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    August 25, 2021 at 7:57 PM in reply to: General writing group 8pm Ipshita5

    Dear Mrs Alexandra,

    I am writing this letter to notify you of the heating and hot water problem in our rented apartment for more than a weeks. After the problem occured we had reported the issue to the concerned person and a three repairemen visited our flat to fix it but without any result. My fltamtes and I are finding it very difficult to manage, especially as it is now the middle of winter and hoping that you would resolve it immediately.

    I am Arpita, a software professional working in an IT company ABC in Halifax. I along with two other members, have been residing in your flat for the last seven months.

    Unfortunately, the central heating system stopped working, we are unable to control water temperature and do not have any hot water in our flat. As a result we are forced to heat water using gas burners for our daily use. Similarly, We are suffering to a great extent due to this and the winter is almost unbearable without the heating system and hot water.

    I hope you can understand our problem and take actions immediately by hiring some more competent workmen to get the problem fixed as quickly as possible, and get new systems installed at our place as soon as possible.

    Kindly resolve this problem as soon as possible and oblige us.

    Thank you in advance.

    Yours sincerely,


  • 612cb80addff6 bpthumb


    August 17, 2021 at 8:41 PM in reply to: IELTS Essay Writing (social media)

    In the recent days, social networking sites like Facebook, twitter, google, whatsapp and many more plays a pivotal role not only to communicate, but to know about recent news as well. While there are lots of benefits from this trends , there are considerable amount of drawbacks too. This essay will explore both the aspects of social media.

    To begin the positives, these sites introduce the world of virtual reality to people. As these sites/apps can now be easily available through smartphones hence connecting with our relatives, friends have become easier who are sitting a miles apart. In contrast, people have to stand in the long queue to hear the voice of their loved ones. For instance, as these sites are cheaper and faster people can make video calls to their family members on traditional occasions to feel their presence. Additionally, People can be aware of any news in a click. For instance, during lockdown of the country, use of social media played an important role to keep people updated about the current affairs sitting at home by avoiding use of newspapers.

    on the other hand use of these sites has some drawbacks too. Firstly, national and international connection demand a good strength of signal. If the network is poor, then contact cannot be established which can be problematic in limited network access areas.. Secondly, many cases of online fraud have been reported while money transfer, which could be eliminated by proper use of safety programs. Finally, sometimes people spread fake news which impacts a lot to the society; for example, sometimes a fake news spread through these sites portrayed in such a way which many people tend to believe to be true where as the actual incident could be something else. Despite these drawbacks, I believe slight awareness of people can assist in overcoming these issues.

    In conclusion, although the social sites pose certain threat to society in terms of robbery and wrong news, still it has many pros which cannot be neglected.

  • 612cb80addff6 bpthumb


    August 11, 2021 at 2:31 PM in reply to: IELTS Essay Writing (Learning a Foreign Language)

    It is thought by some experts that children who start learning a foreign language in their primary schools make it better than secondary level. In this essay we will discuss about learning a foreign language at an early stage can bring about more advantages than disadvantages for children and will state a conclusion about it.

    Starting with the advantages, firstly, children at an early age are generally curious and can easily learn a vast amount of information. More specifically, a children’s brain is still in the phase of formation, which makes the absorption of the new information easier. Secondly, when kids learn a language at very early age they will have a good command over the language and fluency, which will boost their confident in both speaking and writing and also will help in building their curriculum. For instance, most of the job interviews, nowadays, are conducted in English. Therefore better fluency of the language may help them to overcome the barriers in job interviews.

    Learning foreign language can also have some issues involved like lack in reading and writing their native language as importance is given to the foreign language. For instance, some of the schools where foreign languages are considered to be the primary language rarely concentrate on the mother tongue which makes the children to not know their native language perfectly. However, this is not the case for every student and is rare. Secondly, pupils studying only three or four years in the school even at that moment do not properly concentrate on the lessons. It could be difficult to compel children to learn something else besides their curriculum subjects.

    In conclusion, the critical benefits that children gain by learning a foreign language will stand them in good stead when they become adults and in the long run, this will also benefit their careers and cognitive skills which will clearly outweigh any disadvantages.

  • 612cb80addff6 bpthumb


    August 6, 2021 at 9:09 PM in reply to: WRITING TASK 2- ADVANTAGE DISADVANTAGE ESSAY

    It is thought by some people that English, which is the most widely spoken language across the world will dominate over all other languages and will lead to become the only language to be spoken all over the world in future. However, having one language globally will have some pros and cons as well. We will discuss both the parts in the following paragraph.

    Firstly, the most important advantage of having one global language is that it would enable greater understanding between the countries by making the communication easier. Speaking merely one language makes the person much more comfortable to cope with different people in several countries which will promote earning, flow of information and ideas. Secondly, having all the people speaking the same language will be advantageous as it would help economic growth by making trades and business between the countries more efficient by reducing the barriers.

    However, having one language also has some obvious disadvantages as all other languages will disappear eventually and along with them, their cultures, norms and values. Each language has its own way of life and its own perspectives of the world which would be lost if there was only one language. Secondly, there may be a dispute between the powerful countries. For instance, due to the development of trade many countries will be powerful and there would be an economic war and blockade.

    In conclusion, having one language can be both positive and negative. On the one hand, it simplifies communication between people from different countries. On the other hand, it may destroy a variety of customs and traditions.

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