Writing Task 2: Advantages and disadvantages
Posted by Falak on August 9, 2021 at 5:50 PMThe use of social media is replacing face-to-face interaction among many people in society.
Discuss advantages and disadvantages
Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Sadaf Mulla replied 4 months, 4 weeks ago 22 Members · 38 Replies -
38 Replies
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Deleted UserAugust 10, 2021 at 12:25 AMHi Falak,
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Deleted UserAugust 10, 2021 at 12:39 AMJust to give you a heads up – I tried to upload attachment multiple times but its not saving due to some platform issue (not sure why).
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Deleted UserAugust 17, 2021 at 3:33 PMHi Falak!
I tried to upload it yesterday and now as well but it still giving me same issue while uploading it.
It seems to be a platform issue. Please make it check from platform end.
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Deleted UserAugust 26, 2021 at 1:40 PMHi Falak,
Please review it.
Body paragraph 1 : easily (easy) accessibility ; between (among) people
Body paragraph 2 : People prefer to call or text instead of face-to-face meeting, resulting in weakening of verbal skills. They feel diffident in interacting with others in person
Feedback : Try to opt for synonyms approach , to make writing more effective.
Band :3.5/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserSeptember 30, 2021 at 9:37 PM -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2021 at 11:12 AM-
Social media platform(s) have
have witnessed tremonous (tremendous)
in person communication over( over is redundant here) within communities
i (I) concede
I suppose the changes have been beneficial (However, I believe that the benefits this shift brings may overshadow the drawbacks).
B.P 1 : Topic sentence needs to be more precise an so the explanation.
Band : 2.5/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 4, 2021 at 11:14 AM -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 13, 2021 at 12:37 AMHi falak,
I have attached text doc of essay .
Kindly check.
People throughout the world uses (use) social media to communicate with other(s)(,) using social media platforms (social networking sites) like email, Whatsapp, Facebook, and so many (many more). They prefer to contact with( through) social media rather than face-face (actual interaction) contact because to connect instantly ( as it offers instant connection). (However,) it also includes some drawbacks like depending on electronics devices and privacy issues. Here we will ( this essay will discuss) discuss both benefits and disadvantages briefly.
Mainly, the digital communication system plays major role in human development. It provides wide variety of features including distant learning, remote working, connecting with people irrespective of place and time. For instance, social media (has) become main source of communication of distance family and friends through video or audio call with no need of charges to contact. Particularly in this global covid-19 pandemic, world depends on social media to stay connected with people in office, family and public to get information and support. It helps (to make ) people more productive and safes (ensures regular contact) relationship in regular contact. Furthermore, It helps people to virtually participate in important family functions include birthday parties, anniversary celebration and so on.
Even though social media has more benefits, it has some adverse effects (too). in communicate virtually. Specially offspring(s) loses(lose) their interest to communicate in this mode. The online education has limitation to involve them in practical education and also chances of social skills not developed that includes behaviour, personal development, sharing habits. It affects the chances of exploring the places, people and culture along with face-face meeting. Sometimes depending on electronic devices affects health by eye dryness, stress, radiation exposure.
To conclude, i ( I) believe that usage of social media is more beneficial in evolution of people in society. With improvement in technologies ,people should educate themselves to how to optimize it for (better) communication (and) to avoid health affectsFeedback: follow essay structure, Make distinct paragraphs. No example found, use punctuation marks to add clarity. Follow the corrections made.
Band : 2.5/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 14, 2021 at 10:45 AM -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 19, 2021 at 8:40 AMAdvantages and disadvantages.
The use of social media is replacing face to face interaction among many people in the society.
Discuss advantages and disadvantages
Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?Answer:
Social Media has penetrated the lives of many people across the globe. It has provided the opportunity to share and exchange information with each other without any limitations to the national borders or income status. However, excessive use of Social Media has resulted in limited physical interactions among people leading to a lack of social skills among people. As with the case with many others, the excessive of anything has side effects, so is the case with Social Media. However, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of using Social Media.Social Media transcends geographies and income boundaries. Easy accessibility and availability through a mobile smart phone to various applications meant that many people across the globe, without any limitations to their income, are able to take full benefit of Social Media. With a greater number of using Social media, the demand for Social Media services increased. The demand for services further led to two more benefits: First, boosting economy through the creation of top companies. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are among the top companies of the world contributing to the growing GDP and taxes. Second, these large companies created jobs and further provided livelihoods to many subsidiary companies. It also gave an opportunity to budding entrepreneurs to market their products and create a source of income. Lastly, Social Media has empowered the populace to voice their opinion, showcase their skill without any institutional support. Justin Bieber is a strong example of the power of social media. Marketing himself on YouTube, helped him to grow faster and gain international recognition and acceptance.
