermarket to purchase two items only, but the sales guy offered me 3-4 items which were on sale. I started contemplating whether to buy or not. May be the sales guy adept at suggestive selling.
To conclude, in my opinion, every individual should be meticulous about their decision and should not reproach advertisements. People should underscore on the things and items which can fulfil their needs not the wants.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 10, 2021 at 8:04 PMAn advertisement is the secret sauce that most multi-national cooperatives use to lure potential customers . They particularly portray the best and most unique features of the product which undoubtedly encourages us to buy things that we do not require
The ultimate motive behind it is to maximise their sales by showcasing the products benefits. On the other hand It also introduces us to new products that may improve our lives .
It is generally claimed that advertisements are created to help visualise an unrealistic standard to live up to. They use platforms such as Instagram , Facebook and twitter, as a result the companies are able to project a gripping brand image . One time I kept receiving an advert of really appealing flavours of chocolates and that urged me to purchase more than I should have but unfortunately the flavour was nothing like I expected it to be and that’s when I came to realise that most commercials are quite deceptive !
On the contrary , there were countless instances where I was introduced to a new product which improved my life. For instance , I saw an advertisement of a new company ,which was promoting homemade breakfast drive-ins. This saved me so much time as I was able to have breakfast during the commute and it was homemade which made it a much healthier alternative.
In conclusion , Everything has its pros and cons but In my opinion , advertisements still have a more negative impact on the costumers .
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 10, 2021 at 8:21 PMThese days companies are employing different methodologies in order to promote the products they make. There are different views among people regarding the concept of advertisement. Some people think that this may cause us to spend money on things that are not really necessary, while others believe that advertisements expose the general public to new products which might have the potential to make our lives better and which might have gone unused because people were unaware of it. This essay will discuss both these perspectives and explain why i am of the opinion that advertisements are vital.
On one hand, there are some reasons because of which people might not be in favour of advertisements. A really important one is the fact that they can become a nuisance. These days every nook and corner of the roads in cities are filled with billboards and posters etc. For instance, sign boards depicting important instructions, necessary for following traffic rules get obscured by huge banners causing hindrance to everyone using the roads. Therefore, because advertisements are inconvenient, people have developed an unfavorable outlook.
On the contrary, there are some who find them quite useful, including me. There are many companies producing a single product. When this is the case, which one do we buy? Advertisement help us in sifting through different variations of a product and assists us in checking the best one according to our needs. For example, while purchasing a mobile phone, advertisements could be used to find out which smartphone has the feature that is being looked out for. Hence, advertisements help us in everyday lives.
To conclude, advertisements have got both benefits and drawbacks but in my opinion they are helpful and essential for everyone.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 10, 2021 at 8:44 PMIn this contemporary world it is often argued that advertisement encourages us to buy things that we really do not need. However, I completely disagree with this opinion and think that advertisement provides useful information about newer products which in-turn helps us to purchase a new product.
First of all, I admit that through advertisements we come to know about the cutting corner technologies, features and benefits of any category of products that we are looking for, even if some people says that ads often encourage to purchase unnecessary products. To give an instance, I came to know about National Institute Of language (NIL) and its benefits only through advertisement while I was watching an online video on YouTube which truly enticed me to take a decision. That’s why it is more important to view on the positive aspects of an advertisement.
Secondly, advertisements helps us to know different products that are available in the market, in same category but from a separate manufacturer. Yes, it’s about competition products..!! In other words, it provides a wide range of knowledge about different technical features and benefits provided by any non-identical organization. Thereby, advertisements makes us curious to know the latest things and opens the door to the world to take our decision according to our needs.
Thus, to conclude, in this current twenty first century is very important to grab the benefits that we can procure through the latest advertisements and we should also let others to get accustomed with this useful tool. Hence, I acknowledge that advertisements tell us about newer products that improves our lives.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 11, 2021 at 9:11 PMIt is often argued that advertisements inspire us to buy unnecessary things which are not needed. On the other hand some believe that promotion of a innovative products may enhance our lives.
