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  • Task 1 (Academic): MAP

    Posted by Falak on February 8, 2022 at 8:40 AM

    You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

    The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.

    Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

    Write at least 150 words.

    AGAPE replied 1 year, 10 months ago 11 Members · 18 Replies
  • 18 Replies
  • Nancy

    February 8, 2022 at 9:59 AM

    The map illustrates how the village of Ryemouth has changed during the period of twenty- seven years.

    Overall, the village saw the changes from all the directions. The new buildings are constructed as well as the old scenery are cleared off like the farmland and the forest parks.

    In the year 1995 , in the north there is farmland and housing facilities and in the south direction there are fish markets , shops , cafe etc. At present, the farmland has removed and the forest parks are eliminated to make golf and tennis courts. On the opposite side that is south, restaurants as well as some apartments are added.

    At present, fishery markets are removed but cafe has remained the same during the period from 1995-2022. Some new facilities like car parking is added along the hotels.

    • Falak

      February 9, 2022 at 8:45 AM

      in the north (north east) there is farmland

      the farmland has (been) removed

      restaurants as well as some apartments are added.(by demolishing shops and fish market respectively)

      Some information on “fish ports” would be advised to include.

      Sentence structure could be more effective

      Keep writing!!

      Band: 1.5/3

  • Poojitha

    February 8, 2022 at 10:09 AM

    The map depicts the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.

    To the left we can see the map of the village in 1995. In 1995, we can see the residential area on the West. In the East, We can see the farmland and forest area. In the South, We can see a few shops along the roadside, the fish market by the sea. Towards the South-East there is a hotel and a cafe along the roadside.

    In comparison, the village at present is having a lot of changes. The number of houses on the West has increased from twelve to sixteen. There is a huge transition on the East side of the map. The farmland and the forest park are removed and that area is now having a Golf court and Tennis court. The shops, fish markets and fishing ports are removed and that area is now occupied by restaurants and apartments. The hotel along the roadside is still present but has expanded by adding the car parking area. Through all these years, the only thing which did not change is the cafe by the sea which is still present.

    Words – 194 , Time – 30min

    • Falak

      February 17, 2022 at 11:43 PM

      It is suggested to write “overall” in the overview

      We can see the farmland and forest area. In the South, We can see a few shops along the roadside, the fish market by the sea. Towards the South-East there is a hotel and a cafe along the roadside. (monotonous sentence structure)

      Try to keep time track.

      Band: 1.5/3

  • Vimy

    February 8, 2022 at 5:44 PM

    The given map depicts the changes in the Reymouth Village over the past two and a half decades. A few of the significant alteration have been made, number of houses have increased, farmland and forest park have been transformed into golf course and tennis court. Restaurants have taken the place of shops, car parking facility have been provided in the hotel and fish port have been removed from the sea.

    In 1995, Northwest direction shows houses while a large area of land was provided for farm purpose the upper part was for farmland on northeastward while lower part includes forest park on southwest. Hotel and café was established along the side of the roadway opposite to each other. Restaurants and fish market were given in the south west corner along with fish port in the southern most side of the Sea.

    However, now the no. of houses have increased significantly in the west of the village. Whereas to the Southwestern side, restaurants have taken the place of shops, and after crossing the roadway a fish market has been converted into apartments and fishing port has been removed from the sea. But Cafe remain unchanged and car parking have been erected with the hotel. Farmland and forest park have transformed into golf course and tennis court respectively on the northeastern part.

    Word limit- 220

    • Falak

      February 9, 2022 at 8:54 AM

      well- written , but do keep time track along with word limit

      Keep writing!!

      Band: 2.5/3

  • Vimy

    February 8, 2022 at 5:45 PM

    The given map depicts the changes in the Reymouth Village over the past two and a half decades. A few of the significant alteration have been made, number of houses have increased, farmland and forest park have been transformed into golf course and tennis court. Restaurants have taken the place of shops, car parking facility have been provided in the hotel and fish port have been removed from the sea.