Despite its many advantages, Social Media has disadvantages as well. Social Media mainly hinges on content sharing. Content sharing contributes negatively when the majority use Social Media to watch videos, share memes or send forward messages. Social Media can also be a disruptor as it has led to people sharing fake news and create news for their own benefits. The use of Social Media on non-productive tasks means limited availability of time catering to productive tasks. Besides the above, one of the outcomes of use of Social Media is limited physical interaction leading to lack of development of social skills among people.
The advantages and opportunities of use of Social Media outweigh the disadvantages and limitations due to it. It is important for the users to be aware of both sides of use of Social Media and to use it optimally.
the excessive (use) of anything has side effects,/( The excess of anything)
With a greater number of using Social media( owing to its various benefits), the demand for Social Media services increased.
(To conclude,)The advantages and opportunities of use of Social Media outweigh the disadvantages and limitations due to it
Feedback : Disadvantages could be more aligned to the question as how social media is impacting the verbal skills and emotional quotient perhaps (feeling of isolation, fear of conversations and many more other than that no complaints.
Band : 3/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 20, 2021 at 9:25 PMSocial networking is replacing physical interaction in a major portion of society. After considering both pros and cons of this effect. I certainly believe that the negatives overpower the positive effect. Let me elaborate to bolster my viewpoint.
On the one hand, social networking has amplified social interaction because of the features it entails. We can communicate with people from every nook and corner of the world with ease. Let me illustrate this with an example, social networking applications like “WhatsApp and google duo” have made improved seamless communication across the world thanks to these applications that enforced our networking. Thus, lead to economical and cost-effective communication.
On the other hand, social networking has its own share of negatives, people have been preferring to communicate virtually despite having the opportunity to meet in person which is affecting the quality of relationships. As a matter of fact, humans have been biologically wired to share feelings by eye-to-eye contact rather than digital platforms but social media has been the barrier in order to carry out this kind of interaction . For instance, hardly do we see strong bonding amongst social networking peers which display that our true bonding has been diminishing.
Taking everything into consideration, while social networking undoubtedly enhances one’s reach in communication, it also attenuates the quality of bonding. Therefore, I certainly believe that social networking has become a roadblock to meaningful relationships and we should limit it to the maximum extent.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 20, 2021 at 9:34 PMThe world is becoming small. Over the past few decades, social media has connected people all around the globe and especially brought us near to our loved ones that live across the seas, however, it also made us far from people that stay nearby. Surely, the usage of various social media applications like Facebook, WhatsApp etc. have proved of much more advantages that anyone could ever thought off and has certainly outlooked its disadvantages.
Covid Times were tough for all the people worldwide and due to sudden and unexpected lockdowns a lot of us got stuck in places that were really far away from our homes. In that situation, when we were unable to step out, that was when social media came in picture and it really helped us a lot to stay connected to our dear ones through video calls. People made motivational videos and put it on social media which really supported us in tough times and also made us believe that we are all together in these crises.
However, social media reduced face-to-face interactions among people in society. Nowadays, as the usage of the social media apps are evolving and people are finding it very easy to use. It acts like a catalyst as they just stay in their comfort zone and interact with people whenever they want to. I reckon, my regular yoga classes were shifted to online yoga class due to covid and the people whom I used to meet and interact on daily basis also reduced.
In a nutshell, it is sure shot that usage of social media has changed our lives a lot and has replaced our physical interactions with online interactions, however it has way more advantages as it really helped us all in covid times and it is really feasible to use which outweighs its disadvantages.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 20, 2021 at 9:37 PMSince the vary presence of social media , a drastic change, in Society , is being noticed. Many people arguing that our face-to-face interaction is being replaced by it and it will certainly damage the society . Does they are arguing a write thing ? Or, it is scarcely a hallucination? Well I am the person, who believe that yes this will adversely effect the society.
