Tagged: Advertisement, agree essay, sales
IELTS Writing Task 2
Posted by Isha Singha on December 8, 2021 at 1:25 PMThe main reason for the high sale of consumer goods in today’s society is advertising. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Kapil replied 9 months ago 10 Members · 14 Replies -
14 Replies
Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 9, 2021 at 2:57 PMIn today’s world advertising is a key feature for every business. Any product can be provoke customers to buy no matter if they need it or not it is with a use of advertisement. Increasing use of Digital marketing is making it even more convenient. This essay completely agrees with the concept that good customers pass on their good feelings to others. In this article, we will look at the reasons why certain people are easily persuaded by certain things, as well as whether consumers buy what they need or what has received positive evaluations.
To begin with, some people enjoy being followers and are easily persuaded to change their thoughts, which can be used as a target by a firm to encourage them to purchase items from a website or a store. For example a brand name Mama earth was recently launched it is a skincare brand they choose Instagram influencers to promote their product and within months every household had one of their products. Hence this shows that adverting their product on the right platform had a huge impact on sales.
Second, many people, including adults, are influenced by positive ratings and remarks about certain products, which motivates them to purchase it. For example the high charges could be a marketing to show that the product is worth selling. The general people as a whole has to be more aware of how to save money and time without being easily influenced.
Finally, good products do not need advertising in order to be presented. It is sure that we live in a time where social media and advertising had a huge impact on consumers decision making towards a product.
Any product can be provoke instead write ‘can provoke ‘Any product can provoke customers to buy no matter if they need it or not it is with a use of advertisement.
You can start with this -Power of advertisement is the major reason behind people buying products irrespective of their need for it.
This essay completely agrees with the concept that good customers pass on their good feelings to others.- This sentence is not in sync with the actual essay topic.
In this introduction thesis part is not clear and the side that you are taking here.
Body Paragraph 1
-brand ‘named’ instead of brand name
-recently launched. It is – Full stop will complete it
Few Grammatical errors are here.
Body Paragraph 2
high charges… that product is worth’ buying’ rather than ‘selling’
Use ‘common people’ instead of the general people
In conclusion, assert your stand one more time regarding the main question with overall conclusion.
In lexical resources words like popular commodities, consumers’ perspective,marketing gimmick , Incremental sales,endorsed etc could be used.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 9, 2021 at 3:07 PMIt is true that we are increasingly surrounded by advertising by companies that we want to sell us their products. I agree that advertising has impact on sales of consumer which i will be discussing in this essay.
Advertisement can certainly temp people to buy products that they might not otherwise want. A good example could be any food app. Even though we are not sometime hungry but when we watch any advertisement mentioning some discounts or any new update about new restaurant we immediately tend to visit that restaurant or order the food online. Perhaps it is the influence of marketing that leads us to make these kind of decisions. Some time in form of festive offer or clearance sales we get to think that we are getting profit out of it or being benefitted if we opt it and grab the offer.
Advertising makes product much easier and faster to be accessed by the people across the world. For example when you search a product online you also get suggested items which people have taken with that same product or if the particular product is out of stock you get option of all other similar product we sometime get a chance to purchase new product than our regular used product and sometime we like it and get benefitted out of it. We find celebrity are invited to advertise the good by using their influential to target their fans. This is no doubt for increasing sales.
In conclusion, advertising can motive people to go for shopping sometimes we get benefitted out of it and sometime we just fall for their marketing strategy but yes i agree that high sales of consumer’s product is advertising in day today society.
Please read words written in Italics, these are corrections.
It is true that we are increasingly surrounded by advertising by companies that want to sell us their products. I agree that advertising has an impact on sales of consumer goods, which I will be discussing in this essay.
Advertisements can certainly tempt people to buy products that they might not otherwise want. A good example could be any food app. Even though we are not hungry, when we watch any advertisement mentioning some discounts or any new update about a new restaurant we immediately tend to visit that restaurant or order the food online. Perhaps, it is the influence of marketing that leads us to make these kinds of decisions. For example, we get festive offers or clearance sales ,which is again a marketing gimmick.
