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  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    October 19, 2021 at 11:25 AM in reply to: Academic Task-1 ( Line graph)


  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    November 10, 2021 at 1:11 PM in reply to: Opinion Essay [Customer Reviews]

    Feedback : Word limit of minimum 250 words needs to be maintained

    reviews online of a (for a) particular product before

    will discuss on the importance ( discuss the importance); no preposition is required

    Topic sentences could have been more effective

    Band : 3/6

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    November 10, 2021 at 12:54 PM in reply to: Opinion Essay [Customer Reviews]

    Feedback : Word limit of minimum 250 words needs to be maintained. Use Cohesive devices wisely.

    Band : 3/6

    Keep writing!

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    November 10, 2021 at 10:58 AM in reply to: Task 2 (discuss both views)- Protecting environment

    Feedback : Make use of transition words to establish logical sequence throughout the paragraph.

    Try to use punctuations for better understanding

    Topic sentences of each body paragraph could have been more effective

    other people say that it is responsible for individuals as well (individuals are responsible as well)

    Band : 2.5/6

    Keep practicing!!

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    November 8, 2021 at 9:30 AM in reply to: Writing Task 2: Advantages and disadvantages

    The advancements made in technology is (are)

    it will include isolation and becoming lethargic ( The sentences are incomplete; at times subjects are missing or at times collocation errors are there)

    When physical interactions doesn’t happen (don’t happen)

    pushing themselves to dangerous (sedentary) lifestyle

    Feedback: Examples are missing, avoid being repetitive with the vocabulary. Be careful with “Subject- verb” agreement. Need to work on sentence structure, in order to make complex sentences try not to loose the basic essence of the content.

    Band: 2/6

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    November 2, 2021 at 11:15 PM in reply to: Formal Letter of Apology – GT

    well written. Keep writing!!

    Band : 2.5/3

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    November 2, 2021 at 9:35 AM in reply to: IELTS Essay Writing – 4 (Crimes)

    Feedback : Be careful with subject -verb agreement – The rate of crimes are (is) increasing

    Marjor (Major)

    Make use of cohesive devices to make the information more clear (to show contrast or to support the details)

    opening statement of body paragraph 2, could be more effective (as it is what other section of society thinks)

    We can aware such people ( such people can be made aware) – avoid we, our, us , you etc. until and unless your opinion is being asked as it tends to informal tone.

    It is mentioned in the introduction that writer agrees on former statement , however conclusion is in accordance with latter one.

    Work on sentence structure

    No examples found

    Band : 2.5/6

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    November 2, 2021 at 8:50 AM in reply to: Task 2 : (discuss both views- Art )

    Feedback : Thesis statement could be more effective. Make use of punctuations after connectors (on one hand, on the other hand,)

    curriculam (curriculum)

    This is were (where) art is an

    career on (in)

    No examples found

    Avoid usage of personal pronouns in general statement

    Use range of sentence structures

    Band : 2.5/6

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    November 2, 2021 at 8:27 AM in reply to: Task 2 : (discuss both views- Art )

    Feedback : Well written, although example in body paragraph would be appreciated.

    Band : 4/6

    Keep writing!

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    October 25, 2021 at 9:37 AM in reply to: WRITING TASK 2- ADVANTAGE DISADVANTAGE ESSAY

    widely spoke(n)

    it (is) also the reason

    let’s discuss (informal)

    Firstly, because of(of not required) everyone is known to English language

    it is also a benefit (beneficial)

    India is one of the most popular tourist country(countries)

    Feedback : Need to work on sentence formation and grammatical skills. Usage of cohesive devices is not convincing. Logical connection among sentences is missing.

    Band : 1.5/6

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    October 25, 2021 at 9:24 AM in reply to: WRITING TASK 2- ADVANTAGE DISADVANTAGE ESSAY

    Feedback : main pros and cons can be mentioned in thesis statement

    other States for tourism (states, not a proper noun)

    Otherwise, well-executed

    Band : 3.5/6

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    October 25, 2021 at 8:59 AM in reply to: Writing Task 2: Problem -solution (life expectancy)

    Feedback : Avoid personal pronouns especially in introduction

    Every people ( is wrong usage as every is singular in usage)

    By this way people (are) suffering

    By this way people suffering economically and also the growth of nation deteriorates.(maintain parallelism; either keep both ideas in continuous form or indefinite)

    Solutions (as asked in question ) should be in distinct paragraph , not in conclusion.

    stick to Task-2 structure.

