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  • Task 1 (Letter writing) : Cookery school

    Posted by Falak on December 27, 2021 at 8:59 AM

    You recently did a short cookery course. The cookery school has asked for your feedback on this course.
    Write a letter to the course director at the cookery school.

    In your letter,

    describe what you enjoyed about the course

    say how much cooking you’ve done since the course

    suggest another cookery course you’d like the school to offer

    Write at least 150 words.

    You do NOT need to write any addresses.

    Begin your letter as follows:

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    Eram replied 1 year, 10 months ago 18 Members · 37 Replies
  • 37 Replies
  • Shanthala

    December 27, 2021 at 9:24 AM

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing this letter to provide my feedback about the short cookery course recently undertaken at your centre.

    I thoroughly enjoyed learning the intrecacies of baking Christmas cookies and varieties of cake.The master chef who was conducting classes was quoting good examples and also provided tips to master the skill of baking.

    I never enjoyed baking until I attended your course.I tried my hands in baking christmas plum cake during last weekend for this christmas and the outcome was amazing!My friends and family liked the taste and softness of the cake.Now,I am looking forward to bake cookies in the coming weekend.

    I would suggest you to introduce Chinese dishes course at your cookery classes.My friends and I are looking forward to learn Chinese dishes as kids are more interested in eating noodles these days.

    Overall,the course was outstanding and I would definitely recommned this course to my friends and family.

    Yours Sincereley,


    –1 61 words

    • Falak

      December 28, 2021 at 12:17 AM

      Yours Sincereley (faithfully)

      Chinese dishes course (certificate course in Chinese food)

      Answer is well- written. Though usage of punctuation at certain places would be appreciated to avoid confusion

      Sentence structure needs to be varied

      Keep writing!!

      Band: 2/3

  • kartik

    December 27, 2021 at 1:32 PM

    Dear Sir/ Madam,

    I am one of the attendees of the cookery course that was conducted on 25th February 2021. As required, I would like to provide some valuable feedback on the same.

    I would like highlight that it was one the better organised events that I have been a part of. The course structure is sufficiently comprehensive, ensuring that novice chefs like myself are kept engaged. I personally enjoyed the diverse cuisines that were included as a part of the course, ensuring that all the participants get a wholesome idea of how culinary skills work. I have even tried to experiment with the food preferences as suggested by our Course Co-ordinators and has gained me a lot of applaud , from friends and family.

    A couple of things that I felt could be improved upon were including a more wider range of desert recipes and adding healthier alternatives options to the current cuisines. Also, It would be very helpful if the course can introduce an e-book for the food preparation details.
    I hope this feedback is useful in designing and improving the program.

    Yours Sincerely,


    • Falak

      December 28, 2021 at 12:26 AM

      like myself (me)

      desert (dessert) recipes

      I would like (to) highlight that it was one (of) the better (best) organised events

      Explain all the bullet points in distinct paragraphs , as it will be a positive feature for higher band score

      Band: 2/3

  • jagriti

    December 27, 2021 at 3:15 PM
    • Falak

      December 28, 2021 at 12:23 PM

      All the criteria (credit)

      There has been an improvement for sure , areas like sentence structure and punctuation need more attention.

      Keep writing!!


  • Thejas

    March 11, 2022 at 9:42 AM

    Hello Sir,

    I’m writing this letter in response to your request for my feedback on the cookery course and I’m happy to provide my thoughts on it.

    I attended summer cookery class from 1st to 10th April and the course was well planned for beginners. The best part was of using knife in perfect manner it really attracted me more on cutting and decoration part of the food.

    I’m happy to say that I really enjoyed the course and it really encouraged me a lot. The chef who taught us was really gentle and he helped everyone to improve their skills. Currently, I’m applying the techniques to cook at home and I’m glad to say that everyday I’m receiving compliments from family and friends.

    I cannot thank you enough. I will definitely recommend to few friends of mine and I would be really interested to learn more on cooking maybe you can offer another course to enhance cooking skills.

    Yours Faithfully,

    Thejas CC

    • Falak

      March 15, 2022 at 8:41 AM

      Hello Sir, (Dear Sir or…)- already mentioned in the letter

      The task is under length. Therefore, the reasons and development of bullet points has been compromised.