Second Body paragraph is difficult to understand in context of advertisements. It mentions about cross selling of related products but how its related to advertisements?
In conclusion, advertising can motivate people to go shopping ,sometimes we get benefited from it and sometimes we just fall for their marketing strategy but yes I agree that high sales of consumer’s product is because of attractive advertisements.
Well tried Silk! Look out for some silly mistakes in the form of Grammatical errors.
Body paragraph 2 is not in sync .
More use of synonyms and vocab could be there, for example for products ( which has been repeated), use can use goods ,consumer items, retail goods etc.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 12, 2021 at 4:44 PMWe all know that Marketing is the key to success for any business. Advertisements are part of marketing strategies to reach and attract customers to accelerate their sales. This essay argues if the large sale of products in today’s world is due to publicity or not.
Advertisement plays an inevitable role in selling an item in the market. Without that there is no way for people to know about a particular product. Nowadays you can see ads almost everywhere , be it a TV, a website or a mobile app you just downloaded. Thanks to technology advancements , the ads appearing in your youtube or facebook or any website is personalized and it is based on your past or recent searches in the internet. For eg; if you start googling about ielts preparation, you will get all ads for ielts training from various institutes around the world. If you are really looking for a training, you will definitely start researching about that particular institute, that’s all they need and it’s a big win for the seller.
On the other hand, it is a fact that, advertisement alone is not sufficient for a product to be sold, it should be of great quality and effective. Customer satisfaction is the ultimate goal of any product to be a hit in the market and without maintaining a high standard and effectiveness, money spend in ads also will be waisted.
In my opinion , publicity plays an important role in big sales and without that it can take years for certain products to reach the common people and that too only if the product is 100 percent effective and undoubtedly does its purpose.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 13, 2021 at 6:24 PMUpdated essay.
We all know that Marketing is the key to success for any business. Advertisements are part of marketing strategies to reach and attract customers to accelerate their sales. This essay argues if the large sale of products in today’s world is due to publicity or not and I agree to a certain extent that ads plays an important role in it.
Advertisement plays an inevitable role in selling an item in the market. Without that there is no way for people to know about a particular product. Nowadays you can see ads almost everywhere , be it a TV, a website or a mobile app you just downloaded. Thanks to technology advancements , the ads appearing in your youtube or facebook or any website is personalized and it is based on your past or recent searches in the internet. For eg; if you start googling about ielts preparation, you will get all ads for ielts training from various institutes around the world. If you are really looking for a training, you will definitely start researching about that particular institute, that’s all they need and it’s a big win for the seller.
On the other hand, sometimes advertisements are annoying , for example when a new popular movie is broadcasted in television, you will get to enjoy movie for 5 minites and then 15 minutes commercial break. In top of that , many ads are misleading and the products are not even worth as they are exaggerating in ads. Nowadays large organizations have a belief that ads can bring in a lot of revenue and they are spending a huge money on ads, in fact that is not sufficient for a product to be sold, instead the product should be of great quality and effective. Customer satisfaction is the ultimate goal of any product to be a hit in the market and without maintaining a high standard and effectiveness, money spend in ads also will be wasted.
In my opinion , publicity plays an important role in big sales and without that it can take years for certain products to reach the common people and leads to loss of income.
Few Grammatical errors:
2nd Line – advertisements play
5th line– on the internet
6th line for training
researching that– enjoy the movie
-5 minutes
– then a 15 minutes
– On top of that
– huge amount of money
– spent on ads
Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 17, 2021 at 10:28 AMAdvertising play’s a vital role in attracting a large number of targeted people which would result in higher volumes of sales for a company. I strongly agree with the above statement and in the succeeding paragraph, I have provided the reasons for supporting my contentions.
Presently, in the world, there are millions of companies are operating in the consumer goods industries. Thousand of companies are selling identical products which might differ from other companies products in size, shape, quality, color and price. In this competitive market, companies are spending millions of dollars to showcase why their product is best and value for money in comparison to others. For Example- Biscuit manufactures Parle-G is spending 5 % of total revenue on advertising, which results in an increase in volume by 15% on year on year basis.