    Work on sentence structure

    Band : 2/6

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    October 25, 2021 at 8:47 AM in reply to: Studying grammar is more important than practising conversation skills. Discuss

    well-written and supported perfectly with examples.

    In formal writings, we tend to avoid usage of personal pronouns.

    Keep writing!!

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    October 25, 2021 at 8:33 AM in reply to: GT Letter Writing Task 1: Formal Letter

    I am writing this letter to express my dissatisfaction at (with your hotel facilities during meeting organised by our company) your hotel for the meeting organized for our company.

    our team were unhappy (was unhappy ; team is a collective noun)

    Feedback : Task-1 should be of minimum 150 words. Stick to letter structure as discussed ; bullet points in distinct paragraph. Need to work on sentence structure.

    Band : 1/3

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    October 23, 2021 at 7:51 AM in reply to: Writing Task 2: Problem -solution (life expectancy)

    Introduction could be more in adherence with question as it demands problems , not reasons

    individuals will have to bare (bear) the additional

    Introduce the argument and develop it fully; move on to next one rather than rephrasing it repeatedly

    Work on Grammatical range and sentence structures.

    Band: 2.5/6

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    October 20, 2021 at 11:22 AM in reply to: ACADEMIC WRITINK TASK 1: DIAGRAM- LIFE CYCLE

    Feedback : Very well written. Keep it up

    Band : 2.5/3

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    October 20, 2021 at 9:59 AM in reply to: Writing Task 2: Problem -solution (life expectancy)

    Introduction : It should not be just the background related to topic , but paraphrasing , thesis and outline statement needs to be there

    the older one gets the more medical attention they require (they require more medical attention)

    The older one gets the more medical attention they require. Hence, they require a considerable amount of medical and emotional attention. : Avoid being repetitive by just rephrasing the structure.

    Feedback : Use cohesive devices to add more clarity . No example found

    Band : 2.5/6

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    October 19, 2021 at 10:20 PM in reply to: GT LETTER WRITING TASK 1- LETTER OF ADVICE

    kalai,(Kalai) : Proper noun

    Band score : 2/3

    Keep writing!!

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    October 19, 2021 at 9:56 PM in reply to: Writing Task 2: Advantages and disadvantages

    the excessive (use) of anything has side effects,/( The excess of anything)

    With a greater number of using Social media( owing to its various benefits), the demand for Social Media services increased.

    (To conclude,)The advantages and opportunities of use of Social Media outweigh the disadvantages and limitations due to it

    Feedback : Disadvantages could be more aligned to the question as how social media is impacting the verbal skills and emotional quotient perhaps (feeling of isolation, fear of conversations and many more other than that no complaints.

    Band : 3/6

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    October 16, 2021 at 10:46 AM in reply to: Letter Writing -4 (Lost Item)

    i (I) need to claim ( throughout the letter)

    (This was a new phone which) I recently bought Samsung galaxy s10

    cohesive devices and grammar range could be more effective.

    Keep practicing!

    Band : 1.5/3

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    October 16, 2021 at 10:35 AM in reply to: ACADEMIC TASK 1: MAP

    The two maps depicts ( depict)

    that serviced ( served)

    comparison of details needs to be more effective

    Band : 2/3

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    October 16, 2021 at 10:18 AM in reply to: Task 1 : Manufacturing process

    through holes, which transformed into pellet ( which transforms fibers into pellets).

    Make use of cohesive devices to make process more precise (initially/ the first step, finally , followed by, next, in the subsequent stage, before, after etc.)

    Band :1.5/3

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    October 16, 2021 at 9:55 AM in reply to: Task2 : Blood sports

    people raise objections about banning about the blood sports as it is a brutal game ( people agree to the idea of prohibiting such brutal activities)

    an inappropriate way of earning ( attaining) the entertainment

    This means ( to elaborate)

    the engagement of (animals in ) such sports is somehow( clearly projects inhumanity prevailing in the society) level of inhumanity

    someone(‘s) entertainment

    Feedback : work on handwriting , some words are not even legible, stick to formal words. Proof read is must to avoid silly mistakes. Keep writing!

