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  • 6261353ee70c9 bpthumb


    June 2, 2022 at 7:02 PM in reply to: Task 1 (Academic): MAP


    The below map shows transformation of the Ryemounth village from 1995 till date.

    Overall, there have been distinct changes towards Southern and Eastern parts of the village, wherein the forest park is replaced with a tennis court whereas the fishing port no longer exists. The northern and western regions have seen minimal development over the years.

    In the year 1995 people mostly lived in the north and west parts of the village, presently they have built apartments by the sea replacing the fish market. Due to which the shops are replaced with a chain of restaurants opposite to the apartments. The hotel and the cafe still hold the same spot but now the hotel has a dedicated car park right next to it.

    The eastern region had a major transformation, the farmlands is converted to golf course for leisure, on the other hand, some part of forest park is enjoyed by tennis fans. We observe some housing apartments been built towards the west which now have a dedicated access road for them.

  • 6261353ee70c9 bpthumb


    May 30, 2022 at 6:51 PM in reply to: Task 2 ( discuss both the views) : University or Job


    A few people think attending a university or a college may have better career prospects whereas some believe primary education should suffice. By the time an individual completes his degree he is mature enough to enter the job market, that’s not the case when he completes his schooling. Degree programs have a practical approach and assist students in focusing more on their interests allowing them to choose a right career path.

    A degree helps in building a student’s personality, where the focus is not just on the overall education but also preparing the student for better career opportunities. The current education system is planned in such a way that an individual starts his career only when he is mature enough. The reason being, maturity plays a vital role in performing any job, this may be restricted to a person who has just completed his primary education. Furthermore, people have a different outlook for the students completing a degree and respect if passed out from a prestigious institute.

    Some job sectors require skilled labourers who don’t need a degree, for them basic education is more than enough to get started. Indeed, such sectors may be best options for students not willing to study further and want to support their family at an early age. There are a couple of drawbacks to this. Firstly, the child will be exposed to earnings at a tender age and may not manage funds efficiently, as a result this may lead to unnecessary spending and no savings. Secondly, their career progression will be limited to a particular sector or job duties, where they may not be able to climb up the ladder as they would want to.

    In conclusion, higher studies clearly helps in having better future prospects in comparison to choosing a profession post school has better career opportunities for skilled workers.

  • 6261353ee70c9 bpthumb


    May 30, 2022 at 4:14 PM in reply to: Academic Task-1 ( pie chart)


    The given pie graphs show a percentage comparison on how the Chinese spent on essential household goods for the years 1995 and 2011 respectively.

    Overall, expenditure on medicine had a slight rise whereas spending on food items saw a significant drop. Moreover spends on household goods and clothing didn’t increase much.

    During the year 1995, Medicine was the least spent essential item at 4% on the other hand a large amount was spent on food items. This changed in 2011, where expenditure on food items had dipped by 9% and medicine had climbed by 7%.

    Spends on household goods and Clothing didn’t really have a significant change over the years in China. Clothing contributed to 19% in 1995 and took a small dip of 1% by 2011. Household goods jumped to 3% increase in 2011 from 9% in 1995.

    To summarize, household goods and clothing had a slight increase in consumption over the years while food spends saw a major decline.

  • 6261353ee70c9 bpthumb


    May 19, 2022 at 8:02 PM in reply to: Task1 (Bar graph)


    The given bar graph illustrates the amount spent in million pounds on junk food items such as Hamburger, Fish & Chips and Pizza by various income groups in the UK.

    Overall, it is observed that people who earned more spent more on the Hamburger whereas the Pizza was least consumed by the poor. Average Income group spent more on Fish & Chips in comparison with the other two groups.

    The wealthy spent almost the same amount on Hamburger; 47 Million Pounds, which was spent by Average and Low groups combined. Fish & Chips were consumed equally by the wealthy and the poor whereas Average Income group consumed it more; 24 Million Pounds. Pizza was least favorite amongst all, high income group being the only exception where the expenditure was just 13% more than Fish & Chips.

    People with less earnings spent the least on the fast foods, their combined expenditure of 38 million pounds didn’t even match high income group’s hamburger expenses. Fish & Chips were enjoyed the most by group with average earnings. Their expenditure was nearly 53% higher than the rich and poor.

  • 6261353ee70c9 bpthumb


    May 18, 2022 at 7:00 PM in reply to: Task 1 (Line graph : Goods transported)


    The graph below shows the quantities of goods transported in the UK between 1974 and 2002 by four different modes of transport.

    The line graph showcases various methods used in transportation of goods in million tonnes in the UK for a time-span of 28 years.

    Overall, there were 4 modes; Road, water, rail and pipeline. Water and Rail transportation delivered same of goods at the beginning but Rail became less common and sea delivery increased significantly. Road transportation kept on climbing while pipeline method made a steady increase.

