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    Sadaf Mulla

    September 18, 2024 at 2:22 PM in reply to: Writing Task 2: Advantages and disadvantages

    These days, whenever we turn on television or newspapers we read about the impact of social media on everyone around. There are concerns with regards to less physical interaction among people and families. Today i am going to write from my perspective the advantages and disadvantages and conclude it.

    First of all, Social network has broken barriers of communication among people all around the world. It has made the networking very easy, where one can send a message or do a video call to his friend or family with just one click without personally meeting them. Secondly, schools and colleges have started using social networking sites like facebook or whatspp groups more than their school portal or notice board to pass the information. As per them, the information is reaching students faster. For example, some students were panicking since they were not very clear on the project topic which was supposed to be submitted next day, however, all teachers collectively decided to provide them 2 more days and informed them through social media in the evening which gave them breathing space.

    On the other hand, there is a negative effect of social media among everyone. Mankind is exposed to lots of information which is confusing and challenging at times. So, people are not able to take correct decisions. Secondly, whatever is posted or searched on social media is immediately captured by marketing companies or hackers. For example, people start getting ads on their networking sites Instantaneously after their search which is alarming.

    To conclude, that advantages outweigh disadvantages of social media. Although, there are negative impact on people, but i firmly believe that if its used in an appropriate way can benefit and can have a positive impact on every individuals.

  • 66ebc9c9749b5 bpthumb

    Sadaf Mulla

    September 17, 2024 at 2:39 PM in reply to: Writing Task 2: Advantages and disadvantages

    The use of social media is replacing face-to-face interaction among many people in society.

    Discuss advantages and disadvantages

    Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

    Social media has played an important role in everyone’s life in todays world, one cannot stay without mobile or social media. They can share their views or comments on particular topic from wherever they are. It has made everyone’s life little easy. However, face to face interaction has taken a back seat in the society.

    Firstly, I would like to discuss the advantages of social media. <strong style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;”>It has got people closed to each other around the world. Anyone can interact with each other through social media. In Covid times, people had the only option to stay connected with their families who were staying in different countries, cities or even neighbourhood, since we couldn’t personally meet them due to the situation. Most of the teenagers and adults started earning alot throught these platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok. Quiet a few became sensational and got millions of subscriber which made a profound impression on the new generation to select social media as their career option. Others used this platform for online courses even lot of them has done their distance learning and acquired a degree through social media.

    <strong style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;”>Secondly, there are some disagreement also like face to face communication has reduced among familes, friends and acquaintance. Our tolerance level has come to stagnant where one is not able to understand the feelings or the way the other person passes his message. Emotionally everyone is bizarre and rather than talking to their friends or family they prefer counsellor’s to talk to you. Specially teenagers have lot of pressure in proving themselves on the social media behind the camera. They are lots of buzz that these content creators are not able to speak in public with confident without a script. Apart from these, there are lots of other disadvantages like, poor eyesight, addiction of using social media among younger generation, small kids are not eating their food without indulging in youtube shorts or Instagram reels some of which are not giving them any knowledge or education.

    <strong style=”background-color: var(–bb-content-background-color); font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;”><em class=””>To conclude this, as much as advantages outweigh the disadvantages I would like to say if it is used in an appropriate way and not get addicted to it and waste lot of your time on social media than its a very positive impact. One can use this platform to upgrade themself, their self confidence, public speaking skills, writing skills, and many more. It will have an exceptional benefit on grooming yourself. And addionationally you can earn your livelihood through this. So for me social media has a lot of advantages for everyone.

  • 66ebc9c9749b5 bpthumb

    Sadaf Mulla

    September 9, 2024 at 5:41 PM in reply to: Letter writing (noise from a restaurant)

    Dear Sir,

    I am writing this letter to complain regarding the noise coming from your newly opened restaurant in the locality.

    My name is Sharon D’Souza and i express my discomfort with regards to the loud music played in the restaurant after 10 PM.

    I have my old parents who are on medications, and they sleep by 10 PM. However, due to the traffic and loud music noise they are unable to sleep and this has affected their health tremendously.

    I would like to request you to kindly lower your music volume by 10 PM and control the traffic honking by getting the valet parking guy, so the drivers dont honk to get their orders, etc.

    I hope that my request is taken into consideration and going forward we dont have to face similar issue or else I will be forced to make a complain against your restaurant to the nearby police station.

    I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.

    Your sincerely,

    Sharon D’Souza

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