      Lexical resources need to be considered, avoid the repeating same common words.

      Band: 1.5/3

  • Sudhakar

    March 11, 2022 at 9:47 AM

    Dear Sir,

    I’m writing this letter with regard to the feedback of one of cookery course that I have taken in your school. I had a great experience learning in your school, I’m completely satisfied with your teaching sessions and I would like to rate the course 10 out of 10.

    I have enjoyed the course thoroughly as it contains cooking sessions for all cuisines including practical sessions at the end of the course. The best part of the course is practical sessions where in we can prepare the food under the supervision of the teachers and can serve to the fellow students to get the feedback.

    After the course, I have adopted cooking as a hobby, so I’m preparing my everyday meals. The course also provided me the part time job in VegLEAF restaurant, where I’m preparing mostly Indian cuisines.

    I think we are missing one of the indian famous dish called palak panner in our courses ,so i suggest to introduce a cookery course on this.

    I would be grateful if you add the suggested course. I look forward to hearing from you.

    Yours faithfully,

    • Falak

      March 15, 2022 at 8:47 AM

      one of cookery course (courses)

      I think we are missing one of the indian (Indian) famous dish (dishes) – proper noun

      so i (I) suggest

      writing could be more effective with the usage of cohesive devices. It will enhance the cohesion among sentences.

      Keep writing!!

      Band: 2/3

  • Ohmkar

    March 11, 2022 at 10:30 AM

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am one of the person who attended your cookery course that was conducted on 3rd March 2022. As you have asked me to share my feedback after cookery course. Therefore, I am writting this letter to share my feedback .

    I thoroughly enjoyed and spellbound on baking Christmas cookies and varieties of cake. The course structure is sufficiently comprehensive and with multi cuisines. Main highlights of couse is that chef gave me a chance to be a volunteer . As per Instructions , guidelines provided by Master chef, I personally engaged with all items and have stirred all the necessary ingredients with butter and sugar . I learnt intrecacies behind baking a cake . At last, he made a wonder! with me , a tasty cake. Being, a youtuber I listed each and every thing in description of video to my viewers and also I am able to resolve their doubts. Interns like me used have so many myths behind procedures of baking a cake but all were nullified with tips of master chef.

    I would strongly recommend you to introduce Japanese dishes course at your cookery classes. People of my community are looking forward to learn Japanese dishes as their children are most likely to have noodles .

    Overall, this course is really helpfull to interns like me and I would definitely recommend this course to my viewers and subscribers.

    Yours Sincerely,


    • Falak

      March 15, 2022 at 8:54 AM

      I am one of the person (persons)

      I learnt intrecacies (intricacies)

      helpfull (helpful)

      Yours Sincerely, (faithfully)

      omkar (Omkar)

      Letter is well-written . usage of lexical resources is appreciated. There has been clear overall progress throughout. Be careful with the minor slips as mentioned above.

      Band: 2.5/3

  • kunsoth

    March 15, 2022 at 12:51 PM

    Dear sir/madam,

    I am writing this letter to express my pleasure in the culinary class in which I enrolled at your institute a month ago, and for your considerations for my feedback about it.

    Although the course was only a month-long, I learned many skills of cooking some exquisite Mexican dishes. The instructor- Jocelyn, taught the class with great passion whilst making the learning process fun, which made the whole experience very enjoyable. Furthermore, with this course, I learned some new delicious recipes that I have never tried before, which was wonderful.

    Inspired by the course and the instructor, I made my favourite dish I learnt from the classes for a small party I hosted, in addition to cooking a few other recipes for my family every weekend since the end of the class. Everyone was very amazed at how savoury and palatable the food was.

    It would be great if the institute provided baking classes, specifically done with chocolate and people will enroll in this course if you include it.

    I am thankful to you providing me with some great culinary skills.

    Yours faithfully,

    shirisha ketavath

    • Falak

      March 21, 2022 at 6:04 PM

      I am writing this letter to express my pleasure in the (about the) culinary class in which I (was) enrolled at your institute (about) a month ago, and for your considerations for my (share my) feedback about it.

      in addition to (this, these days I usually try other recipes for my family every weekend) evercooking a few other recipes for my family every weekend since the end of the class

      It would be great if the institute (starts providing )provided baking classes (too), specifically done with chocolate and people will (surely) enroll in this course( if you include it.- not required)

      I am thankful to you (for) providing me

      work on sentence formation.

      keep writing!!