In my opinion, I agree that promoting a new product can ease our lives.
Firstly advertising is a good way to introduce a new product. Even though some products are of no use .
For example, if we see a new thing at any grocery store we will have a look on the ingredients, They are using in that particular product, analyse that whether the product is having any chemicals which is harmful to our health.
If the quality of the product and the ingredients used are beneficial we can go for it.
Secondly good products can improve our health. In some groceries we will find packed healthy food’s like salads, diet food and fresh sliced fruits etc. It is always important to choose nutritious food. Advertisements lure the costumers to buy products.
In conclusion I believe that advertising a new product is good unless it is of our use.
Feedback: Very well attempt as approach is good, but need to work on thought process as 185 words were found only as it should be 250+, need to work on formation & grammar.
Band: 1/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 17, 2021 at 6:51 PMIn this era of digital revolution advertising is something which is part of a every human’s life who consumes any sort of digital media . It is no longer a conventional sign board or tv commercials instead it has been done all over the internet through brand integration in stories, youtube series , musical albums and websites.
Talking about the effect of advertisements I believe all the adds are customized according to the person’s search history as well its searching patterns so sometimes it do help the consumers to find the right thing directly on the other hand it also invades one’s privacy by storing their data which is contentious.
In hindsight I believe it always depends on an individual how they respond to an advertisement for example some people do overspend to procure the lavish thing which might not be useful for them on daily bases in that cases the search engine will keep on advertising those things to them but for others they might selectively choose the items based on their needs irrespective of the amount of advertising done for it .
In conclusion , yes in some cases advertisement does cause some sort of subconscious effect on brain to by showing same add on different platform so that user can purchase irrespective of the need but it also shows one’s thought process or how deeply we think before spending our money .since it’s the job of the advertiser to promote the product similarly it’s our job to be meticulous that we buy only those things which are essential not luxury and keep a conscious eye on deceptive advertisement .
Feedback: Content should have informative in order to use cohesive devices as normal way was used to write, sentence formation should be more effective, there was no example found neither impactful words though. However, the effort was quite good.
Band: 1.5/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 17, 2021 at 6:53 PMAdvertising plays an important role in both consumers and producers’ life. By advertising producer sends all the information about their products to the consumers. Producers uses various means to display their products for example TV, Banners, Social media, radio etc. Advertising promotes sale of their goods. How do a consumer gets to know about a product which is sold in international market, by adverting only?
In spit of all the advantages of advertising I believe that it encourages us to buy things that we really do not need. Firstly, it encourages people to buy things by making false promises and using wrong tactics. My friend Riya works in a cosmetic industry and she was telling me other day how they are designing their advertising campaign to target only girls with dusky complexions. She also tells me how they claim in their advertisements that how their cosmetic products are made from natural ingredients and are cruelty free along with these claims these producers also promises to give fair complexion after regular use for a definite period of time.
In conclusion, it appears to me that advertisement is only a way to lure the consumer to buy things which are not required. One should always consider things like do I really need this particular product. Does the cost of this product is worth. Would it give me the outcome i am expecting etc. Because after buying such products consumer only makes a void in their pockets as well as in their lives when they do not get the desired results and happiness they were expecting from these products.
Feedback: Introduction needs to be improved as it should not include everything but an overview, need to work on sentence formation & related words as found rare with the help of more cohesive devises to create relation in sentences. Try to avoid unnecessary spelling & grammatical errors.
Band: 1.5/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 17, 2021 at 7:13 PMIt is considered by some people to say that advertising encourages us to buy things we really do not need. While there are others who say that advertising tells us about new products that may improve our lives. I believe that people will attract to the advertisements and motivate to buy things which are not necessary that’s completely a waste of money. While knowing about the latest products in the market is also essential so that we can up-to-date with the trend and can use products wisely.
