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  • b5af0d88637449b9d97ab2a76ea89846?s=80&r=g&d=wavatar


    January 6, 2022 at 1:53 PM in reply to: Academic Task-1 ( Line graph)

    The line graphs depict steel output and real steel needs in million tonnes during a 12-month period, as well as the account for workers in steel manufacturing companies in the United Kingdom during 2010. The number of workers is counted in thousands and the units are measured in million tonnes.

    Throughout the year, steel production in the UK was higher than actual demand, with the exception of December. Workers’ data, on the other hand, had drastically decreased by the end of the year.

    Steel production in the United Kingdom began at 4000 million tonnes in January, increased to 5000 tonnes in February, and then remained stable until July. After that, growth slowed to about 3000 in August before skyrocketing to 5000 million by the end of the year in 2010, before abruptly dipping below 1000 by the end of the year. While steel demand began with 2000 million customers in early 2010, it quickly grew to 3000 million customers by the middle of March. Steel demand fell below 2000 million tonnes in the following months, with marketing fluctuating between 2000 and 3000 million tonnes at the beginning of October.

    Across the other side, the number of employees started at 5000 and increased somewhat over the next few months until falling to 3000 in April. The numbers then remained steady with minor fluctuations between April and August, whereas the number of steel businesses in the UK dropped dramatically to 1000 by December 2010.

  • b5af0d88637449b9d97ab2a76ea89846?s=80&r=g&d=wavatar


    December 27, 2021 at 1:30 PM in reply to: Academic Task-1 ( pie chart)

    In this essay we will compare the for the years 1995 to 2011, the percentage of household spending on necessary goods in China. The pie charts show data patterns in four key categories food, clothing, medicine, households.

    The biggest percentage of money spent on food is evident from the entire data. Medicine, on the other hand, receives a smaller share of the budget.

    As can be seen from the graph, China spent the maximum amount of money on food in 1995, accounting for 68 percent, and then rapidly declined to 59 percent in 2011. Clothing and on the other hand, had a percentage of 1995, with 19% and 18%, respectively in 2011 so they was not a huge change.

    However, medicine has a huge rise in the years as it was 4% in 1995 and, in 2011 a comparable share of the money was spent with an 11%.

    Lastly, with the household, good China increased their spending on it by 9% in 1995 to 2% in 2021.

  • b5af0d88637449b9d97ab2a76ea89846?s=80&r=g&d=wavatar


    December 10, 2021 at 3:03 PM in reply to: Writing Task 2

    In today’s world, a great number of people depend on the internet for most of their requirements. People, without a doubt, prefer the internet to the newspaper for news updates. Newspapers, on the other hand, have their own place in the news industry, even though their audience is rapidly declining.

    For various reasons, newspapers are regarded as the most significant source of news and information. Newspapers have been for a long time, long before the internet, and they are not going away anytime soon.

    People of the older generation, as well as many young people, still rely on newspapers since they have been reading newspapers since they were very young, and it has been a habit for them. People can’t just stop doing something they’ve been doing for a long time. Also, not everyone is at ease with cutting-edge technology. Furthermore, many people are still unfamiliar with phones and computers, and there are still regions where the internet is not available at all. Even better, newspapers do not strain the eyes. As a result, individuals may read them for lengthy periods of time. Newspapers’ trustworthiness is another aspect that works in their favor.

    To summaries, while technology is rapidly evolving, it will never be able to entirely replace traditional methods of receiving news and information.

  • b5af0d88637449b9d97ab2a76ea89846?s=80&r=g&d=wavatar


    December 9, 2021 at 2:57 PM in reply to: IELTS Writing Task 2

    In today’s world advertising is a key feature for every business. Any product can be provoke customers to buy no matter if they need it or not it is with a use of advertisement. Increasing use of Digital marketing is making it even more convenient. This essay completely agrees with the concept that good customers pass on their good feelings to others. In this article, we will look at the reasons why certain people are easily persuaded by certain things, as well as whether consumers buy what they need or what has received positive evaluations.

    To begin with, some people enjoy being followers and are easily persuaded to change their thoughts, which can be used as a target by a firm to encourage them to purchase items from a website or a store. For example a brand name Mama earth was recently launched it is a skincare brand they choose Instagram influencers to promote their product and within months every household had one of their products. Hence this shows that adverting their product on the right platform had a huge impact on sales.

    Second, many people, including adults, are influenced by positive ratings and remarks about certain products, which motivates them to purchase it. For example the high charges could be a marketing to show that the product is worth selling. The general people as a whole has to be more aware of how to save money and time without being easily influenced.

    Finally, good products do not need advertising in order to be presented. It is sure that we live in a time where social media and advertising had a huge impact on consumers decision making towards a product.

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