Now a days, many people are queuing in support of Social Media as they believe that this is very beneficial for the society. The same is illustrated further that by using the platform we are exchanging our views, greeting & wishing ; to each other with out visiting their place, and thus saving not only the time but also the money. Thus the supremacy of social media is underscored by them.
While, on the other hand many people are considering it as a demon who is eating up their relationship which was developed by putting hard effort and that too over a period of time . The same is attached with the survival of human race by reading the countenance of the other one ,and only then the feelings of joy or grief can be assimilate. And social media is hitting out on that vary point only . Therefore the precedency of social media is denied by them out rightly .
Eventually , No doubt that social media has made our communication easier but it can carry the words only and not the emotions, and human ,in depth, is nothing else but a statue of feelings only which are necessarily require to build a society. Hence from the above the triumph of disadvantage of social media over the advantage is concluded.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 20, 2021 at 9:38 PMMost people claim that social media is threatening the conventional person-to-person interaction and that human communication may become extinct, in contrast, certain groups oppose and affirm that using it is advantageous. In this essay, I will discuss both the merits and demerits of this phenomenon.
Primarily, the most important benefit of social networks is proven extremely convenient for information exchange, and this is particularly true when the long-distance relationship is a matter. This might be necessary for families who are apart because of work and studies. In this case, always meeting face-to-face is not possible for all, hence they virtually meet up with video calls or other instant messenger platforms, for example, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc. Hence this medium acts as a catalyst in delivering the message to any corner of the world eliminating the geographical distance. Therefore many people think social media brings people from the world closer together.
However, they should never ignore the negativity of excessive usage on social media to exchange socially. Firstly, many people are more familiar and interested in sharing feelings and thoughts with virtual friends and on social media rather than with family or real friends. By doing this, they are alienating themselves which leads to losing the sense of community. Secondly, only by using social networks for interaction, reduction in social skills such as eye contact and body language expressions are reduced. For example, many people are accustomed to using emoticons from online platforms for expressing their emotions, might fail in reading the real-life gestures or mannerisms from their counterpart while having an in-person conversation.
In a nutshell, social media brought unprecedented conveniences to communicate with other people. However, I believe that the drawbacks are stronger than the advantages if we are over-reliant on this way of communication.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 21, 2021 at 1:11 AMSocial media is a very crucial part of almost every individual’s life nowadays. The use of social media is replacing face-to-face interaction among many people in society, which leads us to an important question, whether it is a good or bad thing for society? This essay will discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of using social media as a replaceable tool for in-person meeting with people.
Almost every human is using digital platforms and spends atleast two to four hours daily on this digital world, according to a study. One of the advantage of this digital meeting is the safety from any communal disease. For instance, the world has just witnessed the Covid pandemic, a life-taking disease which can only be prevented by avoiding meeting people in-person. Another advantage is that this digital concept proves to be a time-saving method of socialising. To illustrate, It doesn’t matter whether you are far away from your friend, you just need to ping and you will be connected to any part of the world.
Like every other thing in this universe, this digital interaction has its disadvantages too. One of which is incapable of doing the activities which one can only do while having a physical interaction. Consider an example, you want to visit a water park with your friend, which can only be possible by meeting your friend physically in the real world. Furthermore, extensive use of digital platforms is affecting people’s personality in a negative way. People lack social skills like body posture and don’t give much importance to their appearance. To give an example, one does not dressed up fully to have an online meeting, he can join while sitting on his bed wearing some casual clothes.
Although social media interactions have its drawbacks but on a personal level, I think it is more advantageous to humanity in many ways.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 3, 2021 at 4:12 PM@falak Pls review.
The advancements made in technology is (are)
it will include isolation and becoming lethargic ( The sentences are incomplete; at times subjects are missing or at times collocation errors are there)
When physical interactions doesn’t happen (don’t happen)
pushing themselves to dangerous (sedentary) lifestyle
Feedback: Examples are missing, avoid being repetitive with the vocabulary. Be careful with “Subject- verb” agreement. Need to work on sentence structure, in order to make complex sentences try not to loose the basic essence of the content.