On the one hand, advertisements actually do a lot to attract people and impress with their advertisements and ultimately they wanted to sell that product. However, there is no such thing as 100% genuine products. They bluff sometimes to sell products. They will provide a live demonstration to cheer up people. We have to think before buying the product whether that product is really important to us or not? Is it really useful? If we used to question before buying then there is no such thing as advertisements encourages us to buy.
On the other hand, Advertisements really provide significant information regarding the latest products launched in the market. In addition to that advertisements includes information like product capability, warranty details, usage of the product. Therefore, people can actually know about that product and can make decisions. We can compare various advertisements and get the best product. Sometimes will get to know the discounts on the products with advertisements so that we can save money as well. As a result, we can purchase a product with advertisements blissfully.
Finally, In my opinion, Whether advertisements encourage us to buy or tell us about new products depending on the product we purchased. Sometimes we buy few products with a plethora of expectations by just watching advertisements. As a result, that product may not up to the mark. However, will get to know about new products with advertisements only. If that product meets the expectations that will give us a great feeling and comfort.
In conclusion, getting a good product must need an advertisement so that we can get to know the features and usage and can upgrade in day to day life. However, we should be cautious while buying products through advertisements. Therefore, We surely can purchase worthy and quality products without wasting money.
Feedback: well try to approach but execution went wrong as the introduction should be more precise due to incorrect sentence formation, need to work on related words & sentence types as cohesive devises were not used properly & also work on word limit as it more than 350 words.
Band: 1.5/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 17, 2021 at 7:58 PMUndoubtedly advertisements have become an inevitable part of both traditional and modern business. It is always a contentious topic that whether having product ads in a business is advantageous or disadvantageous with respect to human lifestyle. From my perspective, I completely agree with the view that using ads in a business is extremely beneficial. This essay will discuss the reasons for the point of view.
<i style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;”>On the contrary, Business is all about exchanging products in return for money. obviously, the only way of emphasizing a business is to reach the maximum number of customers with the most unique and advanced products in a finite time horizon due to this reason without any doubt we can say that advertisements play a key role in any business. on the other hand, it will lure customers to procure the products consequently there are rich chances to get a barrage of requests.
Nowadays, companies are taking the help of emerging social media like Facebook, Instagram as a platform to ramp up their sales growth by are using advertisements as a catalyst. furthermore, the artificial technology involved in these digital platforms is helping consumers to suggest various related products. however, sometimes it will suggest the things which are really not important to us. Especially, in this case filters will play a significant role to choose products based on our interests.
To summarize, Advertisements are the most efficient way to off-limit new products which are coming into the market.
Feedback: Good approach, need to work on word limit as it’s as than 250 & also cover everything comes under task 2 as no example was found, less use of sentence types.
Band: 2/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 5, 2021 at 6:43 PMAdvertising can drive people to purchase unnecessary items, however, it may introduce new products that can enhance our lifestyle! In my opinion, I believe that advertisements can improve our lives by presenting more options to us.
To begin with, nowadays, lots of cutting-edge technologies are promoted in the industrial market for consumers. For example, the electrical cars marketing introduced the new era of waste-free transportation and gave us the chance to reduce air pollution. Moreover, advertising expands our list of options for some items and give us the freedom to pick the ones that suits our requirements and budgets. To elaborate, smart watches are now available in with multiple options that serves different purposes depending on our needs. While some smart watches are advertised to by better for fitness use, others are promoted to be user friendly for daily use.
On the contrary, advertisements can persuade consumers to buy things that they actually don’t need. For instance, TV ads on new home appliances with huge discounts may encourage people to get them without considering the usefulness of these appliances. Another point, seasonal sales promotions in big stores drive their customers to buy more unnecessary items in bulk. For example, ads on clothes stores sales drive shoppers to buy lots of clothes that they may not like or use later just because their price dropped more than the original.
