FacultyForum Replies Created
Feedback: Need to work on specific feature & detailed information along with sentence types.
Band: 2/3 -
Feedback: well executed, defined every information accordingly, a bit work required on specific feature of the diagram.
Band: 2.5/3 -
Feedback: Content is sufficient but execution again got failed, Really need to work on Sentence formation – (me & my family ‘Should be” My family & I) & also need to understand the use of “Having” as it should not be used in any condition with “Gerund Form”.
Band: 1/3 -
Feedback: Need to work on Introduction & required information as all thee bullet points were not approached accordingly.
Band: 1/3 -
Feedback: Approach is quite good, Found less use of Grammatical Range & also unnecessary Grammatical error –
We’ll gonna have lot of fun – Incorrect
We’ll have lot of fun-
Band: 1/3 -
Feedback: Very well executed & approached all three bullet points, Need to work on more complex sentences (Range).
Band: 1.5/3 -
Feedback: Introduction needs to be improved as the given information in the questing was not paraphrased accordingly in terms of sentence formation rest need to work on cohesive devises.
Band: 3.5/6 -
Feedback: Well attempt to approach every point required but execution got failed as Introduction needs to be improved along with rest of the cohesive devices & also work on sentence formation as per letter requirement, few grammatical errors were also found. Need rigorous practice on the format.
Band: 1/3 -
MemberJune 7, 2021 at 12:25 AM in reply to: IELTS Essay Writing – 6 (Wasting money on the arts)Feedback: Approach is not as good as it should be through out the task & also A very limited range of structures with only rare use of subordinate clauses & unnecessary grammatical errors, less than 250 words are found & that too there is no relevant examples were found..
Band: 1.5/6 -
MemberJune 7, 2021 at 12:20 AM in reply to: IELTS Essay Writing – 6 (Wasting money on the arts)Feedback: Really need to work on thought process & practice a lot to understand the pattern required in task 2, as found lot of errors.
Band: 1.5/6 -
MemberJune 7, 2021 at 12:14 AM in reply to: IELTS Essay Writing – 6 (Wasting money on the arts)Feedback: A very limited range of structures with only rare use of subordinate clauses & unnecessary grammatical errors, less than 250 words are found.
Band: 1.5/6 -
MemberJune 7, 2021 at 12:11 AM in reply to: IELTS Essay Writing – 6 (Wasting money on the arts)Feedback: Need to work on relevant examples as found nothing & few ore complex (Grammatical Range) as well.
Band: 2.5/6 -
MemberJune 7, 2021 at 12:06 AM in reply to: IELTS Essay Writing – 6 (Wasting money on the arts)Feedback: Lot of grammatical errors found & formation was also not there, need to work on “Grammatical accuracy, Sentence formation, & Unnecessarily Grammatical & errors”, Need to work on thought process a lot, the word limit should also not cross up to 280 words max.
Band: 2/6 -
MemberJune 6, 2021 at 11:56 PM in reply to: IELTS Essay Writing – 6 (Wasting money on the arts)Feedback: Lot of errors in terms of formation and verb forms “Grammatical accuracy, Sentence formation, & Unnecessarily Grammatical & errors”, Need to work on thought process.
Band: 2/6 -
MemberJune 6, 2021 at 10:02 PM in reply to: IELTS Essay Writing – 6 (Wasting money on the arts)Feedback: Really need to work on “Grammatical accuracy, Sentence formation, & Unnecessarily Grammatical & errors”.
Band: 2.5/6 -
MemberJune 6, 2021 at 9:43 PM in reply to: IELTS Essay Writing – 6 (Wasting money on the arts)Feedback: well tried but failed in execution, need to work on sentence types (Grammatical Range) as found very less instead compound and simple with relevant information.
Band: 3/6 -
MemberJune 6, 2021 at 9:22 PM in reply to: IELTS Essay Writing – 6 (Wasting money on the arts)Feedback: Needs to work on unnecessary grammatical errors, sentence formation, linking words, & content along with the relevant example in general which was not found.
Band: 3/6 -
MemberJune 6, 2021 at 8:57 PM in reply to: IELTS Essay Writing – 6 (Wasting money on the arts)Feedback: contact could be more relevant as per question’s requirement with more linking words.
Band: 4/6 -
MemberJune 6, 2021 at 8:29 PM in reply to: IELTS Essay Writing – 6 (Wasting money on the arts)Feedback: Introduction could be improved as the exact formation is copied instead paraphrasing, contact could be more relevant as per question’s requirement with more linking words.
Band: 4/6 -
Feedback: well attempt to approach the task, content should be more precise and cohesive & range of sentences could have been well utilised.
Band: 2.5/6 -
Feedback: Really need to work on introduction as it’s arduous to get the meaning out of it, rest grammatical accuracy didn’t work well.
Band: 2/6 -
Good going, need to improve grammatical accuracy, sentence formation & few more connectors (linking words) along with relevant example.
Band: 3.5/6 -
Need to work unnecessary grammatical & spelling errors & sentence formation.
Band: 3/6 -
Good attempt, but need to work on Introduction, cohesive devise & structure of sentences (Grammatical Range)
Band: 3/6 -
Feedback: The answer has an appropriate introduction which the candidate has attempted to express in his own words. There is good coverage of the data and a brief reference to contrasting trends. The answer can be followed although it is rather repetitive and cohesive devices are overused. In order to gain a higher mark for content, Sentences are long but lack complexity. There are some errors in tense, verb
form and spelling which interfere slightly with the flow of the answer.Band 6
Feedback: Need to work on complex & cohesive devise bit more. Rest approach is good.
Band: 1/3 -
Feedback: Good use of linking words, well approached all bullet points, However, few sentence formation are found unstructured. Therefore, need to work on related words and execution of formation.
Band: 1/3
Feedback: Well attempt to approach every point required but execution got failed as Introduction needs to be improved along with rest of the cohesive devices & also work on sentence formation as per letter requirement.
Band: 1/3 -
Good work on information & execution of three bullet points.
Feedback: Need to work on grammatical range and cohesive devise bit more.
Band: 1.5/3