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    gowthami bommieneni

    September 18, 2024 at 4:59 AM in reply to: Task 1 (letter writing) : Head office

    Dear Kate,

    I am writing to request an opportunity to work at our company’s headquarters for a period of six months.

    Currently, I am working on Project that is nearing completion and will soon be starting a new one. For the upcoming project, we plan to set up hardware infrastructure in our branch. At present, we lack this infrastructure and always rely on the headquarters to get the work done. So, before the new project begins, I would like to gain experience in setting up the infrastructure at the headquarters, where experienced professionals can guide me.

    As mentioned earlier, the current project is almost complete, with only few tasks remaining. While working from the headquarters, I will ensure that all the remaining tasks assigned completed before their due dates, putting in extra efforts if necessary.

    I would appreciate if you could forward my request to the higher up’s for approval. Additionally, please make the necessary arrangements for my travel and inform me if any documents or travel date confirmations are required.

    I look forward to hearing from you soon.


    Gowthami B

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    gowthami bommieneni

    September 17, 2024 at 5:44 AM in reply to: Writing Task 2: Advantages and disadvantages

    The advent of social media has significantly altered the way people interact, often replacing in-person communication. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend and argue that the drawbacks outweigh the benefits.

    One of the primary advantages of social media is its ability to connect people across vast distances. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram allow individuals to maintain relationships with family and friends who live far away, fostering a sense of global community. Additionally, it provides scope for learning and strengthening professional networks, where people can join in webinars which align with their career goals and interests. Also, joining in informative groups, helps people in knowing important information and getting timely assistance.

    Despite these benefits, the disadvantages of social media are more concerning. Over-reliance on digital communication leads to decline in interpersonal skills, as people become less adept at reading body language and engaging in meaningful conversations. Also, excessive use of social media is linked to mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and loneliness. The lack of face-face interactions can also weaken social bonds and reduce the quality of relationships. While social media offers undeniable benefits like convenience and global connectivity, these advantages do not outweigh the disadvantages. The erosion of face-to-face communication skills and the potential for negative mental health impacts are serious concerns that cannot be ignored. Therefore, it is crucial to strike a balance between offline and online communications to maintain healthy relationships and well-being.

    In conclusion, although social media has revolutionized the way we connect with others, its disadvantages, particularly decline in interpersonal skills and mental health, are more significant. Thus, while embracing the benefits of social media, it is essential to prioritize and preserve the traditional ways of communication.

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    gowthami bommieneni

    September 12, 2024 at 2:53 AM in reply to: Task 2 ( discuss both the views) : University or Job

    Some individuals think that pursuing higher education at a university or college is the optimal path to a prosperous career, whereas others feel that entering the workforce immediately after high school is more advantageous.

    On one hand, attending university or college allow individuals to gain in-depth knowledge in their chosen field of study. Additionally, lectures will provide you valuable guidance and support, helping students understand fundamental concepts and become familiar with latest technologies. This academic environment builds confidence and prepare graduate for their careers. For example, aspiring software engineers can benefit from numerous opportunities, as many organizations actively seek talented individuals. Graduates can also explore freelancing or even start their own companies.

    On the other hand, entering the workforce right after high school offers financial benefits. Instead of spending money on higher education, individuals can start earning immediately. However, this path comes with its own set of challenges. Without sufficient education, individuals may need to put in extra effort to overcome obstacles. Some may struggle with the lack of maturity and experience, potentially leading to stress or depression. For instance, my friend wanted to start a business, so he directly started one after high school instead of pursuing an MBA. Eventually, he experienced a lot of losses because he didn’t have knowledge of business management and went into depression. His family and friends struggled a lot to help him overcome depression. Later, he pursued his MBA, started a new business, and had a wonderful career.

    In my opinion, pursuing higher education provides individuals with the necessary knowledge and maturity to face challenges, ultimately leading to a successful career.

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      gowthami bommieneni

      September 17, 2024 at 6:19 AM in reply to: Task 2 ( discuss both the views) : University or Job

      Some individuals think that pursuing higher education at a university or college is the optimal path to a prosperous career, whereas others feel that entering the workforce immediately after high school is more advantageous. This essay will discuss both views and I opine that pursuing higher education is beneficial in career growth.

      On one hand, attending university or college allow individuals to gain in-depth knowledge in their chosen field of study. Additionally, lectures will provide you valuable guidance and support, helping students understand fundamental concepts and become familiar with latest technologies. This academic environment builds confidence and prepare graduate for their careers. For example, aspiring software engineers can benefit from numerous opportunities, as many organizations actively seek talented individuals. Graduates can also explore freelancing or even start their own companies.