  • Nikita

    March 23, 2022 at 3:02 PM

    Dear Sir,

    Iam writting this letter to give my feed back on the cooking courses that i took a month ago in your institution, to enhance my culinary art skills.

    As the course was for a month but i felt time had passed very qucikly as i enjoyed the course so much. I took bakery sessions and learned the diiferent techniques and proceduces in baking cakes and decorating it. Besides that, i enjoyed various tricks used in decoration part.

    After my course was finished, i used this skills to prepare cakes and some other delicious dessserts for the birthday parties of my near and dear one. Everyone has even praised me after enjoying the cake meals.

    I would love to learn about chinese food, so i request you to introduce a short course at yours respected institute. Chinese food is in trends right now, many other students will also be intrested in the course. Please take this idea into consideration.

    Thanking you in anticipation.

    Yours faithfully,

    Nikita Rajput.

    • Falak

      March 29, 2022 at 1:41 PM

      that i (I) took a month ago

      As (Even though) the course was for a month (,) but (avoid “but” here) i felt time had passed very qucikly (quickly) as i enjoyed the course so much

      baking cakes and decorating it (them)

      , i used this (these) skills to prepare cakes

      dear one(s)

      (Infact/ even) Everyone has even (” even” is not suitable here) praised me after enjoying the cake

      yours (your) respected institute.

      proceduces (procedures)

      Take the points/ suggestions mentioned above. Proof -read is must to avoid silly errors.

      Keep writing!!

      Band: 1.5/3

  • Poonam

    July 25, 2022 at 1:48 PM

    Dear Madam,

    I am writing this letter to share a feedback on the course recently attended at your academy i.e ” Baking Professional Cake”. Course started on 01st June 2022 and ended on 30th June 2022.

    One of the most exciting parts of the course was teamwork when Ms Shalini divided the participants in two groups. The Enthusiasum of all the people was at peak while competing with the other group. Learning was made easy with cumulative efforts of coach and all the trainees. We not only learnt about the new techniques but also realised the true potential of each individual in terms of creativity.

    Although the course has already completed, I must admit it feels fascinating to try the knowledge and skills at home. For Instance, it was my son’s first birthday party on 15th July 2022 and with the help of the recipe book and important notes that your school provided, I had managed to bake an “Avengers” theme cake for him.

    Appreciation from well wishers for the cake inspired me to enroll at another course at your school. I really wish to learn how to bake “Muffin along with Pan Cake” as my future goal now is to open a cake shop including varieties. However the said course is not included in the curriculam. Could you please include it and otherwise the course addition will fetch profits for you in long run as it is much in demand in market.

    Looking for the response at the earliest.

    Your Faithfully,

    Poonam Seth

    • Falak

      July 27, 2022 at 12:29 PM

      curriculam. (curriculum)

      However(,) the said course is not

      Could you please include it and otherwise the course addition will fetch profits for you in long run as it is much in demand in market. (Could you please include it ; moreover, the course addition will fetch profits for you in long run as it is in great demand

      d with the help of the recipe book and important notes that your school (had) provided, I had managed (“managed” use indefinite) to bake an “Avengers” theme cake for him.

      keep writing!!

      Band: 2/3

  • bhanu

    July 25, 2022 at 1:49 PM
    • Falak

      July 27, 2022 at 12:38 PM

      teached ( taught)

      everyone have (has)

      the response is not answering the 2nd and 3rd bullet points.

      Try to avoid repetitive structures.

  • bhanu

    August 1, 2022 at 1:25 PM
    • bhanu

      August 8, 2022 at 11:26 AM

      @fal kindly evaluate the updated letter.

    • Falak

      August 16, 2022 at 12:57 PM

      you are not writing to inform but to provide feedback

      who’s (whose)

      closing line is required.

      lexical resources could be more effective.

      Keep writing!!

  • vigneshwar

    August 24, 2022 at 10:36 AM

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am writing this letter to provide feedback about the baking course which I completed from your school.