In conclusion, there are lots of advantages for advertising if people used it wisely, however, sometimes it can drive people to spend more money to get things that they don’t need if they were not aware about their actual needs.
Advertising can drive people to purchase unnecessary items, however, it may introduce new products that can enhance our lifestyle. In my opinion, I believe that advertisements can improve our lives by presenting more options to us.
To begin with, nowadays, lots of cutting-edge technologies are promoted in the (Consumer Market) –industrial market for consumers–. For example, –the electrical cars marketing–(Marketing of electric vehicles) introduced the new era of waste-free transportation and gave us the chance to reduce air pollution. Moreover, advertising expands our list of options for some items and given(s) us the freedom to pick the ones that suits (suit) our requirements and budgets (budget). To elaborate, smart watches are now available in with multiple options that serves (serve) different purposes depending on our needs. While some smart watches are advertised to be better for fitness use, others are promoted to be user friendly for daily use.
On the contrary, advertisements can persuade consumers to buy things that they actually don’t need. For instance, TV ads on(for) new home appliances with huge discounts may encourage people to get them without considering the usefulness (utility) of these appliances. Another point, seasonal sales promotions in big stores drive their customers to buy more unnecessary items in bulk. For example, ads on clothes stores sales drive shoppers to buy lots of clothes that they may not like or use later just because their price dropped more than the original.
In conclusion, there are lots of advantages for advertising if people used it wisely, however, sometimes it can drive people to spend more money to get things that they don’t need if they were not aware about their actual needs.
Grammatical Errors (mostly subject verb agreement)
Excessive use of the word drive
Band Evaluation: 4.5/6.0
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 9, 2021 at 9:50 PMIn this modern era, different types of commercials play an important role in marketing. Many people believe that advertisement encourages us to buy unnecessary things while others think that advertising new products helps us in making our life easy. In this essay I would like to discuss both the aspect of the advertisements in our day to day life and give conclusion.
To begin with, companies generally propagate only its the brighter side, thus providing an incomplete picture of the product. When only positive aspects are known, there is an inclination to buy that product ; thus, we end up purchasing something which is not required. One such example is herbal products and weight loss supplements. The use of herbal products to reduce weight has seen significant increase in the recent years, whereas health experts are of the opinion that weight can only be controlled through proper diet and exercise. Moreover, many a times, advertising is very useful tool for introducing new products. For instance, cellphone manufacturers cater information about their new products with unique features and knowing the information, consumers decide which products suit best for their need.
Secondly, many people would blindly believe the products and its benefits as advertised. For example, many people buy all sorts of cosmetic creams, face scrub, hair oil and shampoos. Even without doing a proper study about the products ingredients and reviews. This is primarily because of the attitude as well as the mind set to get rid of pimples and hair fall and belief in the advertisement .Furthermore, normally in advertising, manufactures focus the best feature of their product which influences other manufactures to have better product in order to compete. In that case, competitors tend to offer a quality product in a comparatively reasonable price. Thus, consumers can get the best product with a cheaper price which ultimately develops their overall lifestyle.
To wrap up, advertising has both positive and negative sides as every other thing has. So, it is the responsibility of the consumers not to be induced by the attractive ads and they should be sensible while taking buying decision that which one is appropriate for them and which one is not.
Feedback: Well written answer wherein everything is covered starting from approach till relevant examples, good use of vocabularies with grammatical rage, need to work on outline sentence & a bit in introduction.
Band: 4.5/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 9, 2021 at 10:25 PMIn this fast moving world, to create or sustain a market share for a Product/ service is really important. Companies bring in various marketing strategies and one such important factor is advertisement. Starting from advertising in Newspapers ,billboard hoardings and Digital banners, it has now reached our hands through mobile phones. There is a growing opinion amongst a faction of people that advertisements often mislead people into buying things which are unnecessary. However, I am of the contrary opinion that advertisements undoubtedly acts as a source of information about new products and services.
