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    August 5, 2021 at 12:11 AM in reply to: Academic/ General writing part 2 Ipshita 8pm7

    Basic survival skills are vital for any individual and I completely agree that it should be taught to youth.

    Cooking, giving first aid, basic self-defense,etc. are primary skills and can be applicable at any point of life. These skills help in sustaining, in addition to being independent. For instance, a child got hurt while playing he/she could manage the minor injury by themselves rather leaving it, which can cause infection if not treated with a disinfectant.

    Survival skills are recommended to be up- skilled at teenage. At adolescence, children tend to navigate and find their own identity. Besides, these skills will boost their confidence, curiosities and give them a sense of independence. It is a tender age in which they tend to be volatile towards various perception of world. Educating them equality, moral values and encouraging them to contribute the society by offering help to the needy ones would make a difference in the way they act.

    In conclusion, enlightening youth with basic skills could result in building a better foundation for their journey of life as it comes with gratuity in various forms.

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    July 29, 2021 at 10:11 PM in reply to: WRITING TASK 2: AGREE DISAGREE ESSAY

    With changes in lifestyle people are suffering with multiple health related issues. Moreover with upcoming technologies manual works are reducing and causing overweight. Since competition is increasing in every fields, mental and emotional stress has also become more frequent. I partially agree that including physical education in student’s curriculum could have an impact.<div>

    Physical education should be included as a curriculum in a student’s life as school is the foundation. However it should be applied in a form where students could find it more pleasurable and entertaining. Physical education should be an amalgamation of sports, yoga, exercise and must include dietary guidance.If there is no intake of balanced diet no matter what intensity you put on physical training it would go in vain, therefore athletes are provided dietician in addition to a trainer.If we rely on these effortless way of living then it could result in obesity among people. Females are majorly suffering from thyroid due to stress and obesity, outnumbering hormonal and metabolic dysfunction. Hence, schools should encourage physical education through various systemic events.

    Physical education and fitness is not a necessity as it is often mistaken with perfect body shapes. Genes do play a major role in our body structurally and functionally so each of us has different metabolism. Students should be taught to love their body as well as to not judge others based on their physical appearance or else it would give rise to stigma and prejudice which will impact mental health. Mental health is equally significant to physical health. Princess Diana had bulimia nervosa, an eating disorder that results due to psychological issues creating an urge to vomit after binge eating. This is redundant and injurious form of maintaining their physique. Therefore physical education is not a necessity but one should be taught acceptance and should be given proper awareness towards mental as well as physical health.

    In my opinion a curriculum should incorporate and focus on psychology, value education in addition to physical education. There should be proper guidance on health and fitness by a certified trainer not only for students but people all across.


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    July 26, 2021 at 11:57 PM in reply to: IELTS ACADEMIC WRITING TASK 1 (AIR POLLUTION)
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    July 20, 2021 at 10:48 PM in reply to: IELTS Essay Writing (Big Salary)

    I completely disagree that higher salary is often considered rather than job satisfaction. Money can make you happy and can cure your problems but once done with that it puts your head to contemplate on a job that brings content in addition to zest, vigour and curiosity within. For instance if entrepreneurs or athletes would have considered money over their ideas, efforts and trust in oneself over money them might have ended taking corporate jobs. Satisfying job can demand risk and belief within over money, a powerful and influential weapon yet cannot bring that content when you succeed in that job. Your conscience is unpalatable above money.

    Points: Job satisfaction- zest, curiosity, risk for content, believe in ourselves

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