    In 1995, Northwest direction shows houses while a large area of land was provided for farm purpose the upper part was for farmland on northeastward while lower part includes forest park on southwest. Hotel and café was established along the side of the roadway opposite to each other. Restaurants and fish market were given in the south west corner along with fish port in the southern most side of the Sea.

    However, now the no. of houses have increased significantly in the west of the village. Whereas to the Southwestern side, restaurants have taken the place of shops, and after crossing the roadway a fish market has been converted into apartments and fishing port has been removed from the sea. But Cafe remain unchanged and car parking have been erected with the hotel. Farmland and forest park have transformed into golf course and tennis court respectively on the northeastern part.

    Word limit- 220

  • Priya

    February 8, 2022 at 9:04 PM

    The picture shows us the development of the village “Reymouth”, over a period a period of 26 years from the year 1995 till date on the urban properties and basic amenities for the people living in the region.

    Overall, we could infer that the village has been transformed to a city with the establishment of commercial properties like restaurants, café, golf and tennis courts and a plenty of housing properties for the people living in the region.

    One advent thing we could understand from the picture is that the surge in manifold of housing and apartment areas in the recent times from that of the year 1995. Several acres of greenery area had been converted to golf and tennis courts for the citizen’s recreation purpose.

    On the other hand, series of shops and fish markets lining behind the sea has been removed and changed to cozy restaurants and sea view apartments facing the sea. Whereas the hotels and café has remained in the same place right from the year 1995. In addition to those, a car parking area has been allocated for the visitor’s convenience to park their vehicles.

  • Bhargav

    February 17, 2022 at 10:10 AM

    The above map shows us the dynamic and structural changes of the village of Ryemouth from the year 1995 to the present year .

    The village has gone through huge development .The number of houses, increases; many shops are transformed into restaurants; car parking is added to the hotel and an addition of tennis court and a golf course has been constructed.

    in the year 1995 to the south there is a fishing port is seen through the sea with a fish market, opposite to it we have multiple shops facing to north and to the east we can witness a vast forest park near the farmland and alongside the roadway we have several houses built across the path to the west ,down south there hotel opposite to a cafe

    however to the present year there is a large difference from the year 1995 to now, extension of a road to the west with increase in houses and the farmland is been turned into a golf course and a tennis court, car parking is added to a existed hotel here opposite to the cafe, there are new set of apartments near the sea and a restaurant opposite to the apartments.

    • Falak

      February 28, 2022 at 11:55 AM

      in (In) the year 1995 (,)

      opposite to it we have (had) multiple shops

      grouping and comparison of structures would have been appreciated.

      band: 2/3


    February 22, 2022 at 12:20 PM

    The map below represents the urbanization of the village of Ryemouth and highlights major development during current scenarios compared to 1995.

    Overall, the population of the locality has increased and modern infrastructures like roads, parking and sports facilities are elevated to overcome general human requirements.

    In the North-Eastern part of the neighbourhood , the countryside experienced massive deforestation resulting in contraction of the forest park into couple of tennis courts while the farmland got extended to occupy a golf course. Below the tennis court, on the eastern part of the region, the hotel land is spread to occupy cark parking facilities for the commuters.

    Apartments are erected near the sea shore on the southern part of the district over previously existing fish market during 1995. The fish trade has been completely abolished as the fishing port is withdrawn from the locality. On the other side of the road, the shops are upgraded to restaurant which suggests the area has observed increased tourism.

    In the western part of village, the road connecting centrally diagonal main road is extended furthermore to adjust housing colonies.

    Word Count – 160

    • Falak

      February 24, 2022 at 11:50 AM

      overcome (fulfill) general human requirements.

      the area has observed increased tourism. (not stated in map)

      well -written , keep writing!!

      Band: 2/3

  • Lavina

    May 6, 2022 at 1:56 PM

    The map illustrates the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and the present. Overall, the village has witnessed changes like residential areas, hotels, and a tennis court.