Advertisement is an important chain in the chain of innovation and discovery. A New product can only be upgraded or optimized only by putting it into the hands of people and get their feedbacks and further requirements. For achieving the important task of reaching a target group ,advertisements plays a huge role. As a result people not only buy a new equipment but also it aides in inproving their standard of living. When a company gets its product advertised, it seeks to improve its quality and lower its price. It is their endeavour to improve their own product rather than finding fault with the product of their rivals. In this way a healthy competition prevails in the market and the entire society stands to gain from it.
It can also be said that advertisement aids in boosting the economy of a country. The effect of advertising is not confined to the four walls of a country , rather it has spread throughout the world. A product developed in rural India can also be marketed through social media advertisement to a person residing in Newyork.Thus it opens up the option of export which eventually increases the foreign exchange reserves of the country.
To summarise ,advertisements act as an information booth for people by enabling them to choose a product from anywhere in the world which meets their requirement and price range.
Feedback: Very good formation used in sentence in order to make long sentences with good use of related words, overall approach is quit acceptable, need to work on unnecessary grammatical errors & few more cohesive devices along with relevant examples as found none.
Band: 3/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 9, 2021 at 11:30 PMPeople often argue over whether advertisements entice them to buy unnecessary products or introduce them to useful new tools which bring ease to their lives. I believe adverts mostly lure us into purchasing random useless goods, though in rare occasions giving us a useful surprise. The following paragraphs will discuss how and why people are conveniently enticed.
Firstly, production market is more focused on quantity rather than quality. From small scale companies to multi national conglomerates, with their insatiable greed want consumers to buy as many products and services from them as possible, and therefore invest on attracting liable audience into buying purposeless things. For instance, two years ago, people felt like having a face unlock feature in their phone was a necessity as a result of the massive scale in which the feature was advertised. Perfectly functioning old phones were discarded for a feature which failed to work half the times and was obviously not anymore convenient than it’s past counterparts.
Secondly, advertisements have become increasingly intelligent and use likes and interests of a person to con him/her into buying things not based on requirement but by relating the product to their likes. To illustrate, Dhoni who is a famous cricketer is shown using a headphone which is obviously unrelated to his sport, but these kind of advertisements encourage people to buy merchandise just because they like the the sportsman.
To sum up, people often end up buying some things which are of no use to them after watching advertisements. I suggest all the readers to not act on an impulse and give a proper thought before any purchase.
Feedback: Content is good but need to work on sentence formation as few sentence are connected with each other making no sense out of it, few more complex sentence with relevant examples.
Band: 2.5
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 13, 2021 at 4:16 PMAdvertisement is an ongoing promotional strategy adopted by companies to entice customers for procuring products and services.There is a revolution in the advertisement campaigns wherein, people are attracted toward the charismatic products which they don’t demand off. Although, non-profit advertisement such as launching a new product, awareness campaign enhanced our standard of living.
Nowadays, the huge demand for advertisement is on a digital platform (Youtube, Facebook, Google, Instragram). For example, Soft drinks like Pepsi, Coca Cola, and RedBull every year project a campaign that manipulates the perception about a drink, hence create a utility to purchase the unwanted commodity. Now due to artificial intelligent, companies are using the conventional approach of selling their product on the digital platform. For example, I browse a laptop randomly on google, after few days company display a different variety of laptop that I would interesting in purchasing. This scenario will create unnecessary demand in my mind for purchasing a laptop.
In addition, the advertising agencies are evaluated based on the unwanted demand created in the market. For example, Zomato the largest food ordering online app that has evolved the Indian market of food with his tagline ” Don’t worry about tasty food when Zomato is here” this has impacted people psychology for ordering food if still not hungry.
In conclusion, I believed advertisement is good to create awareness among people but on the other hand, it can create a undesired demand in the society.
Feedback: Well tried, approach is overall expectable, but execution got failed. Less use of sentence types as found limited structures used, need to work on sentence formation with help of few more cohesive devices, grammatical errors, & impactful related words.