    At the start of the year Road transport was at peak delivering nearly 70 million tonnes whereas Pipeline was least used delivering <10 Million tonnes. Water transport was an instant hit capturing 50% of the market in less than 10 years whereas Rail lost its popularity over the years only to regain its 40 million tonnes market share at the end of the 2002.

    All the methods utilized for delivery made a significant rise over the span of 3 decades. Road transport never really lost its popularity and held the prime spot whereas waterways and Pipeline had their own ups and downs.

  • 6261353ee70c9 bpthumb


    May 18, 2022 at 6:14 PM in reply to: Academic Task-1 ( Line graph)


    The given line graphs educate us with the Demand for Steel and the Number of labourers employed for the year 2010.

    Overall, these graphs show us the trends in the steel industry which started on a high at beginning of the year. There were regular ups & downs throughout the year later concluding the year with a low.

    During the start of the year Amount produced was 4000 million tonnes and was climbing steadily. Employees were increasing slowly at 10% for the first 2 months starting at 5000. In the next 2 months the number of workers showed a steep decline to 3000, impacting the amount manufactured. By the mid of the year there was a gradual increase in the demand of 55%. Even though the worker count was reduced by 50% the production was always higher.

    By the end of the year, the demand came back to where it was at the start of the year; 2000 million tonnes, but the amount manufactured and the number of workers saw a drastic decline of 77% and 81% respectively.

  • 6261353ee70c9 bpthumb


    May 17, 2022 at 6:46 PM in reply to: Academic Task-1 ( Line graph)


    The given line graphs educate us with the Demand for Steel in million tones and the Number of labourers employed for the year 2010.

    These graphs specifically talk about the UK where they elaborate the demand by comparing the amount produced against the actual demand.

    During the start of the year there was a steady increase in the amount produced and the man-force available while the requirement was slowly paced. Within a couple of months the amount of workers showed a steep decline affecting the amount manufactured. By the mid of the year there was a steady increase in the demand but the amount manufactured was always higher surprisingly the worker count had almost reduced to half.

    Over the next 3 months all the aspects had their own ups and downs. For the last quarter things went haywire. By the end of the calendar year, even with the ups and downs the demand came back to where it was at the start of the year but the amount manufactured and the workers available saw a drastic decline.

  • 6261353ee70c9 bpthumb


    May 10, 2022 at 7:04 PM in reply to: Task 2: (Agree/disagree) : Money management


    Teenagers should be trained on managing their finances to excel in life. Because they are naive and make purchases which may disturb their financial planning. If they are coached on money management skills they will make informed decisions and won’t get trapped in the debt burden.

    Students are trained on skills which are required to perform a particular job. Educating them on life skills will help them succeed in life. Indeed it’s not easy to learn this skill it requires years of practice. Business tycoons have always been recommending to save or to invest, undoubtedly this is the best encouragement anyone would get.

    Financial security gives a sense of accomplishment. All of us work day in and out to earn money but it is crucial to know how to save it. What’s the purpose of earning when the funds aren’t available during emergencies? During tough times money plays an important role in giving a helping hand to an individual.

    In conclusion, if students are exposed to monetary management and planning at an early stage they would understand the value of it. They would make analytical decisions based on past experiences. Education system today mostly focuses on a specific area of development of students but such skill training sessions will help them to understand the world outside better. Clearly it is important to make today’s youth understand the importance of financial planning.

  • 6261353ee70c9 bpthumb


    May 9, 2022 at 7:05 PM in reply to: Task 2: (Agree/disagree) : Money management


    Money management is a life skill and should be known to every individual. High school students are teenagers, who are intimidated to purchase expensive products. They do not realize value of such purchases will only depreciate in the future. Instead, they should learn to invest their earnings. This age group is naive and don’t realize the importance of managing money. They should be educated by their parents or teachers at school on money management.

    Only a handful of people succeed in life, the reason? Because ‘They know how to manage their money’. At some point in their life these ‘successful’ people were just ‘ordinary’ people, what made them different is the way they managed their finances. Money management is not just about saving money, but spending it wisely. ‘Warren Buffet’ a business tycoon suggests spending only 50% what you earn, investing 30% of it and saving 20%.

    Teenagers’ now-a-days want to live a lavish lifestyle, there is no harm in this, everyone dreams of this lifestyle. But they don’t realize the efforts and sacrifices needed to achieve this. It’s definitely not a ‘walk in the park’ but years of hard work and proper planning to live a lifestyle they admire. At an age where there no responsibilities, students are bound to make wrong decisions, proper guidance will stop them from doing so.

    It’s high time now the educational institutes should have training sessions where they can train students on important life skills. When these students complete their education they are just job-ready and not life-ready. Educating them on both will create a pathway for them to become successful. Life skill trainings will boost their confidence as they will know for sure that they have been trained on everything and there is nothing stopping them to succeed.

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