Band: 2/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 17, 2021 at 10:41 PM-
Between people (among people in the society)
Topic sentences need to be more precise and in adherence to the question rather than just a general view
The answer is not what question is demanding. I would advise to reattempt it.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 26, 2021 at 11:37 AM -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 27, 2021 at 12:28 AMNowadays, people are more prone to communicate and have meetings through social media programs due to its convenience. While there are many benefits to interacting with people online, it must be admitted that its drawbacks are overwhelmingly affecting people’s lives.
One evident benefit to using social media is that people do not need to travel long distances which helps them save money and time. As a result, this has a positive impact on the environment, since the emission of greenhouse gases from cars is reduced. Furthermore, social media provides the exchange of cultures and languages by enabling people from different parts of the world to connect with each other. On top of that, since it is possible to access the digital world by the vast majority of people around the globe, online advertisements can boost economic growth and tourism income with the increased number of people preferring social media to meeting in person.
On the other hand, it cannot be denied that there are some drawbacks to using the internet as a communication tool. Firstly, most people tend to stay at home by going through social media posts for long hours instead of going out to hang out with their friends, which leads to health issues due to the sedentary lifestyle. Secondly, social media platforms have a great influence on people’s psychology and the decisions they make in their lives. For instance, people prefer to demonstrate themselves as having flawless lives and live the way that society likes, resulting in them having mental health issues such as social media addiction and depression. Also, they buy unnecessary popular products which become grounds for a consumerist society.
In conclusion, while there are plus points to usage of social media, its drawbacks would have an extremely bad influence on people’s lives, if the appropriate usage of the internet is not promoted by authorities. It is undeniably true that usage of social media is a double-edged sword, however, from my point of view, the disadvantages aforementioned outweigh the benefits of social media.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 29, 2021 at 12:11 PM@falak here you go. Thank you!
between people among the society ( among people in the society)
social media is decline ( has declined)
utilize social media ( utilization of social media)
Use word forms (verbs, noun, adjectives ) carefully.
Lexical resources can be improved.
Band: 3/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 17, 2021 at 7:42 AMNowadays social media is playing a significant role that overweighs face-to-face interactions, but it has certain drawbacks too. This essay will examine the advantages and disadvantages of using social media by replacing personal interactions and provide a logical conclusion.
The two main advantages of social media are the easy form of exchanging information and ideas along with the ability to communicate in real-time. Firstly, through social media, it would make to communicate any information with ease of sitting at home and also it would help in the situations where things cannot be conveyed directly and also, help people who are hesitant to speak especially for introverts. This way, they can easily eliminate the fear of talking to people directly with direct in-person communication. Secondly, this would allow real-time communication through various networks and communities instantaneously. For instance, if a person wants to communicate emergency information, they do not have to wait until they meet directly rather, they can communicate through social media so the message can be conveyed without any delay.
However, social media does have some major disadvantages such as the increase in miscommunication and scope for building personal interactions and relationships. If the communication is done via social media such as like text or phone calls, there is a high chance of miscommunication if things are not explained in detail. For example, a husband and wife who lived in 2 different states have always communicated through texts and their intentions were not conveyed or expressed their feelings which created a lot of misunderstanding between them. Furthermore, this doesn’t allow in developing the personal relationship between friends, family, and colleagues. Face-to-face interactions would help in understanding each other’s thoughts and body language which will develop the scope of understanding each other and eradicate miscommunication. For these reasons, face-to-face interactions are more important than the flexibility of communication and exchanging information.
To conclude, although social media has certain advantages like real-time communication and ease in exchanging thoughts, it has negative impacts such as the increase in miscommunication and lack of building personal conversations. Hence, I believe that these disadvantages overweigh the advantages.
@falak – Please review
Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 17, 2021 at 7:50 AM@falak – Please review and let me know where to make betterments
Nowadays social media is playing a significant role that overweighs face-to-face interactions, but it has certain drawbacks too. This essay will examine the advantages and disadvantages of using social media by replacing personal interactions and provide a logical conclusion.
The two main advantages of social media are the easy form of exchanging information and ideas along with the ability to communicate in real-time. Firstly, through social media, it would make to communicate any information with ease of sitting at home and also it would help in the situations where things cannot be conveyed directly and also, help people who are hesitant to speak especially for introverts. This way, they can easily eliminate the fear of talking to people directly with direct in-person communication. Secondly, this would allow real-time communication through various networks and communities instantaneously. For instance, if a person wants to communicate emergency information, they do not have to wait until they meet directly rather, they can communicate through social media so the message can be conveyed without any delay.