Band: 2/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 15, 2021 at 12:05 AMAdvertising encourages us to but new things that we really do not need. Other say that advertisement tell about new product that improves our lives
Advertisement is a greatest tool of conveying massage, information, awareness and so on. It is dynamic and having various mode of telecast for example, It can be reached to the large audience, a specific groups of people, at certain time through various channel like Radio, Print media, social media, massages ,E-mail, outdoor media.
It has been proven a most powerful source in today’s era hence many companies are spending huge amount of their budget on advertisement activities for instance Pepsi, Unilever to grab the market share or to boost the festival sales and make sure that customer always stay connected.
Furthermore, Government also using to a great extend to spread the awareness. Now a days we can see a vaccine drive related many ads on television or social media which is critical requirement to educate human about the benefits and also assist how to register for it.
However, Advertisement has a negative side as well. Many time public has face issue of getting trap in fictitious advertisement or promotion scheme and sometime it misleads to audience by appealing product or service which is not essential to survive but public end up with procuring it.
We get irritate and sometime anxious when we show some ads constantly on screen and especially when we are watching something interestingly online then it destruct over mind therefore, many of us would prefer to pay for Ads free subscription.
So as covered different views of Advertisements its difficult to conclude here, although, my thought says that its benefits outweigh the negative. It can be more effective and wrathful if government would come up to policy or amendment which serve purpose for both.
Feedback: Well tried, overall content is acceptable but not up to the mark to make an impact. Need to work on sentence formation, Grammatical errors, & Grammatical Range means more sentence types.
Band: 2.5/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 15, 2021 at 11:49 PMAdvertisement has always been a exhilarating phase of marketing which promotes the people to procure goods & services if required or not but also keep the customers updated with the new products rambling in the market. Both the aspects are hugely escalated by the boom of the Advertising by the different means in the market therefore I agree to the both scenarios.
Earlier, there were the times when we had to rely on the conventional advertising options like Newspaper & TV commercials for making us aware about the new products, goods & services that were frequently emerging & making a gripping in the market. But now there are several other contemporary options of advertising like Email Marketing, WhatsUp marketing, Social Media Marketing etc which are more effective ways in spreading the new product news like a burning fire for boosting the purchase & increasing the sales as compared to previous years.
Today, in this competitive world, technologies are updating every seconds apparently things are changing & improving accordingly which would make the lives of the insatiable people easier & comfortable.
Subsequently, the recent mode of advertising has been an eye-catcher & repleted for the people who gets lure by the manner of presentations & information about the products driven by latest technologies therefore they make up their mind to purchase even if that’s not necessary. This is the adverse effect of the modern advertising therefore we should take a decision meticulously while going out for shopping otherwise you would end up by spending huge amount of money on the less important things.
Although, the era of advertising would excel more in coming years with advancement of skills & technologies as marketing strategies are evolving day by day which lead to fetch more money in flow in the market by increasing sales but one should be extra cautious while picking anything to procure without getting perplexed.
Feedback: Very well executed with good content, good use of range and words as well, need to work on sentence formation a bit to make an impression along with relevant examples as found none.
Band: 4/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 5, 2021 at 6:05 PMHumans are often tempted with a barrage of advertisements that they daily see on televisions, in newspapers and even on social media. Indeed, some advertisements give us knowledge about the new products coming in the market, it is quite contentious that whether it has a positive or negative effect on the audience. In my belief, many a time, advertisements entice people and encourage them to buy products that are not required.
Advertising agencies aim on promoting their products even by giving false commitments and that is very disruptive. It is due to this reason, sometimes people end up buying products that are deceptive and not required. Furthermore, it increases their urge to buy things that are off-limit.
Undoubtedly, advertisements are meant to procure their products and services by showing their gripping features and uses. As a consequence of this, people’s insatiable greed arises and they waste their hard-earned money on those things that they do not need. On the contrary, every individual should perform all kind of researches before buying any product on seeing advertisements.