      On the other hand, entering the workforce right after high school offers financial benefits. Instead of spending money on higher education, individuals can start earning immediately. Additionally, it depends the type of career individual choose, works that involve hard labor like Carpenter, Mason, construction worker and so on, then its better to join workforce directly as experience will help greatly in becoming expert. Also, there are people who had quit their studies and are successful in their careers like Mark Zuckerberg, dropped out of Harvard in his sophomore year to complete his project. While, there are few people who achieved their goal despite quitting their studies, there are many people who suffered due to lack of experience and maturity to deal issues. For instance, one of my friends wanted to start a business, so he directly started one after high school instead of pursuing an MBA. Eventually, he experienced a lot of losses because he didn’t have knowledge of business management and went into depression. His family and friends struggled a lot to help him overcome depression. Later, he pursued his MBA, started a new business, and had a wonderful career.

      In conclusion, pursuing higher education provides individuals with the necessary knowledge and maturity to face challenges, ultimately leading to a successful career.

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    gowthami bommieneni

    September 11, 2024 at 6:59 AM in reply to: Task 1 (Letter writing) : Extra ticket

    Hello Kate,

    I hope this letter finds you well! I have some incredible news to share with you. I recently been on a trip to Niagara with one of the famous travel agency in Canada and during trip I have participated in lottery conducted by agency. Surprisingly, I have won two tickets for all expenses paid holiday trip and I would be happy if you could join me.

    It is a seven day trip from Sept 20th, 2024 to Sept 27th, 2024 which includes flight tickets, stay at five star hotel which is near to beach, guided four day trip to local attractions, two days we can spend exploring local markets where we can completely indulge ourselves in shopping, last day we can relax at beach also we can enjoy spa during our stay which is free and included in the trip.

    I know you like exploring new places very much and we haven’t been on a trip together recently. This will be a good opportunity for us to enjoy. You need to carry passport, basic necessities and clothes required for one week stay.

    I will look forward to hear your confirmation and I hope we could create some wonderful memories together.

    Yours lovingly,

    Gowthami B

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    gowthami bommieneni

    September 9, 2024 at 3:51 AM in reply to: Writing Task 2: Problem -solution (life expectancy)

    In the modern world, due to health care, science and technology advances, living conditions are significantly improved, leading to increased mortality rate . Though, it is a remarkable achievement, it does cause many adverse effects.

    Firstly, with increase in elderly people, healthcare system faces increased pressure. Chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart problems and arthritis becomes more prevalent, requiring lot of medical care; thereby, results in increased medical costs and longer wait lines for medical care services.

    Secondly, active workforce decreases, as most of the elderly people could no longer work because of their increased age and health decay. Also, elderly people faces social challenges like loneliness and mental health issues which further needs care and attention of loved ones and hence shrinks workforce more. Additionally, elderly has to be provided with pension and social security, which strains government economically. Also, there will be depletion of natural resources leading to ecosystem imbalance .

    To overcome the adverse effects caused by increased life expectancy, government has to take few measures such as, Invest more In health care, improve medical services to ensure that demand will be met. Also, provide old age homes, to avoid elderly isolation and organizing communities, where elderly can gather and share their their invaluable experiences to youngsters, which helps them in excelling professionally and socially. Additionally, immigrating people from other countries will help in increasing work force.

    In conclusion, increased mortality rate has adverse effects on society and government has to take appropriate measures like investing more in health care, developing old age communities and immigrating people from other countries to overcome the crisis.

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    gowthami bommieneni

    September 2, 2024 at 5:05 PM in reply to: Letter writing (noise from a restaurant)

    Dear Mr. John,

    I am writing this letter to bring to your notice about the noise pollution caused by your restaurant recently.

    My name is Gowthami and we live on the same street as your restaurant and everyone in our family finds food from your restaurant delicious, but recently, there is a lot of noise coming from your restaurant, which is disturbing and affecting our lives. We work from home and in our profession, we have to attend a lot of meetings on a daily basis; nevertheless, the noise from your restaurant is making us unable to do work or attend meetings and also affecting our kids’ studies and sleep.

    Hereby, I would request the management to take quick measures to reduce noise, by improving sound insulation for your restaurant and also minimize speaker sound and usage, so that it won’t be disturbing others.

    Please try to resolve this issue immediately and in any case, if the noise persists then I would have to take legal action as it’s disturbing our personal and social activities.

    I Will look forward to seeing your utmost attention towards the issue.

    your sincerely,

    Gowthami B

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