    Band : 3.5/6

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    October 13, 2021 at 11:30 PM in reply to: Writing Task 2: Advantages and disadvantages

    People throughout the world uses (use) social media to communicate with other(s)(,) using social media platforms (social networking sites) like email, Whatsapp, Facebook, and so many (many more). They prefer to contact with( through) social media rather than face-face (actual interaction) contact because to connect instantly ( as it offers instant connection). (However,) it also includes some drawbacks like depending on electronics devices and privacy issues. Here we will ( this essay will discuss) discuss both benefits and disadvantages briefly.
    Mainly, the digital communication system plays major role in human development. It provides wide variety of features including distant learning, remote working, connecting with people irrespective of place and time. For instance, social media (has) become main source of communication of distance family and friends through video or audio call with no need of charges to contact. Particularly in this global covid-19 pandemic, world depends on social media to stay connected with people in office, family and public to get information and support. It helps (to make ) people more productive and safes (ensures regular contact) relationship in regular contact. Furthermore, It helps people to virtually participate in important family functions include birthday parties, anniversary celebration and so on.
    Even though social media has more benefits, it has some adverse effects (too). in communicate virtually. Specially offspring(s) loses(lose) their interest to communicate in this mode. The online education has limitation to involve them in practical education and also chances of social skills not developed that includes behaviour, personal development, sharing habits. It affects the chances of exploring the places, people and culture along with face-face meeting. Sometimes depending on electronic devices affects health by eye dryness, stress, radiation exposure.
    To conclude, i ( I) believe that usage of social media is more beneficial in evolution of people in society. With improvement in technologies ,people should educate themselves to how to optimize it for (better) communication (and) to avoid health affects

    Feedback: follow essay structure, Make distinct paragraphs. No example found, use punctuation marks to add clarity. Follow the corrections made.

    Band : 2.5/6

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    October 12, 2021 at 8:59 AM in reply to: Task 2 : GM foods (agree/disagree)

    The (There has been an) exponential increase in the world population,as compared to the past-decades.

    world have come up (with) GM foods

    I would argue that there are some other methods to overcome this issue. ( this argument has not been developed in the entire essay ); no example found

    Band : 3.5/6

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    October 12, 2021 at 8:52 AM in reply to: Task 2 : GM foods (agree/disagree)

    However, I strongly disagree due to (owing to) various health concerns.

    one of the biggest (such) advantage(s)/ The biggest advantage is

    It has significantly faster growth rate (Crop yield is significantly higher as compared to conventional ones)

    as this (these )is (are) not natural (bio-engineered)

    In conclusion, GM foods/genetically modified crops have its (their) own benefits

    No example found.

    Band : 3/6

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    October 11, 2021 at 8:41 AM in reply to: WRITING TASK 2- ADVANTAGE DISADVANTAGE ESSAY

    Feedback : Word limit for Task2 is minimum 250 words.

    In Introduction, outline statement should be in adherence with the question (advantages and disadvantages) . Include main points in thesis statement.

    Follow the structure of essay , advantages and disadvantages need to be fully developed with explanation in distinct paragraphs along with suitable examples.

    Grammar accuracy : make use of verbs cautiously

    Band : 2/6

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    October 10, 2021 at 11:53 PM in reply to: IELTS Academic Writing (Pie Chart)

    The pie charts compares (compare) online shopping

    online sales of electronics and appliance was (the) highest in Canada in 2005

    but (while) in 2010, online sales of food & beverage and video games increased

    As is presented in (2005) pie chart, electronics and appliance

    Feedback : comparison and contrast of details needs to be more effective. Avoid Repetitive usage of sentences , work on sentence structure.

    Band : 1.5/3

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    October 10, 2021 at 11:30 PM in reply to: Writing task 2 (Direct/Two-parts question)

    Feedback. : Example in Body paragraph first could be more elaborated.

    Therefore, Children (children) who were never forced to study.

    Band: 3.5/6

    Keep practising!!

  • 60ff02010768f bpthumb


    October 6, 2021 at 3:00 PM in reply to: IELTS Academic Writing (Pie Chart)

    The pie charts depicts (depict)

    from 2005 to 2010 ( in 2005 and 2010)

    B.P 1 : Electronics and appliance and food and beverages were the largest sellers (captured more than 60 percent )

    increased with 10 % ( increased by 10%)

    which acted oppositely with same difference (?)

    Band : Work on grammatical range .


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