In conclusion, everyone should be meticulous while buying things on the basis of what they are seeing through advertisements as it is easy to spend but difficult to earn. Although it is because of advertisement that we are able to compare products of various brands, I still believe that every person should first plan of what they actually require and then look for their features and uses rather than going with the advertisments.
The introduction is a bit too long and elaborated. Keep it simple and precise. The first body paragraph is even shorter than the introduction and there is no example given for your reason.
The word procure has been used in the wrong context. We need to discuss this question type and the structure of paragraphs in details.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 5, 2021 at 9:53 PMThere has been a gripping debate on the topic that whether a promotion lure us to make unnecessary purchases or it informs us about the product, which may improve human lives. In my opinion, the advertisements do entice consumers to procure off-limit/ unnecessary items using deceptive techniques.
First of all, I believe most of the big corporate houses have insatiable desire to capture the big chunk of market in order to maximize their profits. To achieve their objective they meticulously plan their promotion and lure the customers to make unwanted purchases. Due to this, sometimes people buy off-limits item and get trapped in the vicious circle of debt. For example, these days big corporate tie-up with financial institutions and offer products on Easy monthly instalments and individual make purchases which is uncalled for and beyond their pockets.
Secondly, people tend to procure health supplements and cosmetics based on misleading promotions by manufacturers in-spite of the fact that they do not need such products. These conglomerates hire famous personalities to act in their commercials so that they can capitalize on their success. Common man gets trapped in their deceitful tactics and make the purchases, without analysing the side effects on one’s health. For example, big FMCG manufacturers portray leading Bollywood actresses in their commercials and influence the public by making unrealistic claim and without even giving complete details of ingredients of their product.
In the concluding remarks, I
would like to reiterate that only motto of these large corporations, is to earn
profit by an means and in this horse race they want to succeed by hook or by
crook. In my opinion, Government should bring in legislations to check on these
kind of deceitful advertisements so that common man does not get cheated at the
hand of such companies.-
You have done an excellent job for the first time. The structure is good enough and you have used enough good words.
There are a few grammatical errors noted but nothing major.
However I would like you to pay attention to your conclusion. Never make suggestions in conclusion or start a new point.
Band Score: 4.0/6.0
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 5, 2021 at 10:03 PMAdvertisement has been a part of this society since a long time in one way or the other And it has always managed to get the company its required customers and help the owners make most of their profits. There’s no doubt in the fact that these sparkly advertisement lures people into buying the products that they really do not need.
Everybody watch these advertisements and they might purchase it without giving it a second thought. If I need some product I will definitely go to the market and will buy it myself. For example, I do not need an advertisement to buy the essentials or the groceries as they are the basic necessity which we really need. Contrary to this buying something like Rocket chair just because I saw the advertisement yesterday is fatuous.
The biggest reason for getting so absorbed by these advertisement is the fact that most of them features our favourite celebrities or other influential people who deceptively projects the brand and its products in exceptionally gripping ways. The moment we see these elites using that product our neurons starts calculating that it must be useful and one imagines that it will give us the same result that is being claimed without thinking ‘Do I really need it though?’
I used to be Very concerned about my hair even though I really have fine hair and never faced any major hairfall problems but watching those celebrities flaunt those chemically modified and camera enhanced shiny long hair I started having concerns for mine because I was comparing it to something that wasn’t real. I kept buying a barrage of these expensive well advertised products like oil, serums, shampoo and what not. It was only after spending a fortune that I realised they did nothing but damage my hair.
Concluding my points I feel that companies should stop these unrealistic advertisements about products whose efficiency might be contentious. The procuring of unnecessary goods empties our pockets, leaves us frustrated, and taking away our chance to amass that money to buy something which would have been helpful. One must be meticulous and vigilant enough to inquire before spending into something that is off limits.
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