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    February 2, 2022 at 1:59 PM in reply to: Task 1 (letter writing) : apologize for absence (semi-formal)

    Dear Lakshit,

    I writing this in regards to my absence on 31/01/2022 in the meeting regarding the new updates of Fannie Mae for conventional mortgage loans and changes in DU.

    I am extremely sorry that I was not able to attend the meeting because I had to go to hospital urgently as one of my best friends father got really sick and there was no one to help him , So I went there to help him reach hospital on time.

    All the members of his family went out of town due to some important function, only my friend and his father was at home, Suddenly he felt sick due to which he panicked and called me . That is why I went to him so that he could feel bit relaxed and understand that someone is there to support him.

    In the end, I sincerely again apologise for missing the event. To be on the same page, I have gone through the presentation which was discussed in the meeting and now I know about all the new updates.

    Your Faithfully

    Sunpreet Singh

    Word Count: 185

  • 61d6b459f1a00 bpthumb


    January 14, 2022 at 1:42 PM in reply to: Task 1 (Letter writing) : Internet connection

    Dear Sir,

    Through this letter I want to take your attention towards the internet connectivity issues in ashiyana.

    Since past 5 days I am facing sever connectivity issues, whenever I troubleshoot it shows everything is fine but when I start to work on my company software’s it works very slow I tried to get it resolved form their part but they say it is the issue with Internet Service Provider.

    My job demands a very high speed internet connectivity due to this ongoing issue I am not able to work properly , I even have to go on leave because of this and also while I am in a meeting it automatically logs me out of it.

    I would like you to please solve this ongoing connectivity issues so that everything can work smoothly and also it is getting very hard to reach out to customer care , Please help with that too.

    Waiting for your reply. Thank you.

    Your Faithfully,

    Sunpreet Singh

    (Wordcount: 161)

  • 61d6b459f1a00 bpthumb


    January 12, 2022 at 3:05 PM in reply to: Task2 : Blood sports

    Blood sports as the name suggests involves blood, exhibits the inhuman nature. These kind of sports should be banned with immediate effect , These acts are immensely cruel and may lead to severe natural issues. So taking this into consideration I suggest these blood sports should be banned.

    Like humans animals also have feeling they also feel the pain when being hurt , they also have the right to live a happy life. Blood sports were considered to be one of the entertainment activities in the past because it had a huge amount of earning prospect and we humans can do anything to earn money if it involves huge amount , Killing an innocent who cannot speak or display its feeling is it a humanly act?? No I don’t think so. Many countries like spain and mexico they have made bulls running or killing legal and hunting them in front of children and family which will affect the mental ability of children. As children learns from what they see and at that very young age we are teaching them to kill is it right thing for children?

    We need to stop this cruelty as this may cause natural environment disbalance. There are many things which we can do to stop these things like government can make a law related to this or we can make some ads to inculcate the idea to stop these kind of things. Now a days many activist have come forward to help these animals making there lives a bit easier to live.

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Conversational Form (#3)