Secondly, the number of products available in the markets are very large and consumer got confused in selecting the best product suitable for their requirements. Advertising guides consumers about the property of a particular product and how it is suitable for their requirements. For Example- Advertising of a glue stick depicting the example of the use of glue sticks in fixing broken items will help us in understanding, whether the same will serve our purpose or not.
To conclude, i would like to say advertisement is beneficial for both company as well as consumer and which would results into gain of sale and loyalty of consumers.
In this modern era, the market has grown rapidly due to publicity of products, and it is argued that it is the major reason for the growth in the sell. I completely agree with this statement, because of creates awareness among the users and builds trust level through creating a trend. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall discuss in detail with examples and sum up with a logical conclusion.
To begin with, advertisements provide information about the items and services, and it is necessary to know before used by the buyer. Nowadays, a plethora of advertisement companies create creative content for the consumer which helps them to raise sales, which provides advantages to use their products profoundly, so people are aware of it and they think about buying at any cost. For instance, human beings didn’t prefer electric vehicles till the last 2 years, but Honda has promoted their vehicle with a number of benefits such as cheaper to use and saving the environment, so consumers could understand the advantages thereby they lead to buy and the company growth has reached to 110% in a year.
Moreover, these days youngster follow their favorite actor and actress on the social media and they keep updated on their activities, so big brand companies take this advantage and promoted their items through hands of the famous movie star, which is also one type of mass promotion to attract the huge shoppers. For example, the Nokia phone lost its market size in 2010, so they launched their new model with help of Tom Cruise who has millions of followers all over the world, they got successful to grow up their business.
To conclude, it is already proven by many brands that advertising is a medium of the bridge to reach the customers for hiking the sale, and if sellers don’t follow this route they could not get success in the business.
Consumerism in todays times has become a way of life. Advertising being a means to fulfil unsaid and unrealised dreams. It depends hugely on the influence a consumer has from his surroundings and peers. The risk taking ability increases when he is cajoled into buying things inspite of his limited means and paying ability. Clearly, this external influence majorly being advertising has led to high sale of consumer goods in today’s society.
If we deep dive into the reasons why advertising has made all the difference, it would not be wrong to reiterate that the ad-world has become more conducive for popular TV personalities, celebrities who because of their endorsement of a certain product bring about a tsunami of product enquiries and resultant sales. Starting from mobile phones to toothpaste, every commodity comes with its own brand ambassador and if the person feels inspired or connected with that celebrity, a confirmed sale is a given.
In addition to the star power, advertising has allowed display of products from across the globe at the click of a button. Brands like Tim Hortens, IKEA which were only associated to countries like Canada and America, today because of their presence in India have seen a catapulting demand for all off-shore type of goods and designs which earlier were limited to international markets only. If it were not for advertising, the foreign investment of all international manufacturers in a closed market like India would not have been possible.
Consumers are being driven by the advertising slogans these days much more than the utility they might have had of a product in real. Having said that, we can only talk about the positive impact advertising has had in the overall sales. The advent of consumerism has helped economies to scale up productions, invite foreign investments and not to forget create income and jobs in the economic machinery.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 26, 2022 at 7:59 AMNow a days advertising is considered to be the big cause for huge sale in consumer goods as it communicates potential benefits of product. In this essay we are going to discuss the reasons on why advertising is so important for consumer good sales.
Advertising helps product to reach wide range of audience and show all potential advantages one can get using the product. With the help of media such as television, social media or radio, one can broadcast the advertisement with all the benefits they can provide to the people locally or globally for example IELTS application created in India advertised over a social media helping people globally. Hence, people get to know product and their potential advantages through advertisement which add up to the sales in a big way.
People get influenced what they see advertised by their favourite sports person or a celebrity which ultimately push them towards making a purchase of an advertised product. It’s been seen that there are so many famous people are part of the advertisement on a television commercial or print media where they describe potential advantages of a product, for instance Hollywood actress promoting a skin care product and influencing viewers that their skin will be like her’s on usage of the product which will end up in the product purchase by many viewers.