    In the year 1995, towards the northern part, the land is covered with farmlands and forest areas, the village has a road that divides the east side which is reserved for housing, to the west side which is the green land. The same road connects to the southern of the village which has all the shops, fish markets, cafés, and hotels that are built parallel to the south road.

    At present, the village has experienced major changes like the number of houses has increased, the forest park has been converted into a tennis court and golf area, and in the southern part, we see the shops, fish markets, and fishing port have been eliminated and the area is now occupied by restaurants and apartments. The hotel has its own car parking built adjacent to it, while we see no changes in the cafeteria zone. We have seen a significant transformation of the village since 1995.

    • Falak

      May 9, 2022 at 12:55 PM

      Feedback : Use of cohesive devices, dependent clauses will make writing even more effective. Make use of past tense for 1990 in order to establish more clarity.

      keep writing!!

  • Ashley

    June 2, 2022 at 11:55 AM

    This map illustrates how the village of Ryemouth has changed from the period of 1995 to the present.

    Overall there are significant changes in the present village of Ryemouth as some have been replaced and other things have been removed. This shows how the developmental changes have incurred during these periods.

    In the year 1995 as we see in the north east direction, the farmland and the forest park has been replaced by some buildings and the tennis court. If we see in the north west direction, there has been a rise in housing this shows how the population in this village has increased. Overall in the south direction the shop and the fish market has been replaced by restaurant and apartments. Although the fishing port has been removed. Therefore in the south west direction car park has been added which is close to the hotel. Though all these years the café is still in that particular place and no changes have been made on that.

    • Falak

      June 3, 2022 at 8:30 AM

      Overall (,) there are significant changes

      the farmland and the forest park has been replaced by some buildings (golf course) and the tennis court

      . Although (moreover,) the fishing port has been removed

      Therefore in the south west direction car park has been added which is close to the hotel (therefore is not suitable)

      Though (through) all these years

      Feedback : Faulty usage of cohesive devices has been observed at many places. I would advise to understand their right usage.

      Band: 1.5/3

  • Pranav

    June 2, 2022 at 7:02 PM


    The below map shows transformation of the Ryemounth village from 1995 till date.

    Overall, there have been distinct changes towards Southern and Eastern parts of the village, wherein the forest park is replaced with a tennis court whereas the fishing port no longer exists. The northern and western regions have seen minimal development over the years.

    In the year 1995 people mostly lived in the north and west parts of the village, presently they have built apartments by the sea replacing the fish market. Due to which the shops are replaced with a chain of restaurants opposite to the apartments. The hotel and the cafe still hold the same spot but now the hotel has a dedicated car park right next to it.

    The eastern region had a major transformation, the farmlands is converted to golf course for leisure, on the other hand, some part of forest park is enjoyed by tennis fans. We observe some housing apartments been built towards the west which now have a dedicated access road for them.


    September 13, 2022 at 3:58 AM

    Two maps provided are of the village of Ryemouth in the year 1995 and it’s present view after certain modifications.

    Overall, it is evident that as years passed, though the transport facility, hotel, and café remained unchanged, the green area from Reymouth village as well as the fish markets had vanished completely for the erection of apartments and entertainment facilities.

    Village of Ryemouth has a road-transit option, which longs from the north-west corner to the south coastal border. At present, this roadway has an extended middle-sideway to the west. Moreover, throughout the sideway, some more resident spaces are introduced in addition to the houses that are parallel to the straight road in 1995. Similarly, as the population increased, the village of Ryemouth had also erected 4 apartments near to the south coastal road by demolishing the fish market and fishing port of the year 1995.

    On the north-east village area, in 1995, it had a huge farmland and forest park. But this however vanished now for the sake of a golf park and tennis court. Though these alterations had occurred in the Ryemouth village, the café on the south-east seashore and the hotel located on the east had been retained with an addition of a car parking facility for the latter.

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