However, social media does have some major disadvantages such as the increase in miscommunication and scope for building personal interactions and relationships. If the communication is done via social media such as like text or phone calls, there is a high chance of miscommunication if things are not explained in detail. For example, a husband and wife who lived in 2 different states have always communicated through texts and their intentions were not conveyed or expressed their feelings which created a lot of misunderstanding between them. Furthermore, this doesn’t allow in developing the personal relationship between friends, family, and colleagues. Face-to-face interactions would help in understanding each other’s thoughts and body language which will develop the scope of understanding each other and eradicate miscommunication. For these reasons, face-to-face interactions are more important than the flexibility of communication and exchanging information.
To conclude, although social media has certain advantages like real-time communication and ease in exchanging thoughts, it has negative impacts such as the increase in miscommunication and lack of building personal conversations. Hence, I believe that these disadvantages overweigh the advantages.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 27, 2021 at 6:10 PMNowadays , a lot of people replacing live communication by online conversations through social media . This essay will include how communication in distance breaks geographical barriers and also illustrates how it has reduce the quality of speaking. Whilst acknowledging that there are disadvantages , the essay will argue that the benefits of the face to face interaction outweigh the drawbacks.
In terms of advantages , distance connection have made it for us much easier to interact with our loved ones or friends without spending a huge amount of money to get in touch with them in different countries .Also , it gives the opportunity to study or work overseas and even pass the interviews , regardless of geographical locations .For instance , by passing interview or exam in a distance in a comfortable place reduces the pressure and nervousness for a person .
However , despite the benefits above , I think that overuse social media reduces the quality of in-person interactions , person loses self-confidence and doesn’t know how to express themselves on better matter . In this days , public are so addicted to social networks that they don’t even notice what is happening around them .The frequent using of it could affects the style of speaking and writing , especially when it comes to young generation. For example , nowadays many teenagers have a habit of using abbreviations instead of full words or sentences , which then they used it in text messages , posts or in academic essays.
In conclusion , communication online has some drawbacks, nevertheless , from my point of view the positive effects of that are outweighed disadvantages.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 20, 2022 at 8:43 PMWith the advancement in Information technology, virtual communication through social media has gained popularity. It is frequently argued that these social media interactions are killing the original meaning of communication. As far as I am concerned, I firmly believe that face-to-face interactions are always better than that made through a digital platform. In this essay we will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of virtual interactions.
Discussing the advantages first, social media has empowered us in contacting a distant friend or relative. We can be a participate in their happiness or grief with a single click. For instance, with social networking sites like Facebook and Whatsapp we can instantly convey our messages to our friends. Old times when a single telegram used to take days to be delivered seem so difficult now. Thus, these social media handles have surely helped pupil to stay connected with friends and family living in different countries.
On the contrary, there are several unforeseen disadvantages to it. Firstly, kids these days are glued either to their mobile phones or computers. Even though they have enough time to play outdoors, they deny doing so which has affected their social development badly. Secondly, although people are well connected virtually but everyone is losing interest in face-to-face interactions. No one is concerned to know who lives in their neighbourhood and sometimes this negligence results in terrorists renting houses in our locality.
To summarize, I would like to mention that advancing with the technology and communicating with distant relatives is a blessing that came in the form of social media. However, we should not sacrifice in-person communications which is important for social development.
In this modern era, technology has grown rapidly, and the majority of humans use electronic gadgets routinely. The over usage of web communication has replaced face-to-face interaction with messaging among the folks in the society. I reckon the proper way to use social media applications has made the easy life for human beings. In the forthcoming paragraphs, discuss its merits and demerits of it with a logical conclusion.
The two main advantages are possible to get quick communications on far and in any bad situations. Firstly, in the earlier days, it was difficult to make communication for those who live in the abroad country, but nowadays it becomes very easy through virtual calls. For instance, Facetime is one of the famous applications used for video calls in groups and individuals so family bonding stays for long life. Secondly, the person can stay in touch in any situation without go outside and surviving. i.e., the Government had declared a curfew last year due to covid, so no one goes outside of the home and many had felt the tired, laziness and frustrate during this period, but due to social applications, they could connect in groups to talk to each other, get the knowledge to tackle this diesis and they could live in this difficult condition.
