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    June 16, 2022 at 1:55 PM in reply to: Task1 (Bar graph)

    The above diagram depicts the Expenditure done by different income groups in UK on fast food items. The units will be measured in million pounds.

    Overall, it can be seen hamburger is preferred by masses in UK and people spent generously on it in contrast to other edible items (Fish& chips and pizza).

    As you will see from this graph, high yield group and average yield group contributed almost 45 million pounds and 33 million pounds towards the purchase of Hamburger. Despite occasional fluctuations an upward trend was also seen in pickup of pizza by High earning class in comparison to another category. Whereas a slight increase in the sales of Fish & chips was spotted among the Average income batch by 10 million pound in distinction to other earning category.

    Glaringly, a downturn was there in buying of pizza by 7 million pounds and 12 million pounds amid average earning category and low earning category in estimation with high earning category. On the other hand, same level of purchase of fish & chips was noticed between High pay group and low-pay group. @fal

  • 94d9542af5b9d98397b72a2d1011ec50?s=80&r=g&d=wavatar


    May 31, 2022 at 2:12 PM in reply to: Academic Task-1 ( pie chart)

    The above pie chart illustrates the relative spending done by China household on necessary goods in 1995 and 2011. The spending will be shown in the form of percentage.

    Overall, it can be seen, food was a major attraction for people of China ,that is the reason they spent lavishly on food in contrast to other domestic items like food, clothing, and medicine.

    Glaringly, food purchase scored the first position catering to 68% in 1995 and 59% in 2011, yet a significant decrease can also be seen in this area in 2011. In terms of expense, other position was backed by clothes, individuals spent generously with a slight decrease of 1% in 2011 in contrast to 1995.

    However, focusing further a sharp rise was noticeable in purchase of medicine with an increment of 7% in 2011. Earlier it was just 4% in 1995. Moreover, a slight rise with 3% was also spotted in pick up of household goods in 2011. @fal

  • 94d9542af5b9d98397b72a2d1011ec50?s=80&r=g&d=wavatar


    May 31, 2022 at 2:00 PM in reply to: Academic Task-1 ( pie chart)

    The above pie chart illustrates the relative spending done by China household on necessary goods in 1995 and 2011. The spending will be shown in the form of percentage.

    Overall, it can be seen, food was a major source of attraction for people of China ,that is the reason they spent lavishly on food in contrast, to other domestic items like food, clothing, and medicine.

    Glaringly, food purchase scored the first position catering to 68% in 1995 and 59% in 2011, yet a significant decrease with 10% can also be seen in this area in 2011. In terms of expense, other position was backed by clothes, individuals spent generously with a slight decrease of 1% in 2011 in contrast to 1995.

    However, focusing further a sharp rise was noticeable in purchase of medicine with an increment of 7% in 2011. Earlier it was just 4% in 1995. Moreover, a slight rise with 3% was also spotted in pick up of household goods in 2011. @fal

  • 94d9542af5b9d98397b72a2d1011ec50?s=80&r=g&d=wavatar


    May 19, 2022 at 11:58 AM in reply to: Task 1 (Bar chart) : expenditure on consumer goods

    The above bar graph depicts the relative spending done by two countries that is France & UK on consumer goods in 2010. The units will be measured in pounds sterling.

    Overall, it can be seen UK spend more on consumer goods, in comparison to the expenditure done by French people on purchasing of goods.

    In 2010, the major demand was seen of cars in UK, people spent generously on its purchase amounting to 4,50,000 pounds. Followed by cars a significant rise was also seen in take of books adding up to 4,00,000 pounds and cameras coming up to 3,50,000 pounds in UK. However, in terms of computer and perfumes pick up, UK showed a marginal decline in contrast to France.

    In 2010, Although French people spend less on cars & books summing up to 4,00,000 & 3,00,000 pounds respectively in line with UK. A noticeable fall in buy of cameras with 2,00,000 pounds was worth eye catching. Whereas a different pattern emerged in buy of computers and perfumes in France catering to rise of 50,000 pounds in both the areas in study with UK.

  • 94d9542af5b9d98397b72a2d1011ec50?s=80&r=g&d=wavatar


    May 12, 2022 at 9:44 PM in reply to: Task 2 (Discuss both the views) : Computers

    In today’s global era it is undebatable that digital access in the education world have opened multiple channels for common people to access more information making it easy for them to explore on any topic or segment. But somewhere I strongly believe that normal education system not only roots up the overall personality of a person at the same time curbs the sedentary lifestyle as well.

    As we all know, in traditional pedagogy interaction between students is more which in turn provides favorable environment to learn about other classmates. It not only encourages higher level of competence among students in fact the social environment that is created is perfect to built one’s character and personality. Better discipline and a sense of direction is what best served in regular teaching.

    At the same time, it has been seen that internet has provided mass outburst of information for common people. Students can work at their own pace which at many levels has helped them to do extensive research catering to more realistic examples available all over the net. Plus, students can study from any part of the world by simply using online platforms such as google classroom or zoom etc. if they have approach to computers & internet connection. However regardless to the above benefits, I still hold that regular schooling emphasis more on learning aspect and control the mobile way of living.

    In conclusion, admittedly electronic brains enlarge the center of information for Humans. On the other hand, I firmly stand with a viewpoint that education is not all about the subject knowledge but also about developing social and behavioral skills among students which strengthens over time.

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