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  • 427c9996571acc8702c20dbcceb1f04d?s=80&r=g&d=wavatar


    July 1, 2022 at 12:00 PM in reply to: IELTS Task 1: Influencers Bar Chart

    The given bar chart explains the popularity of influential figures on Instagram between 2081 and 2021.

    Here, we can see the bar chart is consist of four renowned celebrities such as Cristiano Ronaldo, The Rock, Ariana Grande, Kylie Jenner and Selena Gomez. From the bar chart we can see, in 2018, Selena Gomez had the highest number of followers with a total of approximately 125 million while The Rock had the lowest number of fans with roughly 90 million. Cristiano Ronaldo, Ariana Grande and Kylie Jenner had followers around 100 million.

    However, in 2018 Cristiano Ronaldo has got the highest number of fans with more than 300 million while Selena Gomes scored the lowest number of followers with a number of 240 million approximately. Other figures like The Rock, Ariana Grande and Kylie Gomez got have also got a good hike in terms of followers as they also have around 250 million followers on Instagram.

    Words: 155
    @fal mam, please check this.

  • 427c9996571acc8702c20dbcceb1f04d?s=80&r=g&d=wavatar


    June 24, 2022 at 9:22 AM in reply to: Task 2 (discuss both views)- Protecting environment

    Some people say that it is completely nation’s duty to keep the environment safe while others say every individual must take enough responsibility to save the environment. It is true govt. is a vital part to settle the environmental issues because one has to follow its rules and regulations. But every citizen is responsible to take actions to protect the environment as they are the first one getting affected from this issue.

    Government is always responsible to maintain the ecosystem as it has the power to create laws and mostly don’t give a proper attention to this issue. A lot of trees are cutting down regularly for their own purpose and no one is giving any attention on this. If somehow govt. starts taking actions against this illegal occupation of destroying the nature, I believe people might start to save the nature.

    Moreover, nature earth is the home of every living creature. Out of them human is the most developed species. But some of the people are destroying the nature for their own purpose and some of them has no idea what kind of damage they are doing to this beautiful earth. To solve this issue govt. has so spread awareness so that people can understand the necessity of the environment.

    In conclusion, it can be said that ecosystem is a vital part of our living so to save this, entire mankind has to take responsibility, whether its govt or the citizens. Govt. has to make some laws to save the environment but ultimately it depends on the netizens whether they want to follow it or not.

    words: 268
    @fal mam please review

  • 427c9996571acc8702c20dbcceb1f04d?s=80&r=g&d=wavatar


    June 15, 2022 at 9:03 AM in reply to: Task1 (Bar graph)

    The bar graph illustrates the amount of expenses and the consumption rate of certain among the three main earning groups in the UK in 1990.

    It can be said that the high income and average income group have spent the most on hamburger. However, fish & chips were favored by low-income family.

    If we compare the bar graph, we can see the consumption of hamburger in high- & average-income family is 47% and 33% respectively. Even though in high income group the consumption of pizza is higher than average and low-income group with 19%,13% and 7% respectively.

    Meanwhile fish & chips are least preferred by the high group with 16% consumption rate whereas it is high among low-income group with 17% consumption rate. The consumption rate of fish and chips among average income group was 25%. The average consumption of hamburger is comparatively lower than the other two income groups with 19%.

  • 427c9996571acc8702c20dbcceb1f04d?s=80&r=g&d=wavatar


    June 10, 2022 at 7:36 PM in reply to: Task 2 (Problem solution) : Brain drain

    Total–> 426 words

    In today’s era, it’s a fact that a lot of individuals such as doctors, teachers and engineers are moving towards developed countries. It is because there, they will get more job opportunities, more advance training compared to a poor or underdeveloped countries and the number is increasing day by day. It is a huge problem and if they can’t control this migration, in near future, it will cause a huge population crisis in both developed countries as well as underdeveloped countries.

    There are a lot of reasons behind this problem of leaving the country. One of the main reasons is the high pay rates. In a developed country, the salary is so high compared to their own country, like if we compare India with United Kingdom, the salary an individual get in UK is a lot of higher that in India because of the difference in currency. 1 pound in UK means 97 INR. Here we can clearly see the difference which is huge. Another major problem is the quality of education. In the developed countries the quality of education is far better than the underdeveloped countries. For example, if we check the QS world ranking for engineering and technology, we will not find any Indian university within top 100 in 2023. Only three universities are there in top 200.

    India is developing country, but if we try to compare it with the western countries, then we will get to know how much underdeveloped we are. To solve this immigration problem, we must overhaul everything. First, we need to overhaul the education sector, to do this we can take suggestions from different educationist from the developed countries. We should appoint someone on the top of the education sector, who have an brief idea about this. Because education is the basic need of a country and if we can’t solve this problem, then it will be very difficult to change this problem.

    Another main issue is the job crisis, the job sector is not good in the underdeveloped countries. A lot of graduates are being unemployed in those poor countries, because they don’t have proper jobs. So, they are moving to those developing countries so that get can some jobs with a good salary.

    People don’t want to leave their home country but rather than we can say, they are being forced to leave their country because of the unemployment and pay scale. It can be solved by providing more jobs with an attractive salary. Otherwise, as I said before, soon we may see a population crisis.

  • 427c9996571acc8702c20dbcceb1f04d?s=80&r=g&d=wavatar


    July 1, 2022 at 11:34 AM in reply to: Task 2 (discuss both views)- Protecting environment

    It was my mistake, I was about to write the govt. has to…

  • 427c9996571acc8702c20dbcceb1f04d?s=80&r=g&d=wavatar


    June 14, 2022 at 8:24 AM in reply to: Task 2 (Problem solution) : Brain drain

    Ok Falak…

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