However, it has also some disadvantages like destruction in individual and social life. Firstly, people could not experience human behavior through the remote session, so they don’t get feeling toward them. For example, due to the habit of the video call, mankind doesn’t get to know the reality of the individual which leads to breaking the bond as it becomes difficult to keep a healthy long-distance relationship. Secondly, these days all the events become online so folks don’t take interest in such a function which impacts the knowledge of the culture.
To conclude, although social media has certain disadvantages like being destructive the personal and social life, it has an extremely positive impact on the transmission of messages between the individual and group. I reckon that these benefits of easy communication outweigh the disadvantages.
has made the easy life (life easy) for human beings.
Sentences like ” I reckon”, and
In the forthcoming paragraphs, discuss its merits and demerits of it with a logical conclusion. – avoid these as they come under memorized structures.
so no one goes (was allowed to go) outside of the home – past tense
many had felt the tired,(tiredness) – make use of correct forms
tackle this diesis (disease)
Secondly, these days all the events become online so folks don’t take interest in such a function which impacts the knowledge of the culture. (this reason is not fully developed and hence can raise question on task achievement, some arguments are partially developed)
disadvantages like (leads to noxious lifestyle…) being destructive the personal and social life
Band: 3.5/6
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 7, 2022 at 6:51 AMIn this fast paced world, communicating with other people in social networking sites have reduced personal interactions amongst the human beings in a community. In spite of the fact that it possess many advantages, I believe, the disadvantages weigh more on the scale and this essay will discuss it.
On one hand, advancements in technology has proven to be a boon for us. With the development of these networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, etc., the geographical barriers are broken, thereby bringing people closer. Moreover, interaction amongst peers has become easier nowadays. A survey, conducted by Yale University, analyzed that younger generations are more active on social messaging applications like WhatsApp and Snapchat and have friends and followers from various parts of the world. Because of the calling feature of these apps, the usage of landline and cellular phone calls have drastically reduced, making them talk on the go without creating a hole in the pocket.
On the other hand, increased dependency on these applications for communication has made talking discretional. These days, people can respond to the messages at their convenience and can also block someone whenever they want. Furthermore, too much reliability on social websites for communication diminishes the feeling and the urge of going out to have physical interaction with the society, therefore, reducing the traditional face to face interaction to digital interaction. As a consequence, people lack empathy and the emotional connect. For instance, nowadays, young couple meet on Tinder and break up on WhatsApp.
To summarize, we know that social media’s contribution to bring people from various geographical regions is commendable. However, the demerits that are associated, such as optional talking and lack of intimacy is a great cause of concern and this can transform the society which will not be for good.
The use of social networking is been more in 21th century, Humans hardly like to deal with the ONE-ON-ONE conversation. This essay is going to discuses about the advantages and disadvantages of social media
Now a days, Peoples like to spend their times with smart phones. Internet has rule the world over a decade and has brought many good fixtures, Having some certain apps did help humans to stay connect even if they are not in a same time zone, It has help family’s, friends to stay link to each other. Very good example is Facebook, Because of the large networking space it has people around the globe are in touch with there love ones. Social network have put society to stay connected in there comfort zone, Which has put ONE-ON-ONE talks.
On other hand, Social network has been a bad influence on some Individuals, Because of peoples Spend most of the time away from love ones. Same thing would have been notice in the our day to day life, That everything we want to know is on one touch of the finger, Still some of the people do appreciate to communicate verbally rather then on a text. Human beings have started to misuse the communicating sites by uploading wrong info , wake news ETC, We can Cleary see a person been on social media and in real life conversation. It has bring a big change in society, Before people use to come by to house doors to be in any celebration. Unfortunately Sending Text over certain apps have been more accepted then been heads together.
Although social media interactions does have its drawback, But it has been benefited to many people on their personal level.
The advent of social media has significantly altered the way people interact, often replacing in-person communication. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend and argue that the drawbacks outweigh the benefits.