    I was initially sceptical whether I can master the baking skills with this curriculum design. But, frankly speaking, the cooking lessons were well curated & really impactful, hence my learning curve took upward trajectory right from the beginning of the course.

    Although it was little fast paced, trainers were well experienced and they involved me in lot of practical sessions. It boosted my confidence to try out various baking at my home. On of my best baking is Black Forest cake which I prepared for my wife. After tasting it, she complemented me for providing the authentic taste to it.

    When I suggested this school to my friends who has desire in learning cooking, they found that some of the courses like Chinese & Indian cuisines are not available in portal for them to sign up. Therefore, my suggestion is to introduce the course as many Indians are living in and around our neighbourhoods.

    Overall, the course was well designed and it was well executed by trainers as well.

    Yours Sincerely,


    • vigneshwar

      August 24, 2022 at 10:37 AM

      @fal kindly evaluate this letter mam

  • Shubhum

    September 8, 2022 at 8:55 AM

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am one of the students who attended the classes of cookery course and learnt lot of things from your guidance. After finishing the cookery course , i have to provide the feedback of the course to the management team of cookery

  • Nitish

    September 8, 2022 at 9:17 AM

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am writing this letter to provide my feedback on Italian cookery course, which I attended last month for 2 weeks from your institution. I love this course and learn a lots of new cuisine, which I had never know before joining that course, moreover the chef was a senior professional form a famous Italian restaurant which help me a lot to understand basics of italic food preparation for more authentic taste.

    After completing this course, I have prepared this type of food in two family function. Surprisingly, everybody was parsing the quality of food and recipe, even for few people it was first time when they try any Italian recipe, and I was feeling on the top of the world due to the appreciation I received. Subsequently, I prepare italic breakfast on daily basis.

    Furthermore, I am fond of Chinese cuisine, So I will really appreciate and be thankful if institute can offer a Chinese cooking course, where me and many other students can learn about the cooking practices and recipes of food in China.

    Looking forward to hear back from you.

    Yours Faithfully,

    Sara Jones

    • Falak

      September 8, 2022 at 10:30 PM

      I love this course and learn a lots of new cuisine, – You need to present in “past” tense since the course is completed

      which I had never know (which I was not even aware about)

      form (from) a famous Italian

      which help (helped) me a lot to understand basics of italic (Italian- proper noun) food preparation

      two family function(s)

      parsing (praising)

      where me and many other students (where many others and I) can learn about the cooking practices

      Feedback : There is need to pay attention toward past tense and it’s usage , cuisine is “Italian” not “Italic”

  • Sebanti

    September 8, 2022 at 12:31 PM

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am Sebanti Roy, one of your students of the last week cookery class, and I am writing this letter to share my feedback for the same.

    Firstly, I want to convey my thanks for the wonderful detailed course which I have attended in your school. In particular, the best part of it was the agenda of the course was fully covered with lot of hands-on examples, and the trainer cleared all our queries in the last doubt clearing class.

    Secondly, I am excited to inform you that after the completion of the course I tried different kind of new dishes which were not taught in the class. Although the fondant part was not covered in baking, I tried few fondant cakes at my home, and I also got appreciations from my family members.

    Finally, I want to request you for some international cuisine classes especially of the countries like Italy and France, as I want to enhance my culinary skills with some unique dishes.

    Overall, this course is really helpful to interns like me and I would definitely recommend this course to my friends.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Sebanti Roy

    193 Words

    • Falak

      September 8, 2022 at 10:42 PM

      fully covered with (a) lot of

      , I am excited to inform (inform may not be the right word to use here) you that

      I tried different kind(s) of new dishes

      Keep writing!!

  • Anju

    September 8, 2022 at 8:51 PM

    Dear Madam

    I am writing this letter to share my experience I had with recent cookery classes held in your school.

    First of all , I would like to appreciate the interest shown by school in seeking feedback from attendees. The time I had invested during these session was worthful and full of learning.

    During these session I have explored different cuisines including international and same time learnt about the various taste prevailing in different regions of our country. Moreover the chef’s and trainer’s were well experienced and empathic to students about taking time to learn and prepare the dishes. Another, I would like to appreciate coordinator for her always supportive nature in terms of flexibility and compensatory classes request made by students in due course of time.