In the end, I will say that advertisement plays a big role in increasing the sales as product not only reach to a wider audience but also people get influenced what they see and end up buying those products.
Please check words marked in bold for corrections.
Nowadays advertising is considered to be the big cause for huge sales of consumer goods as it communicates the potential benefits of a product. In this essay, we are going to discuss the reasons why advertising is so important for consumer goods sales.
Advertising allows a product to reach a wide range of audience and demonstrate all of the potential benefits of using the brand. With the help of media such as television, social media, or radio, one can broadcast advertisements with all of the benefits they can provide to people locally or globally. For example, the IELTS application developed in India was advertised on social media, assisting people globally.Hence, people get to know the product and their potential advantages through advertisement which add up to sales in a big way.
People get influenced by what they see advertised by their favourite sportsperson or a celebrity, which ultimately pushes them towards making a purchase of an advertised product.It has been observed that many famous people appear in advertisements on television or in print media describing the potential benefits of a product, such as a Hollywood actress promoting a skin care product and convincing viewers that their skin will look like hers after using the product, resulting in the product being purchased by many viewers.
In the end, I will say that advertisement plays a big role in increasing sales as product not only reach a wider audience but also people get influenced by what they see and end up purchasing those products.
– Repetition of words , like products , sales, benefits.
-Use synonyms like , goods, items, brand , merchandise.
-Errors while using articles.
– There is clarity in your essay, which is good.
Bands- 3.5/6
Any form of Advertisement for consumer products has now a days became very important to achieve healthy sales and longevity of the company. I agree with the opinion because in today’s world of rapid innovation and competition advertisement of a product is essential. Moving further we will see how positive advertisement can increase knowhow of the product’s unique features and increase its brand value which ultimately elevates product sales.
First of all, I believe that in this competitive environment for a company to survive they have to innovate and add valuable features to their products which in-turn has to reach consumers at large. This is were advertisement of any form plays important role. It is essentially very important to bring into everybody’s notice if the features are really innovative and address the pain areas of user. For example, recently apple iPhone 15 came up with a battery which can last much more longer then all previous editions, that is indeed a breakthrough and has to be advertise at global scale. That’s why it is important to invest in ads for better awareness of product resulting in more sales.
Secondly, it is very important for a company to regularly keep the advertisement floating of their products to increase the brand value of company and also to scale brand name. It has been a proven strategy of marketing, to publish new product or features to keep brand value alive in market this will also expedite its development process. For instance, Sony was earlier manufacturing only video cameras but now seeing at the competition and its expertise in picture quality it has starting manufacturing still cameras which has made their brand value increased keeping their advertisement frequency a major boost. Thus periodical advertisement keeps brand value at check and also helps increasing sales and adding new products in company’s profile.
To conclude, I strongly believe that advertising can positively affect product sales for consumer products. This is because it keep the brand name floating in minds of people and also push the team to make innovating and valuable products.
In this modern era, the marketing sector has grown rapidly, and it has a great contribution to raise the profits of organization. Many people believe that promotions play the major role to increase the sale in today’s world. I completely agree with this statement as it has proven that without advertisement business has to suffer to get success. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I will discuss in detail with examples and sum up with a logical conclusion.
Nowadays, publicity is handled by many big advertising companies. They launch very creative and informative video with the helping of known person and many times they also use some animals to provide the meaning full messages. Firstly, local can understand the usage of product, and it becomes easy to finalize a product from many options. Secondly, it is on the public platform so organization cannot make fool to people. In addition, some acts also provide a social message to society. For instance, Vodafone had launched an advertisement in which they displayed the loyal relationship of dog towards a human that spread a positive message in the society and they become one of the famous firms in England. Moreover, the selling rate of Vodafone SIM card has increased by 70% in a month.
However, a plethora of companies have to spend 30% of amount in publicity of their total selling that is also a big challenge. In addition, although many small companies have good product but unable to afford to spend amount in publicity they could not grow as fast as large firms.
To conclude, in spite of the cost of publicity, I reckon it is necessary to promote the product in the market on high scale to get success in the business because people become habitual, if they see the brand on any multimedia platform, they lead to buy those items.
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