One of the primary advantages of social media is its ability to connect people across vast distances. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram allow individuals to maintain relationships with family and friends who live far away, fostering a sense of global community. Additionally, it provides scope for learning and strengthening professional networks, where people can join in webinars which align with their career goals and interests. Also, joining in informative groups, helps people in knowing important information and getting timely assistance.
Despite these benefits, the disadvantages of social media are more concerning. Over-reliance on digital communication leads to decline in interpersonal skills, as people become less adept at reading body language and engaging in meaningful conversations. Also, excessive use of social media is linked to mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and loneliness. The lack of face-face interactions can also weaken social bonds and reduce the quality of relationships. While social media offers undeniable benefits like convenience and global connectivity, these advantages do not outweigh the disadvantages. The erosion of face-to-face communication skills and the potential for negative mental health impacts are serious concerns that cannot be ignored. Therefore, it is crucial to strike a balance between offline and online communications to maintain healthy relationships and well-being.
In conclusion, although social media has revolutionized the way we connect with others, its disadvantages, particularly decline in interpersonal skills and mental health, are more significant. Thus, while embracing the benefits of social media, it is essential to prioritize and preserve the traditional ways of communication.
The use of social media is replacing face-to-face interaction among many people in society.
Discuss advantages and disadvantages
Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Social media has played an important role in everyone’s life in todays world, one cannot stay without mobile or social media. They can share their views or comments on particular topic from wherever they are. It has made everyone’s life little easy. However, face to face interaction has taken a back seat in the society.
Firstly, I would like to discuss the advantages of social media. <strong style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;”>It has got people closed to each other around the world. Anyone can interact with each other through social media. In Covid times, people had the only option to stay connected with their families who were staying in different countries, cities or even neighbourhood, since we couldn’t personally meet them due to the situation. Most of the teenagers and adults started earning alot throught these platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok. Quiet a few became sensational and got millions of subscriber which made a profound impression on the new generation to select social media as their career option. Others used this platform for online courses even lot of them has done their distance learning and acquired a degree through social media.
<strong style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;”>Secondly, there are some disagreement also like face to face communication has reduced among familes, friends and acquaintance. Our tolerance level has come to stagnant where one is not able to understand the feelings or the way the other person passes his message. Emotionally everyone is bizarre and rather than talking to their friends or family they prefer counsellor’s to talk to you. Specially teenagers have lot of pressure in proving themselves on the social media behind the camera. They are lots of buzz that these content creators are not able to speak in public with confident without a script. Apart from these, there are lots of other disadvantages like, poor eyesight, addiction of using social media among younger generation, small kids are not eating their food without indulging in youtube shorts or Instagram reels some of which are not giving them any knowledge or education.
<strong style=”background-color: var(–bb-content-background-color); font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;”><em class=””>To conclude this, as much as advantages outweigh the disadvantages I would like to say if it is used in an appropriate way and not get addicted to it and waste lot of your time on social media than its a very positive impact. One can use this platform to upgrade themself, their self confidence, public speaking skills, writing skills, and many more. It will have an exceptional benefit on grooming yourself. And addionationally you can earn your livelihood through this. So for me social media has a lot of advantages for everyone.
These days, whenever we turn on television or newspapers we read about the impact of social media on everyone around. There are concerns with regards to less physical interaction among people and families. Today i am going to write from my perspective the advantages and disadvantages and conclude it.
First of all, Social network has broken barriers of communication among people all around the world. It has made the networking very easy, where one can send a message or do a video call to his friend or family with just one click without personally meeting them. Secondly, schools and colleges have started using social networking sites like facebook or whatspp groups more than their school portal or notice board to pass the information. As per them, the information is reaching students faster. For example, some students were panicking since they were not very clear on the project topic which was supposed to be submitted next day, however, all teachers collectively decided to provide them 2 more days and informed them through social media in the evening which gave them breathing space.
On the other hand, there is a negative effect of social media among everyone. Mankind is exposed to lots of information which is confusing and challenging at times. So, people are not able to take correct decisions. Secondly, whatever is posted or searched on social media is immediately captured by marketing companies or hackers. For example, people start getting ads on their networking sites Instantaneously after their search which is alarming.
To conclude, that advantages outweigh disadvantages of social media. Although, there are negative impact on people, but i firmly believe that if its used in an appropriate way can benefit and can have a positive impact on every individuals.
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