    The learning I have had with this course is upmost helping me in managing my day to day meals and also specials dishes that are cooked during weekends or festive sessions. In order to remember the preparation of dishes , I have a personalized dairy where in all of the recipe are written which is another great idea shared by the chef’s during the classes. Recently I prepared couple of dishes for my colleagues and they all like the taste, presentation and variety of spices that were being used while cooking .

    I must say I feel more confident of my cooking today however missing the skills of baking , which is quite important as everyone prefers something in sweet after meals. I did shown my interest of baking with my aligned course though this wasn’t available option that time. Could you please add on few specialized classes of dessert and baking and I am sure many people would like to attend the same.

    Looking forward to hear from you! Thank you once again .

    Your Sincerely

    Pooja Kaushik

    • Falak

      September 8, 2022 at 11:11 PM

      During these session(s)

      I have explored different cuisines (keep it in “past indefinite” since you are specifying the time in past) including international and same time learnt about the various taste(s)

      Moreover(,) the chef’s (chefs) and trainer’s (trainers) were well experienced

      terms of flexibility and (requests for compensatory sessions) compensatory classes request made by students in due course of time.

      specials (special) dishes

      where in all of the recipe(s)

      chef’s (chef) – need to understand the difference between chef’s and chefs

      Recently(,) I prepared couple of dishes for my colleagues and they all like (liked) the taste, – recently is always followed by comma

      my cooking today(;) however (,) missing the skills of baking , which is (are) quite important

      I did shown (show) my interest

      keep writing!!

  • Eram

    September 8, 2022 at 8:52 PM
    • Falak

      September 8, 2022 at 11:20 PM

      “pursued” may not be the right word to use here

      rest of the things will be discussed in the class as certain words are not clear to read

  • Kalyan

    September 9, 2022 at 8:53 AM

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing this letter to provide feedback on the cookery course I took at your esteemed cookery school.

    I thoroughly enjoyed the way your instructors explained how to use vegetables , fruits and leaves to make different kind of recipies. I am always Fascinated by using vegetables, fruits and leaves to come up with new dishes. Your instructors helped me understand The intricacies of Vegan cooking in a better manner.

    What I also enjoyed is the camaraderie of the people who attended the course. It was nice to meet and share ideas with people from different walks of life interested in cooking, and experiment different dishes.

    Your course has given me a strong motivation to experiment with cooking everyday. Now I don’t eat out anymore. Rather than going out with my friends to eat, I now organise cooking evenings in which I invite my friends and share my enthusiasm of cooking.

    In future, I would recommend you to introduce how to make Juices with different kind of flowers. And, you may also dive deeper into the benefits of different plants, vegetables, and fruits.

    Yours Sincerely,


  • Shubhum

    September 9, 2022 at 8:55 AM

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am one of the student who attended your cooker courses in recent ties that was conducted for most one month. As you have requesting me to share the feedback after finishing the course. I am writing this ltter to share my feedback.

    Overall, i throughly enjoyed the course session after learning various types of cuisines that was i unaware from it including de classes before the starting f session classes. The memorable moment of this course is the interaction of teacher with their students by providing a better guidance how to make new dishes with the several food items and to serve it in a well mannered way. After learning this course, i have a bright future to make my career in cookery field. Now i feel like that i am living a life of independent person who can make different types of delicious cuisines in any place of the world.

    I would strongly recommended you to make your career in hotel management field. There are lot of scopes in hotel management and it is a most demand able job as compared to a cookery teacher. You can get lot of oppurtunities to work on international platform by representing your own country dishes and learning various types of cuisines.

    At last not least, i would like to suggest the whole youth pursuing your career in cookery field is one of te best choice to enjoy and live a better quality of life.

    your sincerely

    Samar anand

  • Eram

    September 9, 2022 at 9:13 AM

    Dear Sir,

    I am writing this letter to bring to your attention the network congestion on the internet near my residential area over the past few days.

    Firstly, the difficulty is that its running speed is extremely low, above all I can not download the important facts related to my work since I am an educator, and I have to work on the system now and then moreover the congestion in the network have been hindering my performance at my workplace.

    I would like to suggest that kindly to set more internet network as a reason for the increasing population in my locality. I will be highly obliged to you for this of favour.

    I look forward to receiving your response.

    Yours sincerely,

    Eram Fatima

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